"Hey, it’s this guy again, how about we get him drunk today?"

"Okay, get him drunk and make a fool of himself."

A group of policemen stared at Li Mu with evil eyes.

Li Mu ignored everyone's gaze and walked to Miwako and Yumi.

"Yumi, Miwako, can we start?"

"of course."

Yumi and Miwako pulled Li Mu and sat on a chair on the side.

The two of them surrounded Li Mu, one on the left and the other on the right.

Miike Miaozi looked at Li Mu's back and couldn't help but take another look at Li Mu.

At this moment, Miike Miao Zi didn't even notice. This time she ignored Police Officer Chiba on the side, and her entire attention was focused on Li Mu.

"Li Mu is so good, how can I miss him."

Sanchi Miaozi shook her head, hoping that she could completely forget Li Mu.

She felt that she was much worse than Li Mu and was not worthy of Li Mu at all.

"Mr. Li, you are finally here. How are you? Do you want a glass of wine?"

As the leader of Miwako's defense front, Officer Shiratori walked over first, holding a wine glass in his hand.

097"Well, since it is Officer Shiratori who is toasting, how can I not give you face."

Li Mu has already known Officer Bai Niao's thoughts and doesn't care.

Although he can get drunk, with his constitution, he can only be a little drunk at most, and nothing will happen at all.

Moreover, with these police officers, he plans to Getting yourself drunk is just a joke

"Mr. Li, you have helped our police solve cases many times and are a good friend of our police. I must give you a toast."

After Officer Bai Niao finished his toast, another policeman he didn't know also came up.

Obviously, these policemen planned to come one by one until Li Mu was completely drunk.

Li Mu raised the corners of his mouth, picked up the wine glass, and gently drank Shake

"Okay, but you are the police, and you are usually strong, so you have to drink one drink from me, and you drink two drinks, otherwise I will suffer a big loss."

Although Li Mu is very confident, he will not challenge them stupidly.

It is an idiotic act for one person to challenge dozens of police officers.

Officer Bainiao listened to Li Mu's words, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

They (bgdf) these Strong and strong, this should probably be used to describe Li Mu.

If the police hadn't caught the suspect who was kicked away by Li Mu and seriously injured, they would have really thought that he was strong and strong.

"Well, in that case, let's have a couple of drinks each, the police."

Although Officer Bainiao was very speechless, he was also very angry. There were dozens of police officers, but they couldn't even beat Li Mu.

In an instant, a group of police officers came to Li Mu's side and completely surrounded Li Mu.

Everyone They all held a glass in their hands, and Li Mu drank together.

Li Mu drank one glass, and these people drank two glasses.

For more than half an hour, Li Mu looked at the police officers falling down around him, and turned to look at Officer Shiratiao on the side.

"Officer Shiratori, do you still want to drink now? It seems like there are only three of you left?"

Officer Shiratori quickly looked around.

It turned out that there were more than 20 police officers. Only he, Officer Chiba and Officer Takagi were left. The others all fell down.

Oh, by the way, except for him, there were only some women left. Now that he has a child, he can't let a girl come and compete with Li Mu for drinks.

Officer Bai Niao wiped the cold sweat on his forehead.

He didn't expect that Li Mu was so powerful. He drank alone and had so many people down, and he couldn't do anything at all. No. Nothing happened except that my face was a little red.

"No, he must be persistent, maybe he will fall down soon, and then I will be the final winner."

Officer Shiratori muttered to himself, and then turned to look at Officer Takagi aside.

Instead of being knocked down by Li Mu himself, it would be better to sacrifice Officer Takagi and let Officer Takagi knock Li Mu down.

Officer Takagi was looked at by Officer Shiratori like this , understood immediately, and quickly took a step back

"Officer Shiratori, I can't do it. I can't drink that much."

He also knew the purpose of Officer Shiratori and others. Although he did not refuse, he had no intention of getting involved.

"Officer Takagi, you can’t say that. You were kidnapped to Hokkaido last time, but Mr. Li rescued you. Shouldn’t you be grateful? Shouldn't I have a toast?"

"Okay, then Mr. Li, I'd like to propose a glass of wine to you."

Officer Takagi was told by Officer Shiratori, so he had no choice but to walk up to Li Mu and offer Li Mu a glass of wine.

Li Mu didn't hesitate and took a sip.

After Officer Takagi drank two glasses of wine, he immediately walked aside and looked at everything. Don't look at Officer Shiratori.

He can't become Officer Shiratori's sacrifice.

Officer Shiratori could only focus on the last male police officer, Officer Chiba.

Officer Chiba touched the back of his head in embarrassment and said with a silly smile:" No...Sorry, I haven't been feeling well lately and can't drink that much. I'm sorry."

After saying that, Officer Chiba quickly walked aside, not giving Officer Shiratori a chance to speak.

"Officer Shiratori, it looks like you're alone. Why don't you have a few drinks with me?"

Officer Bai Niao looked at Li Mu, who was still energetic, and swallowed.

Can he deal with Li Mu? It seems impossible now. It's better to give up as soon as possible.

After thinking about it, Officer Bai Niao quickly said:"I think it's better to give up. Come on, I have to send these people back. I can't leave them all to Officer Takagi and Officer Chiba. They are too tired."

Officer Shiratiao was still afraid that Li Mu would leave him behind, so he quickly pulled Officer Takagi and others away.

Li Mu looked at Officer Shiratiao who was running away in panic and did not stop him.

"Miwako, it seems that today’s social gathering is over."

On the side, Miwako and Yumi looked around.

They saw that in the originally bustling lobby, only Li Mu and them female police officers were left.

As for the other police officers, they had been completely drunk by Li Mu.

"Well, let's go back first and let Yumi see you off. She didn't drink."

"That's right, I'll take you home."

Yumi stood up and stretched out her hand to take Li Mu's arm.

But then she remembered that Miwako was still by her side. Yumi quickly took Miwako's hand and walked outside.

Miwako took Li Mu's arm and talked with Li Mu. They left the hotel together.

Before leaving, Li Mu also paid the fee for this sorority.

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage Begins!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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