After returning to Tokyo, Li Mu came to Yukiko's villa and stayed with his concubine Yingri for a long time.

Fei Yingli has been with her for two months now. Li Mu naturally needs to stay with her for a few more days to make her feel warm. This will be good for the child.

On this day, Li Mu reached out and touched his concubine Yingli's slightly bulging belly, and said softly:"Yingli, I'm going out. Yukiko, I'll leave it to you.""

"Don't worry, leave it to me."

Li Mu tapped Fei Yingli's face, kissed Yukiko again, and then left home.

It was the afternoon, Xiaolan and others went to school during the day, and Miwako went to work during the day, so naturally there was no one. Suzuki

Tomoko and others had no time during the day. , Li Mu just happened to accompany Fei Yingli and the others, firstly to kill time, and secondly to make Fei Yingli feel warm.

In the afternoon, everyone else would basically go to school or get off work, which was the beginning of the so-called nightlife. Naturally, Li Mu would not continue Stay.

On the way to the Maori Detective Agency, suddenly, a figure in the distance hurriedly ran into a small alley.

Then another person ran out from behind, wearing a blue police uniform, and the target was the person just now

"Stop 097, police, don't run away"


Li Mu looked at the policewoman Miike Miaozi who ran past, and quickly followed.

In the alley, the man who was running away suddenly stopped and took out a knife in his hand.

"Damn it, you damn policeman, you actually blocked my way, you go to hell."

"ah. Miike

Naoko exclaimed, and before she had time to dodge, the prisoner stabbed her in the waist from the front.

Fortunately, Miike Naoko escaped a little, only a wound was made, and a lot of blood flowed out.

"Go to hell."

The prisoner shouted again, then raised the knife and stabbed Sanchi Miaozi again.

At this moment, Li Mu came out, and then kicked hard with one foot, knocking the knife away from the prisoner's hand.

Then Li Mu kicked the prisoner again and directly kicked the prisoner against the wall on the side.

The prisoner hit him hard, and then fainted.

After Li Mu took care of the prisoner, he looked at Sanchi Miaozi beside him, ran over quickly, and pulled away Miike Naeko’s police uniform

"Miaozi, are you okay?"


Sanchi Miaozi blushed and was shy. She let Li Mu pull open her clothes.

Li Mu looked at Sanchi Miaozi's wound. The skin was very white. It was just a knife wound. There will definitely be scars in the future.

But for Li Mu, this is It's nothing.

Li Mu took out a medicine bottle and said softly:"Miaozi, let me clean up your wound. Don't move around.""

"Well, Li Mu, come on."

Sanchi Miaozi turned her head to the side, not daring to look at Li Mu, and let Li Mu deal with the wound.

Li Mu wiped it for a while, and after treating the wound, he pulled up Sanchi Miaozi's skirt.

"Miaozi, remember to wear safety pants from now on, otherwise you will be seen by others in the future."

"Yes, I understand, senior."Sanchi Miaozi shouted loudly, remembering Li Mu's instructions in his heart

"Miaozi, are you okay?"

In the distance, several police officers rushed over, led by Officer Mu Mu.

After Officer Mu Mu saw Li Mu, he was stunned for a moment, and then looked at the prisoner who had fainted.

"Li Mu, needless to say, this guy must have been kicked by you, right?"

Looking at the marks on the prisoner's face, and then looking at the wall behind him, Officer Mu Mu still doesn't know.

With so many people, only Li Mu (bgdf) is so cruel.

"Hahaha, I'm sorry, I saw this guy hurt a lovely and just policeman, so I couldn't help but use a little strength, but don't worry, he didn't die."Li Mu laughed and said

"harm?"Officer Memu was stunned for a moment, and then he saw Dan with blood on his side, and immediately became nervous.

"Officer Miike, are you injured or okay? It doesn't matter."

"Officer Megure, I'm fine. It's just a skin injury. The bleeding from the incision has stopped. I just need to go for anti-inflammation later. Miike Naeko said quickly.

Officer Megure glanced at Miike Naeko's waist and said seriously:"Okay, I'll give you a day off today. I will tell the traffic department. You should go to the hospital now.""

"Yes, Miaozi, why don't I send you there? It's good to see this kind of thing"

"Well, thank you, Mr. Li."

Miike Miaozi lowered her head, embarrassed to refuse Li Mu at all, and at the same time she still had a little expectation in her heart.

Li Mu and Officer Memu borrowed a police car and took Miike Miaozi to a nearby hospital.

"Miaozi, let me help you, let's go in"


Sanchi Miaozi nodded, let Li Mu support her, and then entered the hospital.

After entering, Li Mu hung up an emergency number for her, and then personally sent her to the doctor, waiting until Sanchi Miaozi was treated.

Sanchi Miaozi also kept staring at Li Mu, with that look as if he wanted to eat Li Mu completely, and would not let go for a moment.

Li Mu naturally noticed Sanchi Miaozi, and was immediately happy.

But Li Mu knew that Sanchi Miaozi had that kind of personality. He is introverted and will not take the initiative to express his feelings, so he can only take the initiative.

But if Li Mu takes the initiative, Miike Miaozi may also think that Li Mu belongs to Miwako, and will refuse without hesitation when the time comes, so Li Mu must use special methods.

For example, like Yumi , find a special opportunity, and then cook it, Miike Naozi will reluctantly accept it.

But first, we must find a way to make Miike Naozi accept it.

"By the way, Miaozi, it's getting late. I'll take you back. You need to have a good rest. Officer Memu will help you ask for leave."

"um. Thank you."

Sanchi Miaozi once again accepted Li Mu's help, and then was picked up by Li Mu's car and returned to his residence, and was helped into the apartment by Li Mu. The Great Voyage of Beloved Concubine Invincible Dragon Ball begins!

_Feilu reminds you: Reading Three Things - Favorites, Recommendations

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