After finishing the dinner, Azusa Enomoto gave Mouri a discount, which made Mouri Kogoro very happy.

Li Mu didn't pay too much attention. After all, it was just a meal, and Li Mu could still afford the money.

After leaving Poirot's coffee shop, Mouri Kogoro looked at the already dark sky.

"Li Mu, it's getting late. How about you guys stay? The kid from Osaka can also stay."

Li Mu glanced at the moon in the sky. It was indeed getting late.

"Well, I'll send everyone back from the Young Detective Team, and I'll come back then."

He Ye heard that Li Mu was staying and said quickly:"Let's stay too. It's not a good idea to go back so late. Anyway, we can go back early tomorrow and go to school."

"Well, I'll stay too."

Let alone Hattori Heiji, how could he be with Ye and Li Mu?

"Okay, everyone in the Teen Detective Team, let me take you home."


Li Mu drove the car and sent everyone home one by one.

Finally, Li Mu looked at Hui Yuan Ai who got out of the car and said with a smile:"Xiao Ai, I will send your gifts back tomorrow."

Hui Yuan Ai turned her head and looked at Li Mu coldly.

"Remember, no gift from me should be missing."

Li Mu's face was full of black lines. Who is this person? How dare he doubt her?

"Don't worry, I will give you your things, so you don't have to worry."

After that, Li Mu drove away directly.

After returning to the Maori Detective Agency, Li Mu directly entered the third floor

"Brother Li, where will you sleep tonight?"Xiaolan asked.

Li Mu thought for a while. Although the third floor of Maori Kogoro's house is large, there are only two rooms plus a storage room.

Xiaolan and Ye share a room, and Maori Kogoro, Conan and others share a room. There are no two rooms

"Let's do this. I'll sleep on the sofa downstairs. You just need to prepare a quilt."

"Okay, I'll go prepare a quilt for you."

Xiaolan quickly walked to her room and took out a quilt and a bed sheet.

"Brother Li, this is your quilt."

Li Mu took the quilt and sniffed it gently.

Although the smell was very light, Li Mu could smell the vague fragrance in the air. Not only the fragrance, but also the small smell. Ran's body fragrance.

On the other hand, Hattori Heiji was very happy.

They could sleep in the same room with Mouri Kogoro and others, while Li Mu could only sleep downstairs, and on the sofa.

Hattori Heiji raised the corners of his mouth and said proudly:"Hey, Li Mu, why don't you sleep with us and make a bunk on the floor? How about you? Do you want to come?"

Li Mu glanced at Hattori Heiji, so what if he sleeps on the sofa? Li Mu can still bully Ye Xiaolan later.

But Hattori Heiji and Conan can only sleep with a snoring uncle. In the end, Li Mu will make a lot of money. Got it

"No, I can do it. I think back then, I had slept everywhere. I wasn’t the kind of person who couldn’t endure hardship, let alone the kind of young master everyone had."Li Mu said politely.

"Really? Brother Li, you are so powerful, so rich and so good."He Ye said with admiration on his face.

The same goes for Xiaolan. Her friends Yuanzi and Li Mu are both rich people, but they have very good personalities and don't have the arrogance of rich people........

Hattori Heiji and Conan were jealous and very unhappy.

Why can Li Mu be praised by Xiaolan and the others?

"Okay, everyone, I'm going to have a rest. I'll rest early tonight. You have to go to school tomorrow."

"Yes, Brother Li."

Li Mu left the room and came to the second floor.

The others went to take a bath each, and then returned to their rooms to rest.

I don't know how long it took, but He Ye suddenly woke up in Xiaolan's room and patted him gently. Shoot Xiaolan

"Xiaolan, I'm leaving tomorrow. I'm going to see Brother Li to say hello."

Xiaolan's face turned red instantly. She still didn't know Kazuya's purpose.

In Mouri Kogoro's room, Hattori Heiji suddenly felt a bad feeling in his heart.

"Kudo, let’s take a look downstairs."

"Okay, let's go now."

Conan was also a little worried, so he quickly followed Hattori Heiji, who was 3.5, to the second floor.

Hattori Heiji quietly opened the door, then stuck his head out and took a look at the sofa in the living room.

He saw a person lying on the sofa. ,resting

"who? what's the matter?"

Li Mu suddenly shouted loudly and quickly looked in the direction of Hattori Heiji and Conan.

Hattori Heiji quickly turned on the light, and then said with a flattering smile:"I'm sorry, I just saw someone coming, so I came to take a look. I didn't expect it. Man, sorry"

"Yes, that's it."

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage, the invincible slaying of the red pupil begins!_

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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