The next day, after Li Mu got up, he had breakfast at Miyano Akemi’s house

"Mingmei, I'm leaving, I'll be back in the evening."

Li Mu clicked on Miyano Akemi's face, and then left with Haibara Ai.

Miyano Akemi was a little disappointed at first, but after listening to Li Mu's words, Miyano Akemi blushed and subconsciously covered her cheeks.

After leaving Miyano Akemi's home, Li Mu drove a car on the busy street.

Haihara Ai leaned against the window and glanced outside.

"Li Mu, can I ask you a question? Why do you drive different cars every day, with different models?"

Li Mu's face suddenly froze, and he didn't know what to say.

Hui Yuan Ai looked at Li Mu's somewhat embarrassed expression and joked:"Why, is it because he is afraid of being discovered?"

The corners of Li Mu's mouth twitched.

Hui Yuan Ai had better not go to school. She could become a mystery novelist.

Instead of reasoning at this level, becoming a chemist would be a waste of time and energy.

Hai Yuan Ai saw that Li Mu didn't He spoke and continued to joke:"What's wrong? Stop talking. Let me ask you, when you and Xiaolan's mother went to Hawaii, were you going on vacation?"

The corner of Li Mu's mouth twitched again. This guy is simply a top detective, and he is also a detective who is very good at catching rapes.

Seeing that he seemed to be right, Haihara Ai said with some pride:"It seems that I guessed it right, yes. Well, have you ever told my sister, or who is my sister?"

"Your sister?"Li Mu thought seriously, then raised the corners of his mouth and reached out to rub Hui Yuan Ai's little head.

"Your sister is in front of you, what's wrong?"

Hui Yuan Ai blushed instantly and didn't ask any more questions.

She still didn't understand what Li Mu meant. Li Mu just reminded her that she was also Li Mu's woman and asked her not to tell it.

In fact, Hui Yuan Ai just She teased Li Mu and had no intention of telling anyone.

After all, she already knew it. If she wanted to tell her, she had already said it. Would she wait until now?

Li Mu didn't say much and continued to drive, arriving at Maori Detective Office.

At this moment, outside the detective office, Xiaolan, Yuanzi, and Heye are all here.

Thanks to the education in Neon Country, although there are no super long holidays like summer vacation and winter vacation, there are still ordinary Sundays..

And sometimes there are some things that make the usual vacation more, and they also have a lot of time to have fun.

After parking the car, Li Mu immediately got out of the car and put the Lilly into the trunk for Xiaolan and others.

As a gentleman , Li Mu is rich in this at all times.

As soon as Xiaolan got in the car, she saw Haiyuan Ai in the passenger seat and was slightly stunned.

"Xiao Ai, why are you here? Are you going on a trip with Conan and the others?"

"No, I don't want to hang out with a bunch of brats, think about it."Hui Yuan Ai said listlessly.

"Small...Little brat?"

Xiaolan suddenly became embarrassed and didn't know what to say. No matter how she looked at it, she felt that Haiyuan Ai was also a brat.

Although she looked a bit mature.

Yuanzi and Ye on the side were also a little confused.

"Okay, let’s not talk anymore. Xiao Ai felt a little uncomfortable yesterday, so she didn’t go. I’ll take her there today."

Li Mu interrupted the awkward atmosphere, and then drove away from the Maori Detective Agency.

In the car, Xiaolan and others no longer struggled with why Haihara Ai didn't go, but instead chatted happily.

Li Mu looked at the people in the back row The young and beautiful female high school girl raised her lips.

Sure enough, it was a good day without Conan.

Even if she took Xiaolan and others out to have fun today, no one would disturb her.

As for Haibara Ai, there is no such thing. No matter what the relationship is, she has known this for a long time and will definitely ignore it when the time comes.

At most...Li Mu can just import some LV limited edition bags.

After driving for an hour, Li Mu finally arrived at a hot spring resort.

In the car, He Ye looked at the resort sign on one side and murmured to himself:"Resort, are we taking a hot spring here today? By the way, didn't you say we were going to the beach?"

".seaside? Of course it's the seaside. Isn't there a seaside nearby?"Li Mu joked.

Although the area here is not directly close to the sea, the other side of the county is close to the sea, and it is basically close to the sea.

As for why, doing this is nothing more than deceiving Kogoro Mouri and giving him the illusion.

As for the ultimate purpose, it is to prevent Heiji Hattori from suddenly appearing, getting information about him from Kogoro Mori, and rushing over to disturb him.

In fact, it is just as Li Mu thought.

Tokyo, Yoneka Town, Mori Detective Affairs Outside the hotel.

Hattori Heiji, a dark-skinned boy, stood at the gate, looked at the glass on the second floor, and took a breath.

"Damn it, this guy He Ye actually came over secretly to play without telling me. I have to investigate and I can't let you be together. (Dino Zhao)"

Hattori Heiji complained dissatisfiedly, the purpose was to prevent Li Mu from eating Kazuha's tofu.

In short, he was jealous.

Hattori Heiji muttered, and then hurriedly ran into the Mori Detective Agency

"Detective uncle, where are Kudo and the others?"

"Kudo?"Moori Kogoro was stunned.

Hattori Heiji reacted and quickly said:"I mean Conan and the others, where are they now?"

"Oh, Conan? He went out to play, what happened?"

"Oh, I know Ju. Hattori

Heiji didn't even finish listening and ran out directly.

Mouri Kogoro glanced at the empty door, shook his head and said,"Oh, young man, you are so rude.""

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage, the invincible slaying of the red pupil begins!_

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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