"Li Mu, you...How could you do this, I...I am Sonoko’s sister and Yuzo’s fiancée. We are like this...Are you worthy of the garden?"

Suzuki Ayako cried loudly, covering her eyes with her little hands, crying very painfully and sadly.

If Li Mu didn't talk about Sonoko's boyfriend, and she didn't have a fiancé, she wouldn't be so sad.

But it's a pity that she is now Son is sorry for two people, Sonoko and her fiancé Tomizawa Yuzo

"Ayako, I'm really sorry. You may have been drugged by those people, so..."

After being reminded by Li Mu, Suzuki Ayako woke up and thought about what had just happened.

She did drink those drinks.

Although I can't remember clearly what happened next, I still have some vague memories that she was indeed the one who slept with Li Mu.

Suzuki Ayako was silent, not knowing what to say.

After all, this matter doesn't care about Li Mu at all. At most, it's those who drugged her.

After a long silence, Suzuki Yuko covered her face and said with tears:"Li Mu, can you promise me one thing? Don't tell Yuanzi about this matter, don't talk about it. Let's just pretend that nothing happened." Okay?"

But yes, Li Mu is also Sonoko's boyfriend and future Suzuki Ayako's brother-in-law, so how can they be together.

Li Mu grabbed Suzuki Ayako tightly and pulled the still naked Suzuki Ayako into his arms.

"Ayako, we are already like this, how can we ignore it directly? This is not only disrespectful to you, but also disrespectful to me."

Suzuki Ayako struggled slightly, but did not break free. She could only let Li Mu hold her like this.

"But...But what about Sonoko? I still have a fiancé, so what should I do? If we break off the engagement, the Suzuki family will become a laughing stock."

"It doesn't matter, I have a way, just rest assured, I will take care of this."

Li Mu revealed his ambition without hesitation.

Suzuki Ayako also looked at Li Mu in surprise.

"But...But my father would not agree."

The tone of Suzuki Ayako's words changed.

Li Mu couldn't understand what Suzuki Ayako meant.

At the same time, Li Mu was still a little happy. Since Zi mentioned this, it meant that she accepted Li Mu deep down in her heart.

"Ayako, don't worry, I will be your fiancé for you, and I will never break the law. As for the rest, as long as one of the children has your last name, I believe your father will not mind."

Suzuki Ayako lowered her head and thought about it seriously.

If there is a child with her last name and inherits their Suzuki family, her father will be very happy.

And with Li Mu's ability, he should be able to get her fiancé Tomizawa Home.

After thinking about it, Suzuki Ayako said nothing and shyly got into Li Mu’s arms, enjoying Li Mu’s warmth.

"Li Mu, I will be yours from now on, but if Yuanzi is not willing, we can only date in secret."

······Asking for flowers·······

Obviously, Suzuki Ayako can't let go of Li Mu and is ready to be with Li Mu

"Okay, let's go back. Your mother is worried about you."

Li Mu did not continue to do such shy things. He handed the clothes to Suzuki Ayako and sat in the driver's seat.

Suzuki Ayako quickly put on her clothes and then sat quietly in the back seat.

Ten A few minutes later, Li Mu returned to the villa again and came directly outside Suzuki Ayako's villa.


"Okay, Ayako, let me take you home first, otherwise it won't be good if your mother sees you."

As soon as Suzuki Ayako got out of the car, she was picked up by Li Mu before she had gone far. Li Mu carried Suzuki Ayako into her room and put her down.

"I'll call your mother over. She's very worried about you now."


Suzuki Ayako nodded slightly, then put her little head into the quilt and covered her face shyly.

Li Mu left Suzuki Ayako's villa and returned directly to his own villa.

As soon as he returned, Suzuki Tomoko quickly asked:"What's the matter? So, Li Mu, is Ayako okay?"

Although Li Mu just called her at the bar, but he didn't come back for more than an hour, she was still a little worried.

As for what Li Mu did for more than an hour, everyone knows.

The Concubine of the Great Voyage is invincible and the red pupil is Start with!

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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