On an uninhabited island, after Li Mu got up, he picked up the kitchen utensils and made breakfast.

Rich people are also rich people. Li Mu and others prepared a lot of kitchen utensils and diesel generators.

As for the coolies, Li Mu alone is enough.

On the other side, Xiaolan and others also got up one after another.

Just getting up, Kazuye glanced at Tomoko Suzuki in the distance and asked softly:"Xiaolan, why is Sonoko's mother here? Isn't it just us?"

Xiaolan also looked a little weird, not knowing what to do. explain.

But Xiaolan still said softly:"He Ye, it's like this……"

Xiaolan roughly told what happened last time.


He Ye yelled subconsciously. Just as he was about to say something, Xiao Lan covered his mouth.

"He Ye, don't tell me, He Ye only dragged them into the water for Brother Li's sake. You don't want Brother Li to be caught, right?"

In the distance, Suzuki Tomoko and others also looked at Kazuye.

Kazuye reacted and said quickly:"Sorry to disturb you, hahaha……"

After saying that, Heye said softly:"Of course I don't want Brother Li to go to jail, but..."

"I know it too, but there is nothing I can do about it. I couldn't accept it at the beginning. It will get better as time goes by."

After hearing Xiaolan's words, He Ye had no choice but to nod and agree.

Although it was a bit unacceptable, since this was the case, He Ye could only pretend not to know.

"Hey everyone, it's time for breakfast."

After Li Mu made (bgdf) breakfast, he waved to everyone.


Walked over with Ye and others, and then sat at the dining table to taste the breakfast made by Li Mu.

Because it was too delicious, no one was eating breakfast happily.

After breakfast, Suzuki Tomoko winked at Li Mu and said:"Okay, Li Mu, I'm done eating, I'm going to change clothes first."

He Ye always felt a little strange after hearing this.

Xiao Lan didn't care so much and said quickly:"Okay, come and change clothes with us."

"Change clothes? What clothes should I change into?" Heye asked curiously

"Why, Heye, there is a beach here, as well as sunshine and beach. What do you think we should change into?"

"Ah, but I didn’t bring it with me. What should I do?"He Ye was a little worried.

"It doesn't matter, I have extra, you come with me."

Yuanzi pulled He Ye and directly entered the tent on one side.

Not long after, everyone walked out together and stood in front of Li Mu.

"Li Mu, how are you? I'm in good shape. Are you particularly happy today?"

"Yes, how about it? Is my figure in good shape?"

Tomoko Suzuki walked up to Li Mu, put her right hand on her head, winked at Li Mu, and turned around

"What's wrong, Sonoko, Tomoko, are you a little itchy today? Do you want to teach you a lesson today?"

On the side, He Ye looked at Li Mu and the other three, his eyes widened, and he didn't know what to say.

Li Mu also saw He Ye's surprise, walked over, and grabbed He Ye

"Heye, how are you? Do you miss me these days? Do you want to play with me?"

He Ye originally had a strange feeling, but now after listening to Li Mu's words, his face turned red and he lowered his head shyly.

"Okay, Kazuye and Tomoko, let’s go fishing on the yacht now. When we come to the sea, how can we not go fishing?"

"OK, let's go together."

Tomoko Suzuki was not shy at all and ran out directly.

Li Mu followed, holding a few fishing rods, and then came to the yacht.

On the yacht, Li Mu first threw a handful of fish food below, and then threw the fishing rods and went out.

He and Ye Xiaolan also picked up the fishing rod, sat next to Li Mu, and then gently threw the fishing rod out.

The others also sat next to Li Mu one after another, watching calmly. The surface of the sea.

The Great Voyage of Beloved Concubine Invincible Dragon Ball begins!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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