"By the way, since you are intelligence agents, what is your mission? Do you know why Captain Sasaura was killed?"Officer Megure asked.

The faces of the captain and Fujii Nanami became very ugly. They didn't know whether they should tell Li Mu and others.

"For this, we need to ask the Ministry of Defense and we need their consent."The captain said helplessly.

Although he wanted to say it, it was military intelligence after all. How could he tell this matter?

"What? Also ask the Ministry of Defense. Are you kidding me? This is a matter of life and death."

Moori Kogoro said dissatisfied.

Miwako walked forward directly and walked towards the computer on the desk.

"Since you don't say it, let us do it ourselves."

Li Mu grabbed Miwako and looked at Miwako's somewhat angry face seriously.

"Miwako, if your police had any secrets, would you tell others? And if you think about them, if military secrets are leaked, they will have to go to military court."

Although Li Mu didn't know what the military court's trial was based on.

But Li Mu knew that if they went to the military court, these people were basically finished.

Miwazi naturally understood this and became entangled in her heart.

"However, how can we investigate this matter if they don't tell me. But

Officer Megure knew the general situation well and said directly:"Sato, don't say it. We are the police. We can't harm other people to court martial in order to solve the case for ourselves. In this case, let's go to the higher-ups for instructions and let the Ministry of Defense give us instructions." Our permissions."

The captain and Fujii Nanami breathed a sigh of relief. At least they don't have to worry about this matter anymore.

Miwako felt a little unwilling, but she didn't say anything and could only stand behind

"It's not necessary, Officer Megure. Although they can't say it, it's not like we can't ask. So, Captain, I say, don't answer. If you think what I said is wrong, just say it is wrong. If it is right, don't say anything."Li Mu said confidently.

The captain looked at Li Mu who was serious, hesitated for a moment, and then nodded.

Li Mu took a step forward, glanced at the computer next to him, and said with a raised corner of his mouth:"If my guess is right, there should be The spy is investigating the Aegis, and Captain Sasaura is either an investigator or an accomplice of the spy, right?"

The captain trembled inwardly, but didn't say much.

Officer Memu understood, nodded and said:"I see, is he a spy? No wonder he didn't tell us the police, after all, it needs to be kept secret."

The captain still didn't speak.

Li Mu continued:"In this case, if someone uses a computer to send messages to other people, then as long as you investigate the computer and then investigate the recipient of the message, you can identify that person and catch him.."

Fujii Nanami's eyes lit up and she quickly said:"Yes, let's investigate and find the direction of that person."

"Our police have surveillance systems to investigate the direction of that person."Officer Megure said

"Okay, now we just need to do a good investigation and wait a while. It won't take long to find out the murderer."

"By the way, do you have any other clues? But don’t sue us. Just talk about the unimportant things."

Fujii Nanami glanced at Li Mu, hesitated, and nodded to the captain.

The captain was obviously hesitant, but in the end he nodded helplessly.

Fujii Nanami's face lit up, and she quickly said:"That's it, we think it is. , someone leaked information about our warships, and it might be Captain Sasaura.

And according to eyewitnesses, Captain Sasaura waved the neon national flag at Wakasa Port at five o'clock this morning. Li

Mu thought for a moment, and then asked:"So, was your warship's route determined from the beginning, or was it determined later?""

"It was determined from the beginning, but Li Mu changed it temporarily in the morning because X appeared, so we had to do this"

"That’s it, I understand."The corners of Li Mu's mouth raised, with a proud smile on his face.

Miwako noticed Li Mu's smile, felt happy in her heart, and asked quickly:"Li Mu, do you know anything? Do you know who the murderer is?"

"certainly...I don’t know, but I know the purpose of Captain Sasaura waving the flag. If my guess is correct, it is to wave the signal flag. The purpose is to tell X. the latest navigation route of the Aegis."Li Mu laughed.

······Asking for flowers·······

Fujii Nanami’s face changed drastically

"So Spy X already knows the course of action of the Aegis, and he is now on the Aegis?"

Although the captain didn't speak, his face was still very gloomy.

After all, it is very dangerous for spies to come up.

Everyone was thinking, and Li Mu ran to the side of Fujii Nanami as if nothing had happened.

"Hey, remember to keep today’s events a secret for me. I can find spies and murderers for you."


Fujii Nanami thought about Li Mu and Xiaolan, and her face instantly turned red, with a blush covering her delicate cheeks.

It was okay at first, because I was vigilant and didn't care about the exciting scene between Li Mu and Xiao Lan.

But now that Li Mu mentioned it like this, she remembered the scene just now, and her heart fluttered, feeling like a little daughter.

"How about it, or if I invite you to dinner, you must keep it a secret for me."

Fujii Nanami reacted and said quickly:"Okay, I promise you, but you have to solve this case for me and help me catch the murderer and spy X"


Li Mu nodded, and then left Fujii Nanami as if nothing had happened.

Miwako noticed something unusual about Li Mu and Fujii Nanami, and quickly took a step forward and came behind Li Mu.

"Li Mu, what is your relationship with her? Did you do anything?"

As he spoke, Li Mu could smell the hint of jealousy in the air.

"It's nothing, I just asked her some questions. After all, they couldn't tell me, so I could only ask her secretly."Li Mu said half truthfully.

Li Mu was not guilty at all. After all, he really had nothing to do with Fujii Nanami, so he was naturally not afraid.

Miwako glanced at Li Mu suspiciously, and finally believed that Li Mu was not such a person.

But Li Mu Isn’t it really true? Who knows?

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage, The Invincible Killing of the Crimson Eyes, begins with!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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