After Xiaolan fell into the sea, she quickly stabilized her body and shouted at the warship, hoping that someone would hear her.

But the waves on the sea were so loud, how could anyone hear Xiaolan's voice.

The moment Xiaolan fell into the sea, Conan suddenly stopped and reached out to cover his heart.

At this moment, Conan felt that there was something very important, as if he might lose something at any time.

This is the protagonist, and he actually has telepathy.

On the other side, Li Mu and others were in the captain's room. Courage ran over from outside, but was stopped by the security guards outside.

His courage became anxious and he shouted anxiously:"There are spies, there are spies."

Everyone's expressions changed and they ran out quickly.

"Folks, that man is not my dad, he is a spy. Fujii

Nanami quickly took out his gun and said seriously:"Where is he now?""

"On deck, he's on deck now."Courage pointed to the deck.

Fujii Nanami was about to leave. Li Mu grabbed her and said seriously:"If you don't hurry, it's best to work in pairs to search the warship thoroughly. Before that, gather everyone together. Prevent others from being hijacked by spies"

"Fujii, you go with this gentleman, and others should be on guard immediately to avoid being caught."The captain ordered.

Li Mu took the lead to walk out without saying a word. After taking two steps, Li Mu thought of something and said quickly:"Detective Maori, you go find Xiaolan and the others now and protect them. Conan goes to watch the monitor. , find the spy’s accomplice Takekawa"

"Yes, Brother Li."

Conan was originally going to find the murderer, but Li Mu said so, so he had to agree.

Soon, everyone separated and went to do their own things.

In the cabin, Nanami Fujii walked in front, and Li Mu walked behind. The two of them were very close. There was a tacit understanding and no words were spoken.

"Is that girl your girlfriend?"

While talking, Nanami Fujii always thought of the exciting scenes of Xiaolan and Li Mu, and her face instantly turned red.

"Of course, she is indeed my girlfriend."Li Mu nodded.

If Nanhai Fujii knew that Xiaolan's mother was also Li Mu's woman, I don't know what she would be thinking.

After walking for a while, Li Mu suddenly sensed the traces of spy X, raised the corners of his mouth, and walked in the direction of X Go.

Spy _ _ He immediately understood and pointed his gun at the door. Inside, Spy Spy _ _ _ Pull, his knees bumped. Then Li Mu calmly placed Spy X on the ground, patted it and put it in his pocket.

"Okay, it's simple."

Fujii Nanami was completely stunned.


Look at the expression on


"Okay, let's go to the captain's room and get the alarm off."

A few minutes later, in the captain's room, everyone looked at Li Mu and the spy on their side.

Mouri Kogoro was even more surprised and said:"So quickly, it seems that it has not been ten minutes, and the spy was caught."

Others were also very surprised.

Li Mu calmly leaned on the wall and said seriously:"We are here, but somewhere else, where is that accomplice?"

When he said this, Officer Megure reacted and said quickly:"We found that he was burning something. He is currently heading to Osaka. We don't know where he is going. We only left behind……"

Li Mu listened to Officer Mumu's words, thought for a moment, and then reacted

"I see, if my guess is correct, he should be at Haneda Airport in Osaka now, with the purpose of transporting himself out as cargo."

"Yeah? I will notify the Osaka Police Department and ask them to send someone there immediately."

Officer Megure didn't even suspect Li Mu and called the Osaka Police Station directly.

An hour later, Officer Megure answered the phone with a happy face.

".Everyone, the Osaka police have just caught the spy's accomplice and the case has been solved."

"Cough cough cough……"

Li Mu coughed and said softly:"Officer Megure, you seem to have forgotten that the cause of Captain Sasaura's death has not been investigated clearly."

Officer Megure also realized that he seemed to have forgotten the most important thing today, but was very worried. happy.

For a moment, Officer Megure's dark face had a blush.

"Well, Mr. Li, you should know who the murderer is."

On the one hand, a person trembled in his heart and looked at Li Mu nervously, fearing that Li Mu would know that he was the murderer.

On the other hand, Courage glanced around and suddenly said:"Well, have you seen that big sister? She fights that spy and I haven't seen her yet?"

"That big sister?"

Everyone was stunned and didn't think of anything for a moment.

However, Li Mu had a flash of inspiration and thought of some plots in the original work, and his expression changed drastically.

"Courage, is the eldest sister you are talking about with us? Her name is Xiaolan, the one with a little curly hair."

"Well, that's her."Courage nodded and said

"What? Xiaolan?"Mouri Kogoro's face turned pale, his body went limp, and he almost fell to the ground.

Fujii Nanami walked directly towards the outside.

"I'll ask that guy."

Li Mu didn't say anything, and directly used his domineering power to scan the surroundings.

Three seconds later, Li Mu sensed Xiaolan in the sea dozens of miles away, and his expression became extremely serious.

The only thing he was lucky about was Xiaolan's aura. It was still very vigorous, and there should be nothing happening in a short period of time.

A few minutes later, Fujii Nanami walked into the captain's room and said gloomily:"Xiaolan, she fell into the sea."

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage, the invincible slaying of the red pupil begins!_

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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