At night, Li Mu and Yukiko said goodbye and drove away.

After returning to his home, Li Mu just opened the door and felt that there was an extra person in his home, and couldn't help but smile.

This person is also one of Li Mu's friends, and her identity is not simple, she is the legendary phantom thief lady.

Black Feather Qianying was lying on the bed in Li Mu's room, closing her eyes and resting.

After Li Mu came in, he looked at Heiyu Qianying who was resting. He walked forward and sat next to her. He looked at the sleeping Heiyu Qianying and couldn't help but take another look.

The sleeping Kuroyu Qianying is very cute, with a touch of joy between her eyebrows.

Maybe it must be because I dreamed about Li Mu that I was so happy.

Li Mu's eyes flashed across Heiyu Qianying, with a hint of curvature at the corner of his mouth.

At this moment, Black Feather Qianying is attracting Li Mu, and seems to want Li Mu to do something to her.

With this beautiful appearance, luckily she met Li Mu. If a random man came here, he would probably do something to Kuroba Qianying.

Of course, Li Mu completely forgot that he was not a positive person either.

Li Mu stared at the sleeping Kuroyu Qianying for a moment, then lay directly next to Kuroyu Qianying, then closed his eyes and slowly fell into sleep.


The next day, a burst of sunlight came through.

Kuroba Qianying's eyes moved, and then slowly opened them

"Actually fell asleep, really."

Kuroba Chikage muttered, and just as he was about to move, he felt someone beside him.

Yes, there was a person, and he was a man.

Suddenly, Kuroba Chikage woke up, sat up quickly, and looked at the person next to him.

After seeing that this person was Li Mu, Kuroyu Qianying breathed a sigh of relief.

She thought it was someone just now and thought he was a bad guy, but she didn't expect it to be Li Mu.

Then, Kuroyu Qianying leaned against the wall and looked at the man who was also sleeping. Li Mu

"This guy looks quite cute when sleeping."

Black Feather Qianying muttered, put a finger on Li Mu's cheek, and then pressed it hard.

Perhaps because the pressing was not enough, Black Feather Qianying pressed it many times again.

"So cute, why is her face so smooth and supple? She looks more like a woman than me. I'm so jealous."

Although he is a man and often fights, Li Mu's skin is not that rough, but very white. I am afraid that many women's skin is not as good as Li Mu's.

Li Mu was sleeping soundly, and suddenly he felt someone pressing his skin. Face, gradually woke up from sleep.

However, Li Mu did not open his eyes, but continued to open his eyes, pretending that he had not woken up.

Black Feather Qianying saw that Li Mu did not wake up, and the corners of his mouth rose.

"Haven't woken up yet? Then don't blame me for being rude."

Black Feather Qianying muttered, and used his bright short hair to scratch Li Mu's nose twice.

Suddenly, Li Mu opened his eyes, startling Black Feather Qianying.

Li Mu stood up and sat directly next to Black Feather Qianying.

"Qianying, I haven’t seen you for so long, and you actually know how to tease me. Do you miss me so much and want to be eaten by me?"

Heiyu Qianying blushed and turned to the side shyly, embarrassed to look directly at Li Mu.

"Okay, Qianying, what did you do when you came over yesterday evening?"

"I... I just haven't seen you for a long time and I miss you a little. What, do you miss me?"Heiyu Qianying said with a blushing face.

Li Mu picked up Heiyu Qianying and pulled her up.

"You miss me, then let’s go and I’ll take you out to play. You will be mine all day long."

Kuroba Qiankage was overjoyed. He quickly sat up and tidied his clothes.

Li Mu tidied up his clothes, and then left here with Kuroba Qiankage.

Tokyo is very big, and sometimes even if you have lived in Tokyo for so many years, there is no I have met people from Tokyo at the same time.

So Li Mu specially took Kuroba Qiankage to other districts this time to prevent accidental encounters with people like Fei Yingli.

By then, it might be a Shura field.

The only difference is that this Shura field Maybe no one will die.

After Li Mu drove to the 16th ward of Tokyo, he parked the car in a parking lot

······Asking for flowers·······

"Qianying, where are we going now?"

Kuroba Chikage glanced around, then smiled and said:"Let's go to Ekoda High School. There is a bowling alley there. We can go there and have a good time."

"Okay, let’s go to Ekoda."

Li Mu didn't care and drove directly to the bowling alley near Ekota.

After arriving at the bowling alley, Li Mu took the lead to apply for a high-end VIP card, and then went in with Kuroba Chikage.

"Qianying, let’s start. Do you want me to teach you? My bowling skills are still very good."

"No, I am very good at it myself, I don’t need you to come and teach me."


Kuroba Qiankage picked up a bowling ball and threw it gently. The bowling ball flew out in a beautiful arc.

Li Mu stood aside, keeping his eyes on Heiyu Qianying.

On the side, Kuroyu Qianying saw Li Mu looking at him and was in a daze, deliberately showing off his beautiful figure.

"Li Mu, what are you looking at? I have already thrown it. Do you want to compete with me? If you win, I promise you something."

"Yeah? I competed and promised me one thing."

Li Mu's eyes lit up, he walked aside and picked up a bowling ball.

The bowling ball was quite heavy, but to Li Mu, this bowling ball was nothing at all.

"By the way, Qianying, how about I close my eyes? If I win you like this, can you agree to any of my requests including rudeness?"

"Close your eyes?"

This time it was Kuroba Qianying's turn, his eyes lit up, he looked a little proud, and said excitedly:"Yes, I will give you this chance, but if you lose, then you have to agree to any of my requests."

Black Feather Qianying is already sure that he can win at this moment, because no one can do it, and he still closes his eyes.

Seeing that Black Feather Qianying fell into the trap, Li Mu raised the corners of his mouth.

As a person with the domineering power of knowledge, how can He may lose to an ordinary woman.

He will definitely win this game.

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage, Invincible Dragon Ball begins with!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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