After the door opened, Haiyuan Ai stood silently at the door, staring at Li Mu and others.

I don't know why, but Li Mu always felt that Hui Yuan Ai's eyes were very sharp, like a hundred knives.

Even Ye Yuanzi and others felt it, and subconsciously took a step back, looking at Haihara Ai nervously.

"Small...Xiaolan, Xiaoai, why is her look so scary?"He Ye said awkwardly.

Xiaolan didn't know what to say, so she had to say:"No....nothing, i...I didn't expect Xiao Ai to be so scary."

Yuanzi didn't say anything. He just smiled awkwardly, and the smile was very forced.

Haiyuan Ai glanced at the three people, then walked in and took a step, scanning the room.

Then Haiyuan Ai saw the three people in the corner. A bathrobe worn by a person.

Maybe he didn’t guess that it was Haihara Ai, so Sonoko didn’t hide it. He just thought that the waiter couldn’t come in, so there was no need to hide it.

Haihara Ai picked up the bathrobe, and then 16 looked to the side The Xiaolan trio

"Were you here yesterday evening?"


"That's right, we didn't die together"

"Yes, we are very pure."

The three people explained quickly, as if Hui Yuan Ai in front of them was their parent.

The corners of Li Mu's mouth twitched.

"Cough cough cough..."Li Mu coughed and interrupted the three of them:"Okay, don't say any more, let's go out."

Hui Yuan Ai ignored Li Mu, looked to the side and saluted,"I didn't seem to have enough bags yesterday. Not enough to collect"

"this...Is this blackmail?"He Ye whispered softly.

Xiaolan Yuanzi already knew what happened last time, so she didn't care at all this time.

"I understand, Xiao Ai, I’ll give those to you."

Hui Yuan Ai quickly walked to the side, collected all the brand-name bags, and left.

Before leaving, Hui Yuan Ai glanced at Li Mu and said softly:"Remember to take care of yourself and don't damage your body."

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Mu didn't care, but He Ye and others turned red and lowered their heads shyly.

He Ye looked at such fierce Hui Yuan Ai and said with some fear:"Xiaolan, will she tell anyone? What should I do if I tell you?"

It's no wonder He Ye is so worried.

If it's one person, that's it. She can say that they are boyfriend and girlfriend.

But now there are three people. Once others know, how can they explain it, especially when facing their parents?

"Don’t worry, Xiao Ai won’t tell anyone at all, because..."

Xiaolan leaned on He Ye's ears and whispered to He Duo.

He Ye was stunned and said in surprise:"What, you did that kind of thing last time and she saw it?""

"Yes, she was seen, but it doesn't matter, she won't tell anyone after so long."Xiao Lan comforted.

He Ye breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this. As long as no one else knows, everything else doesn't matter at all.

Not long after, Hui Yuan Ai came back again and said in an adult tone:"Okay, we still have to wait. What are we doing here? Let’s go shopping. There are only two days left. We must have a good rest."

"Yes, Xiao Ai. He and Ye nodded subconsciously and agreed.

Then He Ye reacted and whispered:"Xiaolan, why should we listen to her."

Xiaolan also reacted and said to herself:"Yes, why should I listen to her?""

"Okay, no more talking, let’s go take a rest."

Li Mu patted Xiaolan's shoulder, pulled Xiaolan and others away.


The two-day holiday passed like this. Li Mu, Xiaolan and others spent two days happily and then drove back.

But when he came here, Li Mu was driving a luxury car.

When going back, there was a large truck behind Li Mu's car.

The truck was full of things bought by Li Mu and others.

Adding these things together, it is estimated that the average family will go bankrupt.

In Tokyo, Conan and others have returned. Hattori Heiji also gave up and came to the Mori Detective Agency.

The two of them, plus everyone from the Young Detective Corps and Kogoro Mori, were all sitting downstairs in Poirot's coffee shop.

"Damn it, I searched for them for three days and couldn't find them, and I don't know where they went. Hattori Heiji gritted his teeth.

Conan also looked outside and said nervously:"I don't know where they went. Did he do anything to Xiaolan?""

"If he dares to do anything to He Ye, I will definitely not let him go."

At this moment, Li Mu's car stopped.

As soon as it stopped, Hattori Heiji and others ran out and surrounded Li Mu.

Especially Hattori Heiji, he grabbed Li Mu's collar and shouted Said:"Tell me, what exactly did you do."

Of course it's Kazuya.

Li Mu murmured in his heart.

In just three days, Kazuya was eaten by Li Mu many times, twice a day on average.

Poor Hattori Heiji, I'm afraid he doesn't know this.

"Hey, Hattori, what did you do to Brother Li?"

"That's right, let go of Brother Li quickly."

097 Hattori Heiji was about to say something when Conan quickly pulled his clothes.

At this time, Hattori Heiji realized that if he continues to be arrogant, he will definitely offend Xiaolan and the other three.

"Hahaha, I'm so sorry." Hattori Heiji forced a smile.

Li Mu ignored Hattori Heiji. Anyway, he had already bullied Kazuha and had already gotten back the cost.

"By the way, everyone, I bought all the cars in the back. There are gifts from you in them. Everyone has them, with their names written on them."

"Really? Thank you, Brother Li"

"That's right, thank you."

The young detective team was immediately overjoyed and hurriedly got into the big truck behind.

Mouri Kogoro was also a little excited and asked quickly:"Is there me too? That's great. Thank you, Li Mu."

After that, only Li Mu, Hattori Heiji and others were left.

Hattori Heiji looked at such a big truck and said in surprise:"With so many things, how much does it cost?"

"Not much, just tens of millions of yen"

"No...not much."

Hattori Heiji and Conan looked at Li Mu who was so proud, and had the urge to hit Li Mu in the face with a shoehorn.

Unfortunately, the two of them couldn't beat Li Mu, so they could only suppress their dissatisfaction."

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage" Invincible Kill The Crimson Eyes Begins!

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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