The next day, Li Mu and others took a plane and left Hawaii.

Originally, Li Mu had no intention of leaving Hawaii, but since Tomoko Suzuki needed to go back, Li Mu went back with them.

At first, Li Mu was planning to go back yesterday evening, but as a result, there was no chartered flight that night, so Li Mu did not go back.

After all, only charter flights are particularly convenient. You can do some things you want to do"zero ninety-seven", such as not wearing shoes, only wearing slippers.


In the clear sky, a very luxurious passenger plane was flying in the sky.

There were only four people on the plane, Li Mu and Yukiko, plus a few stewardesses, and no one else.

After all, when two top consortium bosses are traveling, how can anyone disturb them?

Even if it weren't for the need for some flight attendant services, Li Mu would not have planned to let these flight attendants come up.

In the plane, Li Mu and others were sitting in the first class cabin. Everyone gathered around a table and drank specially purchased high-end red wine.

"Li Mu, why did you think of chartering a flight today? Yukiko asked curiously

"This is because……"Li Mu paused for a moment, and then joked:"Of course it's because no one else shows our dignity."

They still couldn't understand the meaning behind Li Mu's words.

Li Mu is also serious, how can he say such things? What if Ayako/mother hears it.

Suzuki Tomoko and Suzuki Ayako were worried.

They didn't know that Li Mu had a relationship with Tomoko Suzuki and Ayako Suzuki, and they were very close.

Li Mu thought about it and secretly placed a pill in Suzuki Ayako's red wine glass.

Soon, Suzuki Ayako fell into a drowsy sleep after drinking red wine.

After confirming that Suzuki Ayako was asleep, Li Mu looked at Ichiri.

Fei Yingli was startled and quickly pushed Li Mu away.

Tomoko Suzuki and Yukiko were also startled and looked at Li Mu in surprise, their eyes full of curiosity.

"Li Mu, are you crazy? What are you doing? What if Lingzi finds out?"

Fei Yingli was still afraid that Suzuki Ayako would find out, so she deliberately lowered her voice........

"It's okay, don't worry, she has fallen asleep and taken sleeping pills, nothing will happen to her"

"Took sleeping pills?"

Fei Yingli also glanced at Suzuki Ayako, and saw that Suzuki Ayako was indeed lying on the seat without any reaction.

After hearing this, Suzuki Tomoko gently touched Suzuki Ayako and said softly:"Ayako, wake up. Wake up, are you okay?"

No matter how much Suzuki Tomoko pushed, Suzuki Ayako still closed her eyes tightly, as if she didn't hear Suzuki Tomoko's words.

Fei Yingli breathed a sigh of relief, then glanced at Li Mu dissatisfied, and shouted:"Li Mu, you are really Yes, how could 3.5 be like this? You know you almost scared me just now."

"Don't worry, there's no way I could scare you."

The corners of Li Mu's mouth rose. He had naturally been well prepared, so how could he be seen by others. The others also breathed a sigh of relief, and then they focused on Li Mu and laughed as well.

The Great Voyage: Beloved Concubine’s Invincible Killing of Red Eyes Begins!

_Feilu reminds you: Three Things to Do in Reading - Collection and Recommendation

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