"Okay, Xiaolan, it's getting late, let's go back."

Mouri Kogoro straightened his collar, turned around and left.

He spent so long today, from near noon to afternoon, and actually got a word from Li Mu, and his heart was chilled.

Conan didn't say anything, and raised his hands He put his hands on his hips and left with Maori Kogoro.

Xiaolan hesitated for a moment, then said:"Dad, do you want to wait for Brother Li?""

"Yes, Uncle Maoli, stay, how can you leave Li Mu alone."

Xiaolan Yuanzi is naturally reluctant to let go of Li Mu, and of course she hopes to stay with Li Mu.

As for Shiliang Zhenchun, not to mention, since Xiaolan Yuanzi wants to stay, she will naturally stay with him.

"Hum, whatever you want, then let's go back Conan."Mouri Kogoro waved to Conan

"No, Uncle Maoli, I will also stay 16 to accompany Brother Li."Conan said with a smile.

As for accompanying Li Mu, how could it be possible? The one he was really worried about was Xiaolan. He didn't want Xiaolan to accompany Li Mu.

Li Mu glanced at Conan and smiled:"Okay, Xiaolan, it's getting late. , you guys go back first, I’ve finished writing the notes, and I have other things to do"

"Yeah? Brother Li, let’s leave then."

Xiaolan looked at Li Mu reluctantly, and finally left with Yuanzi and others.

Li Mu waved and watched everyone leave.

If Miwako hadn't been at the Metropolitan Police Department today, Li Mu would have left with Xiaolan and the others..

But since Miwako is here, Li Mu has to play with her.

After seeing everyone off, Li Mu left and came to the site of the first search lesson, and then walked to Miwako's side

"Miwako, I'm sorry, please help me take notes today."

Miwako just hung up the phone. After listening to Li Mu's words, she praised:"Li Mu, thank you today for catching a blackmailer for us. Li

Mu immediately sat up straight, patted his chest, and said righteously:"Miwako, I am a principled person. No matter how dangerous it is, I will bring the criminal to justice."

And that guy actually ruined other people's restaurants for his own selfish purposes. This is equivalent to ruining other people's happiness. How could I stand by and watch."

Miwako immediately looked at Li Mu with admiration, and the other police officers were angry.

If Conan was here, he would definitely be scornful.

Because Li Mu is definitely not a person with a strong sense of justice, and he is even lazy, so how can he possibly uphold justice.

In fact, Li Mu is indeed not the case.

Sometimes, if it wasn't for losing to Conan, or if he didn't want some murderers to be caught, Li Mu wouldn't even take the initiative to intervene.

Li Mu ignored the angry looks of the police around him and said,"Okay, Miwako, Please take notes for me. Then we can have dinner together in the cafeteria of the Metropolitan Police Department."

"OK, let me take notes for you first."

Miwako took out a pen and spent some time making a note for Li Mu.

After finishing Li Mu's work, Miwako had a dinner with Li Mu in the cafeteria of the Metropolitan Police Department, and the two chatted happily.

That's all. At this time, Yumi also walked into the cafeteria.

As soon as she entered the cafeteria, Yumi saw Li Mu and Miwako, and quickly pulled Miike Naoko beside her and walked over.

"Miaozi, let's go find Miwako"

"Ah, oh."

Miike Naeko did not refuse, and was pulled by Yumi like this.

And she actually had some small expectations in her heart.

"Miwako, Li Mu, why are you together today?"

"Oh, that’s right, this morning, Li Mu……"Miwako explained.

Yumi's eyes suddenly filled with joy and she said with admiration:"Li Mu, you are indeed a good person, and you are brave enough to do what is right. In fact, you can be a policeman." Although

Miike Miaozi on the side did not speak, she looked at Li Mu with the same admiration.

Li Mu touched his hair and said proudly:"No, I'm too good. If I become a policeman, I'm afraid those criminals will be scared and surrender.""


The three girls also knew that Li Mu was joking and couldn't help but snicker.

After everyone finished their dinner, they did not leave, but came to the office area.

When they arrived at the office area, Yumi and Miike Naeko returned to their own territory in the Transportation Department, while Li Mu followed Miwako.

After a long time, it was getting dark and most of the police officers had gone off duty.

Miwako took advantage of the rest of the people not paying attention and walked into the stairwell alone.

In the dark, Yumi looked at the somewhat cautious Miwako, her eyes rolled around, and then she quickly followed behind.

Li Mu was playing games in the stairwell when he sensed Miwako's arrival. He quickly put away his phone and waited patiently.

Miwako looked at Li Mu who was waiting for her, her face turned red, and her heart suddenly jumped.

"Miwako, come here."

Li Mu took Miwako's shoulders and pulled Miwako over. Miwako only struggled slightly and stopped resisting, allowing Li Mu to do something to her.

In the secret, Yumi followed Miwako quietly. As soon as she came over, A strange sound was heard.

In an instant, Yumi immediately understood what the sound was, and her face turned red instantly.

Yumi was not shy, but stretched out her head expectantly, and then saw the movements of Li Mu and Miwako through the stairs..

The Beloved Concubine Invincible Dragon Ball of the Great Voyage begins!

_Fei Lu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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