"Hello, my name is Li Mu. Please give me your advice in the future."

Li Mu was the first to extend his hand, very politely.

"My name is Miike Miaozi, and I am from the traffic department. Please give me your advice in the future."

Sanchi Miaozi also extended her hand very politely and took Li Mu's hand.

Seeing that Li Mu didn't do anything, Sanchi Miaozi felt a little better about Li Mu in her heart.

"By the way, Li Mu, you can come with us, there's nothing wrong anyway."Yumi said

"Okay, I can't spend a whole day in the Metropolitan Police Department anyway, so I might as well go out for a walk."

Li Mu did not refuse. After all, he could not stay in the Metropolitan Police Department from day to night.

Instead of staying here, it would be better to accompany Yumi

"Then let's go, Miaozi, let's set off"

"Yes, senior."

Li Mu followed Miike Miaozi to the parking lot of the Metropolitan Police Department, and then sat in the car.

"Li Mu, let’s go."

Yumi sat in the driver's seat, and Li Mu and Miike Naoko lived in the back driver's seat.

The police car slowly left the Metropolitan Police Department and walked on the street.

Li Mu leaned on the car window and looked outside, feeling a little uncomfortable. He said patiently:"Yumi, where should we go today? Tokyo is so big, you shouldn't be going around the city, right?""

"Of course, this is the task of our transportation department, isn't it particularly boring?"

Yumi was also a little helpless, but the traffic department was like this and could only do this.

In the police car, the three of them did not speak, and it was quiet.

After a long time, Li Mu said:"Yumi, will you go to the party tonight? ?"

"Of course, anyone who doesn't work tonight can go. Miaozi and I will also go, but I didn't expect you to go too."

While talking, Yumi was a little excited, and her mind was full of what happened tonight. Do you want to go together?

Li Mu's mouth raised. Not only Miwazi is going, but also Yumi is going. Li Mu seems to be able to develop well.

If If possible, find a good time to eat Miwako and Yumi to pass the time.

Bang bang bang!

While Li Mu was having sex, several gunshots suddenly came from outside and he woke up.

Wait until Li Mu recovered. At that moment, several masked men rushed out of the jewelry store on the side and ran into the car on the roadside.

Then the car drove away, all very quickly, without any delay at all.

"No, there are robbers."

Yumi also reacted, and quickly picked up the communicator and said:"Report to the Metropolitan Police Department, this is Mihua Town, a jewelry robber occurred here, the suspect is carrying a firearm, please support immediately, please support immediately"

"The Metropolitan Police Department has received it. The Metropolitan Police Department has received it. Please chase the robber immediately and don't lose him.

After Yumei hung up the phone, she looked at Li Mu seriously and said,"Li Mu, Miaozi, you can only stay with me, but you don't have to worry, nothing will happen.""

After saying that, Yumi's car flew away.

Yumi's police car was very fast. Even in the city, the car drove dozens of yards.

After a few minutes of chasing, Yumi and the robber's car came. Arriving at a relatively sparsely populated place

"Damn it, don't even think about running away."

Yumi looked at the robber who was turning in front of her, turned the corner equally quickly, and followed him.

When the car turned the corner, Li Mu couldn't control his body and fell directly to the side, hitting Miike Miaozi next to him.

Sanike Miaozi The whole person was stunned, and then his face quickly turned red and his body trembled slightly.

"right...I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I'm so sorry."

Li Mu rubbed it again, and then quickly sat upright, pretending that he didn't do it on purpose.


Miike Miaozi blushed, lowered her head shyly, clasped her hands, not knowing what to say.

In the front, Yumi noticed Li Mu Miaozi Miaozi, and the corners of her mouth raised

"What's wrong, Li Mu, did you just do something to Miao Zi?"

"without...No, Li Muhe...He didn't hit me."Sanchi Miaozi stood up quickly and said anxiously

"Oh, didn't hit you. Yumi prolonged her tone and joked:"But I didn't say anything, how do you know what I said?"


Just as Miike Naeko was about to explain, Yumi made another turn.

The force of inertia made Sanchi Miaozi unable to stand firm, and fell directly towards Li Mu, (Nuo Zhao) and then bumped into Li Mu.

Ahead, the robber's car.

A robber looked at Yumi who was still chasing after him. He gritted his teeth angrily and took out his gun and pointed it at Yumi.

"Damn it, you damn policeman, go to hell."

After that, the robber pulled the trigger of the pistol.

Bang bang bang!

Yellow bullets flew out one after another, and the target was Li Mu and others in the car.

In the police car, Miike Naoko also reacted and quickly held down the car. He was about to get up in his seat.

But at this moment the sound of gunshots was heard, and Li Mu quickly held down Sanchi Miaozi's head and pressed her down.

"Don't get up."

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage is invincible and her red pupils are beginning to be huge!"

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