That night, Li Mu stayed with Fei Yingli for a night, and then left Hokkaido.

Of course, that night, Li Mu treated Yukiko well, and then let Fei Yingli treat her badly.

After Li Mu returned to Tokyo, he naturally came to the Maori Detective Agency first.

After all, they hadn't seen each other for a few days, and Li Mu really missed Xiaolan.

When Li Mu entered the office, he saw Kogoro Mouri sitting on a stool, reading a newspaper, and Conan sitting on the sofa watching TV.

As for Xiaolan, she was seriously disturbing the room with a vacuum cleaner.

As soon as he saw Li Mu arriving, Mouri Kogoro just glanced at him, then turned his head and continued to do his"Zero Nine Seven" thing.

Conan looked bitter and felt a little unhappy.

Only Xiaolan was very happy.

As soon as Xiaolan saw Li Mu, she quickly came over and said,"Brother Li, it's you. You're back. How are you doing in Hokkaido?""

"Well, I’m very happy in Hokkaido."

Mouri Kogoro glanced at Li Mu, put down the newspaper and said:"Li Mu, since you are back, why not go out to eat at noon? There is a good new restaurant nearby."

Every time he goes out to eat, Li Mu pays, so Maori Kogoro often encourages Li Mu to go out to eat.

Xiaolan naturally knows what kind of personality her father has, and complains dissatisfied:"Dad, you ask Brother Li to treat you again, and you can't do it occasionally. A treat?

And if you have this money to go out and play small steel balls, you might as well treat us to a nice meal"

"It's okay, Xiaolan, let's go out for a meal together. I'll treat you. I happen to be in a very good mood recently."Li Mu patted Xiaolan and said

"Did you hear that? Li Mu is in a good mood and invites us out for dinner. Let's go together."Moori Kogoro said with a proud smile.

Can Li Mu be in a bad mood? After all, Fei Yingli gave birth to a daughter for him.

But one thing is for sure, if Maori Kogoro knew about it, he would definitely be very unhappy.

After all, she is her Although his wife was ten years ago, she was still legal and had not divorced for so many years.

Li Mu looked at Maori Kogoro, and could vaguely see the Hulunbuir prairie above Maori Kogoro's head.

Maori Kogoro noticed Li Mu, He touched the back of his head in confusion.

"Li Mu, what's wrong? What's wrong with my head? You've been looking at it for so long?"

"Oh, it’s nothing, I always feel like your hair is just like the Lumbell Prairie."

Li Mu couldn't help but tease.

Mouri Kogoro didn't understand yet, so he couldn't help but reached out and touched the top of his head.

"Li Mu, what does Hulunbuir mean? What’s wrong with my hair? Is it bald?"

Mouri Kogoro suddenly lost his mind, and quickly ran to the mirror, tilted his head, and looked at it seriously.

Li Mu couldn't help laughing and joked:"The reason why Hulunbuir Prairie has a lot of hair is not like me, who has a little hair."

"Yeah? Does this mean? That's true, I am indeed the Hulunbuir Prairie, hahahaha……"

If you are a person of this era, you will definitely laugh out loud after listening to Mouri Kogoro's words.

It's a pity that this joke doesn't exist in this era.

After a while, Mouri Kogoro stopped smiling and said quickly:"Okay, Li Mu, let's not talk anymore. Let's go to eat. Let's go now."

Xiaolan looked at the excited Moori Kogoro and helplessly covered her head. I don’t want to say anything more about my forehead.

At noon, Li Mu and others finished their meal and returned to the Maori Detective Agency.

Then Li Mu took advantage of Conan not paying attention and secretly took Xiaolan away........

After Conan went to the bathroom, he didn't see Xiaolan and Li Mu when he came out. He couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

"Uncle Maoli, where is Sister Xiaolan? Why isn't she here?"

"Oh, Xiaolan? She and Li Mu went out to play, and what happened to the eldest lady of the Suzuki family?"Mouri Kogoro said casually.

If Li Mu was the only one, Maori Kogoro would definitely be worried that her daughter would be chewed by Li Mu.

But since there is still a garden, Maori Kogoro was relieved.

Little did he know that Li Mu also gnawed the garden..

Conan's expression changed. Xiaolan actually left with Li Mu. It was really abominable.

"Uncle Maoli, I'm going out now, you wait."

After that, Conan took his skateboard and left.

On the other side, Li Mu drove and waited outside a villa.

This villa is not someone else's villa, but another villa owned by the Sonoko family in Tokyo. There is usually no Who lives there?

After waiting for a while, a car approached.

Then three figures walked down from above.

The leader was naturally Suzuki Tomoko, followed by Sonoko 3.5 and Suzuki Ayako.

Suzuki Tomoko walked up to Li Mu and said coquettishly: :"Li Mu, you are really bad. You only call me Yuanzi and not me and Lingzi. You are really bad.""

Sonoko and Suzuki Ayako covered their mouths and snickered.

On the other side, Conan left the Mori Detective Agency and immediately came to Sonoko's house.

However, he did not find Li Mu, and only received news that Li Mu and Sonoko went shopping.

As for the Where to go shopping, how could Sonoko and Suzuki Tomoko tell them.

Helpless, Conan had to leave Sonoko's house.

The Invincible Concubine of the Voyage_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation

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