As soon as Fei Yingli heard that Xiaolan was okay, her originally anxious mood relaxed.

"Okay, let's go in and see Xiaolan."

Li Mu pulled Fei Yingli in, but when he went in, Fei Yingli broke away from Li Mu's hand.

"Mom, you are here too."

Xiaolan looked at her mother with a charming smile on her face.

Although her face was still a little pale, Xiaolan had almost recovered and her life was not in danger.

Fei Yingli looked at Xiaolan with fair cheeks and felt a pain in her heart. She quickly Walked over and grabbed Xiaolan's hand

"Xiaolan, are you okay? It really scared me to death"

"Mom, don't worry, I'll be fine. Xiaolan said with a smile.

Not long after the two talked, the door of the ward opened again, and several people walked in from outside.

"Xiaolan, are you okay?"

"Xiao16 Sister Lan, are you okay?"

The ones who spoke were Mouri Kogoro, Sonoko, and everyone from the Young Detective Team.

Following them was Officer Megure.

Xiaolan looked at the people who walked in, and her heart felt warm.

"Dad, Yuanzi, and everyone, I have nothing to do, thank you very much."

Everyone looked at Xiaolan, who was somewhat energetic, and felt relieved.

At this time, Maori Kogoro also noticed Fei Yingli, and his expression was a little unnatural.

"You are here too"

"Yes, of course I have to care about my own daughter. Fei

Yingli turned her head arrogantly, feeling a little unhappy.

In addition to the fact that she was already Li Mu's person, there was another reason for Xiaolan.

Fei Yingli naturally thought that it was Maori Kogoro who did not protect Xiaolan, so she felt A little unhappy.

Mouri Kogoro also felt a little unreasonable. He touched his head awkwardly and giggled.

"By the way, Dad, what happened on the ship? Has the spy been caught?"

Xiaolan suddenly remembered what happened on the boat and asked quickly.

As soon as he mentioned what happened on the boat, Mouri Kogoro became more energetic and proud, with his hands on his hips.

"Xiaolan, the spy on the ship has been caught with the help of me, Kogoro Mori. Am I particularly powerful?"

Officer Memu:"……"


Neither of them knew that spy X was caught by Li Mu.

Even Li Mu himself was speechless, so no?

"Uncle Maoli, it seems that Brother Li caught the spy, right?"

"Yes, Uncle Maori, you can't be so shameless, you will be despised."

The Young Detective Team ignored Maori Lang's face and directly educated him in public.

Maori Kogoro stiffened and rubbed his head in embarrassment. He smiled and said,"So I helped, but the main credit goes to Li Mu."

Everyone didn't say anything, just stared at Mouri Kogoro.

The expression seemed to ask, do you still have shame?

Moori Kogoro was very embarrassed and said quickly:"Maybe I don't have much credit for this, but In that case, I found the murderer of Kaiwei Sasaura."

"Brother Maori, if it’s not Mr. Li who’s in trouble, I’m afraid it’s not you, right?"Officer Megure couldn't help but say.

Conan's face darkened.

Doesn't Officer Megure mean that he is not as good as Li Mu?

You must know that the sleeping Mouri Kogoro is actually him pretending to be

"Officer Megure, Uncle Mouri is very powerful, it must be him who solves the case."Conan had to defend himself.

Mouri Kogoro was delighted, stretched out his hand to rub Conan's little head, and laughed proudly:"Conan is right, this is my contribution alone."

For the first time, Mouri Kogoro felt that Conan was a nice person and not as annoying as before.

"It was getting late, so I went back first."

Fei Yingli stood up and was about to leave.

Li Mu thought of something, calmly took out his mobile phone, and then sent a text message.

Outside, Fei Yingli had just left a few steps when she heard the ringtone of her mobile phone. When she opened it, it was Li Mu.

Fei Yingli glanced at the text message and her face turned red instantly.

She found an excuse to stay and accompany me.

Although it was just a short sentence, Fei Yingli did not refuse.

Fei Yingli first deleted the text message and then walked into the ward again.

"I'll stay with Xiaolan tonight. You guys go back and have a good rest."

"Then it’s up to you."

Mouri Kogoro didn't think much about it, nor did he suspect Li Mu and Fei Yingli's inappropriate relationship.

He just thought that he and the others were all men and it was inconvenient to stay, so Fei Yingli stayed.

"Okay, let's go and come back to see Xiaolan tomorrow."

Li Mu also stood up, followed everyone, and left the hospital.

As the last person to leave, Li Mu closed the door when he left. 097 turned his head and winked at the two of them.

Fei Yingli and Xiaolan blushed at the same time. He subconsciously thought that Li Mu was blinking at them.

Little did he know that Li Mu was actually blinking at the two of them.

After leaving the hospital, Li Mu sent both Yuanzi and Yuanzi back to his home and found an excuse to leave.


At night, the moon and stars are sparse, and the black magpie flies south.

In Xiaolan's ward, the lights have been turned off, and Xiaolan has closed her eyes and rested.

Not far from Xiaolan, Fei Yingli was also lying on a chair, covered with a quilt.

The door to the room opened slowly, and a tall figure walked in from the outside.

This person is naturally Li Mu who came here again.

Li Mu entered the ward and walked next to Xiaolan.

Although Xiaolan was sleeping soundly, she was startled when Li Mu suddenly appeared, and she subconsciously wanted to attack.

Li Mu quickly held down Xiaolan and said softly:"Xiaolan, don't be afraid, it's me."

Xiaolan looked through the moonlight and could vaguely see Li Mu's face.

Still so handsome.

The Great Voyage: Beloved Concubine’s Invincible Killing of Red Eyes begins! _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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