Ekoda High School, a very famous high school in Tokyo.

There are many famous alumni, of course, the most famous one now is probably Kaitou Kidd, although others don't know it.

In addition to Kaitou Kidd, there are many particularly capable people in this school, such as Koizumi Anko.

On this day, after school, students came out of the school in twos and threes.

Among the crowd, a man who looked very much like Kudo Shinichi and a man who looked somewhat similar to Xiaolan were walking on the cement road.

These two people are none other than Kaito Kid Kuroba and Aoko Nakamori.

Next to the two of them, there is a girl with burgundy hair. She is the only magician Koizumi Anko.

"By the way, Qingzi, don't be in a hurry to go home today. Let's go to the bowling alley there. It's very nice there."Kuroba Kaito said

"Well, why not go there and have some fun."

Nakamori Aoko didn't refuse either.

"Hehehe, in that case, let's go together. I also want to go to the bowling alley."Koizumi Hongzi said with a smile.

"Well, let's go together."

Kuroba Kaito and his party went to the bowling alley together, and it happened to be the bowling alley where Li Mu and Kuroba Chikage were....……

In the bowling alley, in front of a wooden alley, Li Mu put an arm around Kuroba Qianying and grabbed her right hand.

"Okay, that's it. Just throw it lightly and you can hit the wooden ball."

"What's wrong, Qianying, why is your heart beating so fast? Are you nervous or something else? Your heart is beating so fast."

Black Feather Qianying pursed her lips and said with a blushing face:"Don't always be so close to me, it's very uncomfortable."

"Okay, Qianying, don't be like this, come on, throw this ball like this, it will definitely hit the target."

Kuroba Qianying didn't say anything, slowly raised the bowling ball, and then tossed it gently.

Click...Click... a series of crashing sounds came.

At the end of the boardwalk, Jiu was knocked away by Kuroba Chikage. pity...Kuroba Chikage's bowling ball ran to the wrong track, and the wooden ball was on the other track.

In other words, there is actually no Kuroba Chikage.

Black Feather Qianying blushed and stepped on Li Mu's feet dissatisfied.

"Li Mu, it's all your fault, it's all your fault, I can definitely hit those bowling balls. It's all your fault. You have to be responsible."

"Responsible? Li Mu's eyes lit up, he winked and joked:"Then how do you want me to be responsible?""

"Who needs your comfort? I don’t need it."

Kuroba Qiankage turned her head arrogantly, but her beautiful eyes were paying attention to Li Mu from time to time, with a trace of love in her eyes.

On the other side, Kuroba Kaito and Nakamori Aoko came to the bowling alley, paid the money, and then Come in.

After entering, Kuroba Kaito said proudly:"Let me tell you, my bowling skills are very powerful. You will know when the time comes."

"Yeah? Kaito, don't brag, we won't necessarily lose to you in bowling."

Nakamori Aoko raised her hand with confidence in her eyes.

Koizumi Anko covered her mouth and snickered, but didn't say much.

The three of them arrived at the training ground on the second floor. As soon as they entered, they saw Li Mu and Kuroba Qiankage.

In an instant, the faces of the three white boys and girls suddenly turned red, and they lowered their heads shyly.

Suddenly, Nakamori Aoko asked in confusion:"Kaito, why does that girl look like your mother?"

Kuroba Kaito quickly raised his head and looked.

After a closer look, the woman did look very much like her mother, no matter the back or anything else.

Thinking about it more carefully, his mother did seem to have something. He married a man.

When he thought of this, Kuroba Kaito suddenly became angry.

That was all, but the most important thing was that he didn’t know who the man was yet.

Kuroba Kaito didn’t think much and ran away quickly He looked at Li Mu and Kuroba Qianying.

Li Mu also noticed Kuroba Kaito, stood up quickly, and said softly:"Qianying, your son is coming. I will withdraw first. You can help me block him."

"What? Kaito is here too."

Kuroba Chikage was also startled, and quickly turned around to look, and then saw Kuroba Kaito running over.

Without thinking much, Kuroba Chikage quickly reached out and grabbed Kuroba Kaito. Fight, and slap the giant down at the same time

"Catch gangsters and perverts."

Li Mu:"……"

Kuroba Kaito:"……"

Nakamori Aoko:"……"

Sure enough, Kuroba Chikage is quite ruthless. In order to prevent Kuroba Kaito from finding out, it doesn't matter even if he cheats his own son.

Kuroba Kaito was stunned for a moment. When he reacted again, Li Mu had already left the bowling alley and lost track of him.

The Great Voyage of Beloved Concubine Invincible Dragon Ball begins! _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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