In the hospital, Conan glanced at the empty ward, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Everyone has abandoned him emotionally, and he is the only one left in the entire ward.

At this moment, Conan deeply felt the charm of money. Li Mu used money full of the smell of copper to attract others.

It's a pity that there is nothing he can do.

Li Mu, Ye and others walked around the street all day, and arrived at the Maori Detective Agency at night.

When he arrived at the office, Li Mu looked at Hattori Heiji and others and said:"Hattori, Kazuha, do you want to have dinner here tonight? I will take you back tomorrow.""

"Yes, Heye, please stay, I have a lot to say to you."Xiaolan also spoke to persuade him to stay.

"OK, Xiaolan, I'll stay."

Of course Kazuha wanted to stay with Li Mu, but 16 was a little shy at first.

But now that Xiaolan had spoken, Kazuha took the opportunity to agree.

Hattori Heiji didn't want to agree at all.

He wanted to leave here and not let Li Mu. He and Ye will stay together for a while.

But now that He and Ye have agreed, how can he just watch He Yeyang fall into the tiger's mouth?

"Okay, then I'll stay. Li

Mu looked at Chi Bo Jinghua and said,"Madam, you can stay here too. There is no room to sleep here. I can book a hotel for you then." But

Hattori Heiji didn't know anything about it and said nonchalantly:"Mom, if I ask you to stay, just stay. Why are you leaving in such a hurry? You have nothing to do anyway.""

He didn't want Chi Bo Jinghua to leave, causing him to leave with him, which made him unable to see He Ye and the others.

When Chi Bo Jinghua saw this, he didn't care, and said:"Well, I'll trouble you today."

"Okay, that's it, Heye, Xiaolan, I'll go and you guys can help."


The two nodded and hurriedly followed Li Mu to the kitchen.

At night, after everyone had their dinner, they rested for a while and chatted casually.

After a long time, Li Mu said:"By the way, Madam, I want you to go to a nearby hotel. Have a good rest today. I will take you back tomorrow."

"Okay, then I’ll trouble you, Li Mu."

Chi Bo Jinghua stood up, followed Li Mu slowly, came downstairs, got in the car and left together.

After arriving at the hotel room, Li Mu took the lead in sitting on the sofa on the side, and then said to Chi Bo Jinghua Blinking.

On the other side, Maori Detective Agency.

Xiaolan looked at the time, feeling a little curious in her heart as to why Li Mu didn't come back.

But although she was curious, Xiaolan did not call rashly.

"By the way, Kazuha, Hattori, it's getting late, why don't we go take a rest."

Hattori Heiji looked at the moonlight outside, then looked at the clock, nodded and said:"Okay, Uncle Mori, I will sleep here tonight."

"It's up to you. Anyway, I'm going to take a shower now. Remember to sleep on the ground and don't take my bed."

Moori Kogoro 097 walked into the bathroom nonchalantly, and then started taking a bath.

Hattori Heiji didn't care either, and walked directly into the bathroom.

After a long time, everyone finished taking a bath and each entered their own room..

After arriving in the room, Xiaolan picked up the mobile phone and glanced at the screen. There was no call from Li Mu.

He Ye also noticed Xiaolan and said expectantly:"Xiaolan, why isn't Brother Li here yet? Do you want to make a call?" Ask"

"Well, let me ask."

Xiaolan picked up the phone and dialed.

In the hotel

"Hey, Xiaolan, I have something to do here. I will be over in a while. Just wait.

Okay, that's it, don't worry."

The Beloved Concubine Invincible Dragon Ball of the Great Voyage Begins!_

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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