"Please don't use cuteness to describe me, I'm a king." Arturia suddenly puffed up and said dissatisfiedly.

  "Okay, no need to be cute, but let me see how Saber's figure is." Irisviel smiled and came to Artoria's side, walking up and down.

  "I... I have something to do, so I'll leave first." Artoria, whose face was flushed by Irisviel, quickly covered her body and left quickly.

  Black Joan on the side felt Irisviel's gaze, got up and left without saying a word.

  After leaving the bath, Arturia blushed, and then without thinking much, she directly pulled a layer of bath towel on her body, walked to a room, opened the door and walked in, not noticing that she had gone wrong. Room.

  After entering the room, Arturia didn't turn on the light either. At the same time, she remembered what she had just seen. Her legs softened and she couldn't care less. She took off her bath towel and climbed onto her bed.

  She didn't realize that there was another person beside her.

  To be precise, she was in a daze at the moment, completely unaware of the things around her.

  And beside her, Li Mu didn't think too much. He just thought that Irisviel came back and stretched out his hands. One was placed on Arturia's small cage~bag, and the other hand was placed on some heavy~ where you want.

  Just after being touched by Li Mu, Artoria's body froze. Looking at Li Mu beside her, her brain was completely stunned, and her mind was even more blank.

  Li Mu hadn't noticed anything abnormal at the moment, and his hands were constantly swimming and walking, especially the hands below, which were not old-fashioned at all.

  But after a while, Li Mu also noticed a trace of anomaly.

  "Why doesn't it feel right?" Li Mu felt the small cage bag in one hand, and couldn't help pinching it.

  This time, Li Mu immediately woke up, looking at Arturia on the side, the whole person was completely stunned.

  But the next moment, Li Mu's face changed slightly, feeling the magic power surging in Arturia, he quickly covered her red lips and whispered: "Saber, you are in the wrong room, this is me. s room."

  After speaking, Li Mu hurriedly turned on the lights in the room, revealing the background of his room.

  Because Ilya used to be here a lot, there were a lot of toys in the room, so it was easy to identify.

  Arturia also knew that she had gone to the wrong room, and was embarrassed to get angry, so she blushed and said in a low voice, "Yes... I'm sorry, can you let me go now?"

  "Oh... I'm sorry, I'll let you go now." Li Mu quickly released his hand and let go of Arturia.

  At this time, Artoria also hurriedly left Li Mu, pulled the towel next to her, wrapped it around her body, and was about to leave here.

  But after walking for a while, she heard footsteps outside, and she froze there, at a loss.

  She knew that it was Irisviel outside, and at the same time was anxious. If she was found out, she was afraid of affecting Li Mu's family conflicts.

  As for the explanation, does anyone believe her when she says it out?

  As for hiding, although this room is big, it is full of toys, and there is no place to hide and escape?How can she leave here, who can't become a spirit body?

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????

  Li Mu also saw the anxious Artoria, and had to glance around, it seemed that the place to hide was in his quilt.

  "Saber, here."

  Seeing this, Arturia was shy, but she didn't refuse. Instead, she hid behind Li Mu's back, her snow-white skin and skin kept rubbing against Li Mu.

  Outside, after Irisviel walked in, she ignored the lights that were turned off by Li Mu, but went directly to Li Mu's side, and suddenly fell into Li Mu's arms, her body shaking and moving.

  "Li Mu, I think Saber and Black Joan are good. You can accept them. After all, you also need some children. It's not good to have only one Ilia."

0 ......

  "I'm going, such a hot topic." Thinking that Arturia was next to him, Li Mu could only smile awkwardly: "This... It's not up to me, at least they have to agree. In fact, I also like them very much."

  Artoria on the side trembled after hearing this, even Li Mu could feel her abnormality.

  And Irisviel still didn't know, she said to herself: "I told you, she knows everything about us in the bathroom just now, I can see that she is still a little girl and needs a man's shoulders, you You can be her shoulders and give her something to lean on."

  Next to Artoria, her face blushed first, and then she heard Irisviel's words, she wanted to shout here, she is not a little girl, and she does not need to rely on.

  But thinking of the embarrassment now, she was too embarrassed to say it, so she had to hide behind Li Mu and secretly listen to each other.

  Li Mu's head is too big now, and he doesn't know how to answer, so he can only say what he thinks.

  After a while, Irisviel blushed, looked at Li Mu, threw Li Mu directly, and whispered, "Li Mu, I still want it."

  After finishing speaking, Irisviel did not wait for Li Mu to say anything, and started again with Li Mu in front of Artoria.

  Although Li Mu was embarrassed, he did not reject her.

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Chapter [-] The first confession (one more)

  The next morning, a ray of bright sunlight came out. Li Mu slowly opened his eyes and looked at Arturia, who was hugging him. He was startled.

  He just remembered that because he and Irisviel played very late yesterday, Arturia couldn't bear it, so he fell asleep and slept next to him.

  Then when he fell asleep, he hugged Artoria in a daze.

  At this moment, Arturia also woke up, looking at Li Mu who was facing her in white, just about to shout, Li Mu covered her mouth.

  After that, Arturia also reacted, remembering what happened last night, and immediately blushed, and lowered her head and did not dare to look at Li Mu.

  But after a while, Artoria looked at the sleeping Irisviel and said softly, "Let me go, let me get out of here."

 "Three-five-zero" "Oh, I see." After hearing this, Li Mu let go of Arturia with some reluctance.

  Seeing this, Arturia hurriedly left Li Mu's warm embrace, looked at Li Mu's red eyes, and quickly covered her body with her hands.

  "You...you turn around quickly."

  "Oh, I see." Li Mu nodded, then turned his head reluctantly, not looking at Arturia.

  At this moment, Artoria hurriedly pulled the towel aside and was about to leave.

  However, she walked for a while, and suddenly reacted, a blue light flashed, and a blue-white armor appeared on her body.

  After Arturia left, Li Mu also sat up, smelled the fragrance on his body, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

  "Artoria, what a nice woman."

  After finishing speaking, Li Mu tidied up his body, took his clothes to the rain room on the side, and washed it roughly.

  After a while, Li Mu put on his clothes and walked out.

  As soon as he came out, he saw Artoria standing there, blushing and looking anxious.

  "What's the matter with you, what's the matter?"

  "Ah...I..." Artoria was taken aback by Li Mu's words. Just as she was about to speak, she didn't know what to say. She hesitated and didn't say a word.

  "Saber, you are the king of knights, so shouldn't you lie to me?"

  After Li Mu said this, Arturia did not hesitate, she spoke directly, and hesitantly said: "This...this, yesterday...yesterday, we will treat it as nothing happened, and you should not say it."

  "I know, after all, it's about your reputation, so of course I won't say it."

  "Okay, that's it." Arturia breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, then turned around and prepared to leave here.

  "Wait." Li Mu looked at Arturia who was leaving, and said quickly, "Saber, I actually like you too. I wonder if you have feelings for me? King of knights, remember to tell the truth?"

  Arturia had a heart to lie, but looking at Li Mu's aggressive eyes and Li Mu's 'Knight King' voice, she hesitated for a moment, but continued to speak.

  "I... I don't know if I like you or not, but I know you are a good person, but, I am a king, and I need to protect my country, so..."

  Arturia didn't finish her words, but Li Mu also knew what she meant, and it was nothing more than rejecting Li Mu's confession.

  But Li Mu didn't care either, otherwise Artoria would not be the legendary knight king.

  "I know, but saber, don't forget, the king also needs men. For example, after you protect your country and fulfill your wish, you can marry."

  Hearing Li Mu's words, Arturia's face darkened, thinking of her own country and her purpose this time, she couldn't help but ask in a low voice: "Li Mu, what is your wish this time, you should have a wish to participate in the Holy Grail War, right? ."

  "My wish?" Li Mu smiled, the corners of his mouth raised, "I forgot to tell you, I was specially summoned, and I don't have any wishes, but I can help you and help you realize your wishes."

  Arturia was overjoyed after hearing this, and said excitedly, "Li Mu, thank you, if...if I can fulfill my wish, I...I can consider letting you...make you my princess."

  After finishing speaking, Arturia did not dare to continue looking at Li Mu, blushed, and quickly left here...  

  "Consider, wangfei." Li Mu muttered to himself, and then smiled: "It won't take long before you will not think about it, but become my wangfei."

  At this moment, Irisviel also came out, came to Li Mu's side, grabbed Li Mu's arm, and said with a smile, "Why, Li Mu, your ability is good, but does Saber agree?"

  "It's alright, but if you want to succeed, you still need to make her wish come true, or let her put it down."

  Although he said so, Li Mu knew that the Holy Grail couldn't fulfill his wish, so he had to find a way to get Arturia to give up, otherwise it would be impossible.

  Unless...the raw rice is cooked and cooked, but Li Mu would not do such a thing, unless...something beyond his control occurs.

  "Really, then let Saber realize his wish, we don't need it anyway." Irisviel directly forgot Ahad while speaking.

  It's a pity that Ahad didn't know, otherwise he would probably cry loudly.

  Married daughters, spilled water.

  Irisviel had just been married for a few years, and had completely forgotten about their Einsbern family.

  "Okay, that's it, let's go eat first, Illya and the others are probably in a hurry."

2.4 Li Mu patted Irisviel's arm, then pulled her and walked towards the restaurant not far away.

  A moment later, Li Mu had just walked into the restaurant, and Arturia quickly blushed and ate with her head lowered, not daring to say a word.

  Even the black Joan of Arc on the side had a hint of blush on his face when he saw Li Mu.

  Obviously thinking of last night, when she was in the bath, she couldn't help lowering her head with a very shy face.

  "Okay, let's hurry up and eat, we'll go to Fuyuki City right away, and then we'll go together."

  With that said, Li Mu picked up the food in front of him and ate it.

  Seeing this, the others did not say that they would continue to eat their own meals.

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Chapter [-] Digging a pit for Emiya Kiritsugu (two more)

  After eating, Li Mu looked at the people in front of him and couldn't help but ask, "This time to Fuyuki City, who would you like to go with?"

  "I, I, I'm going, I'm going." Irisviel stood up first, raising her right hand excitedly, with a hint of joy on her face.

  "Yes, I'm going too, I don't want to stay here, it's too boring here." Ilya also stood up and looked at Li Mu excitedly.

  Sakura on the side looked at Illya and the others, hesitated for a moment, raised her little hand, and said weakly, "I... I also want to go to Fuyuki City, I miss my sister."

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