After an unknown amount of time, the three women on one side moved slightly and wiped their eyes slowly.

Li Mu reacted and quickly lay down, pretending that he was still sleeping.

It's hard to explain when you wake up now. It's better to wait until all three of them wake up and recover, and then deal with these three people by yourself.

Not long after, the three people woke up and looked around, and they were suddenly stunned.

I still don’t know what happened yesterday.

Fei Yingli and others were thinking quickly in their minds, thinking about how to deal with the other party and put this matter away from themselves.

No matter what, the first thing is to make the other party think that they had no relationship with Li Mu before.

Fei Yingli and others were silent, not knowing what to say.

After being silent like this for a long time, 097 Suzuki Tomoko was the first to break the silence and said:"Well, yesterday evening, we drank too much. This kind of thing should not happen."

Fei Yingli also nodded and agreed:"That's right. This kind of thing really shouldn't happen. It's all because of the wine. Otherwise, we pretend it has nothing to do with it."

"That's right, that's it. How about we get out quickly and don't let Li Mu find out." Yukiko said quickly.

The three of you said something, and I said nothing, and they completely shied away from this matter, as if nothing had happened.

The corner of Li Mu's mouth twitched slightly.

Why is this matter different from what she imagined? Same, it’s not like he accidentally discovered the other party, then showed his cards, and then Li Mu defeated the other party.

Now he actually pretended that nothing happened, how could he appear domineeringly and defeat these three beauties.

Li Mu subconsciously forgot that the three of them didn’t fight. They knew what happened between themselves and Li Mu. Therefore, the three of them did not intend to expose it.

But Li Mu had no choice but to get up and tell his story completely.

At this time, what was the point of hiding it, so Li Mu just said it directly and the relationship between the three of them.

Tomoko Suzuki and the three of them were a little surprised by the incredible Li Mu.

But then, they didn’t think much about it (bgdf).

They knew Li Mu very well, and it was completely normal to do such a thing.

In the end , they didn’t think much about it (bgdf). , under Li Mu's persuasion, several people accepted each other.

And they didn't want to be separated from Li Mu, so of course they would not refuse Li Mu's request.

In addition, such a thing had already happened, and there was nothing to hide.

Li Mu looked at the three people who had accepted it, with a smile on his lips.

Now it seems that he has made a lot of money.

On the other side, Suzuki Ayako.

After Suzuki Ayako got up, she reached out and rubbed her forehead

"It hurts so much. Why does my head hurt so much? By the way, I drank a lot yesterday, so I fell asleep."

Suzuki Ayako also vaguely thought of what happened yesterday, and then slowly calmed down.

"What's going on, why am I like this?"

Suzuki Ayako suddenly panicked and quickly checked her body.

After confirming that nothing happened to her body, she breathed a sigh of relief.

In her opinion, the clothes on her body should have been removed by her mother.

The Great Voyage: Beloved Concubine’s Invincible Killing of Red Eyes Begins!

_Feilu reminds you: Three Things to Do in Reading - Collection and Recommendation

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