After dinner, Chibo Jinghua looked at everyone and said quickly:"By the way, Detective Maori, why not stay here tonight? My house is quite big and there are many rooms."

"OK, I'll stay here tonight."

Mouri Kogoro may have drunk too much. Not only did he not refuse, but he agreed enthusiastically.

Chihao Jinghua looked at Li Mu again and asked quickly:"Mr. Li, what about you? Do you want to stay too?"

"Well, since my husband"097" has said so, I naturally have no choice but to agree."Li Mu said.

Although Li Mu can stay at He Ye's house and do some shy things with He Ye.

But now Li Mu's primary goal is Chi Bo Jinghua, so he naturally wants to do something to her to increase her feelings for him. Kazuha was a little regretful. She also wanted to do some happy things when she was with Li Mu, and could reproduce offspring by the way.

Hattori Heiji originally planned to refuse, but then he thought of something, and finally agreed.

He didn't want to because Due to his refusal, Li Mu ended up living in He Ye's house, which gave him a headache.


At night, Mouri Kogoro and others entered the hot bath one after another, took a hot bath, and then rested alone.

More than an hour later, after Li Mu sent Mouri Kogoro away, he lay in the hot water alone, closing his eyes and enjoying it.

On the other hand, Chi Bo Jinghua picked up his change of clothes and came outside the bathroom.

Chi Bo Jinghua was about to go in when he suddenly thought of something and knocked gently on the door.

"Excuse me, is there anyone inside?"

Li Mu heard what Chi Bo Jinghua said, thought of something, and hurriedly hid in the hot water.

Because some special minerals were added, the hot bath was blue and the water could not be seen outside.

Chi Bo Jinghua shouted After a while, I didn't hear the sound inside, so I didn't hesitate and came in directly.

"No one? Chi

Bo Jinghua murmured, then went to the kimono, then walked to Re, and sat down.

Li Mu pretended to be startled and sat up straight.

When Chi Bo Jinghua saw Li Mu, he was about to shout.

"Madam, it's me, don't shout."

Li Mu quickly covered Chi Bo Jinghua's mouth.

Chi Bo Jinghua also reacted, patted Li Mu's hand gently, and signaled to Li Mu.

Li Mu let go of Chi Bo Jinghua's hand and said softly:"Madam, Sorry, I didn't hear your voice just now. I was practicing holding my breath, so……"

"I know, I won't take it seriously, by the way, I'm leaving first, you can continue......."

Chi Bo Jinghua stood up and wanted to leave.

But for some reason, Chi Bo Jinghua was thinking about Li Mu and didn't pay attention to her surroundings, so her foot accidentally slipped.

Suddenly, Chibo Jinghua fell down again.

But this time, when Chibo Jinghua sat down, something unusual happened.


Time gradually passed, and Hattori Heizo returned to his home after finishing his work.

When he arrived at home, Hattori Heizo looked at the lights in the bathroom and couldn't help but stop.

"Jinghua, is that you? Are you still taking a shower?"

Inside, Chiba Jinghua suddenly heard Hattori Heizang's voice outside, and froze subconsciously.

"Oh, Detective Maori and Li Mu came here together today, so I asked them to wash first. It was my turn just now."

"Yeah? Then I'll go and rest first."

After a while, Chiba Jinghua returned to her room and looked at Hattori Heizang with an apologetic look.

After all, she had just been sorry for Hattori Heizang.

But she thought of Hattori Heizang's 'inaction' for so many years, and her heart There is no more hesitation.

She wants to find happiness.

The Great Voyage of Beloved Concubine Invincible Dragon Ball begins!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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