Izu, at ten o'clock in the morning, the sun shines on the street, and the pedestrians around feel a little bit of heat.

Hattori Heiji and Conan are also very hot.

After a long time, Hattori Heiji had a headache from waiting and quickly called Conan.

"Kudo, how about it? Don’t you have it there yet? See if they have left"

"okay, I get it."

Conan also wiped the sweat on his head, and then pressed the button on his glasses.

Beep beep beep...

Suddenly, the red light on the glasses moved quickly.

Conan reacted and quickly shouted:"Hattori, are you here? Move, they are heading towards the gate, you watch immediately, I will come right away"

"I see."

Hattori Heiji was also anxious and stood at the gate nervously, watching the crowds coming and going one after another.

However, although a few people left, except for the staff delivering garbage and the waiters, there was no one like Li Mu.

It didn't take long. , Conan also came over

"Hattori, how are you? Have you seen Li Mu here?"

"Didn't come out, are you mistaken, they didn't come out." Hattori Heiji questioned.

"How is it possible, they must have come out."

Conan pressed the button on his glasses again, looked at the still moving red dot, and ran quickly.

Although Hattori Heiji didn't understand what happened, he quickly followed Conan.

A few minutes later, Conan stopped at Next to a trash can, his head was covered with black lines

"What's wrong, Kudo, did something happen?"

Hattori Heiji looked at the unhappy Conan, and suddenly felt a very bad feeling in his heart.

"Hattori, that signal is right here. We must have been discovered."

"What? it's here?" Hattori Heiji shouted, and then said with a dark face:"So, we were deceived, and they have already discovered the tracker you installed."

Conan also had a dark face.

"Yes, that's probably the case"

"Damn it, you dare to leave me, I will definitely find you, just wait for me."

Hattori Heiji vented his anger, then turned and walked into the hotel on the side.

Conan quickly followed.

When he arrived at the hotel, Hattori Heiji rushed to the bar and handed Li Mu's photo to the waiter.

"Excuse me, do you know these people? Do they ever live here?"

The waiter was startled when he saw the fierce Hattori Heiji, but he still took a look.

"Sorry, I haven't seen them"

"No? Hattori Heiji frowned slightly and said,"Then can you help me check the household information to see if there are Li Mu, Toyama, Ye and others?""

"Sorry, we are a store here and we have the obligation to protect customer letters."The waiter refused without hesitation.

Hattori Heiji's face darkened, and then he quickly pointed at his face.

"Look, I am the name of Osaka. Can you give me some face and tell me their information?"

Conan covered his head and didn't want to say anything.

He didn't believe that the waiter would listen to Hattori Heiji and reveal the customer's information.

Sure enough, just as Conan expected, the waiter rejected Hattori Heiji's unreasonable request without hesitation.

"Damn it, so what if you show me, nothing will happen."

Hattori Heiji was also anxious. When he thought that Kazuha was still with Li Mu, he couldn't care so much.

Conan reacted and quickly advised:"Wait a minute, Hattori, don't mess around, you will be arrested.……"

Unfortunately, Conan was still a step too late. Hattori Heiji had already reached out and grabbed it.

The waiter also reacted and said quickly:"Security, security, someone is making trouble."

Several security personnel picked up electric batons and ran over immediately.

Twenty minutes later, a police car stopped at the door of the hotel and took Hattori Heiji away.

Police station.

A police officer was stunned when he saw Hattori Heiji and Conan.

"Isn't this a child from the Maori family? And aren’t you the detective from Osaka?"

Because they have handled cases many times, there are still many police officers who know the two of them.

Conan blushed and smiled awkwardly.

He has sent many people to prisons and police stations. This is the first time he has sent himself in.

The police officer sat down and looked at Conan seriously.

"Tell me, why were you two arrested by them?"

······Asking for flowers·······

Hattori Heiji touched the back of his head, feeling a little embarrassed as well.

"Officer, that's it, we……"

Ten minutes later, the police officer nodded, and then said seriously:"I see, although you usually help the police a lot, I can only ask you to go in and sit down while waiting for someone to pick you up."

"What? Jail?"

Hattori Heiji yelled, with a look of disbelief on his face.

Conan did the same and quickly explained.

It's a pity that it disturbed public order. How could Conan come out if they didn't go in and sit down.

Especially these policemen basically have a sense of justice. He didn't care about Hattori Heiji and locked them up directly.


A few minutes later.

In the prison built by the police station, Hattori Heiji sat in the cell and looked at Conan outside, his head covered with black lines.

"Why am I sitting inside and you can be outside. Conan drank tea and smiled:"Because I am a child, and I didn't do anything. You did it all. Of course, you don't care about my affairs, right? Hattori-nii."

Next to him, a policeman severely reprimanded:"Children, don't imitate this big brother in the future. How can you pry into other people's privacy just because you are a detective? Do you understand?""

"Hey, I won’t dare anymore, uncle policeman."

No matter what the reason is, admit your mistake first. It's none of his business anyway."

"Very good, good boy, don't be so bad in the future."

The policeman touched Conan's head.

Conan smiled and did not resist.

On the other hand, Hattori Heiji, whose hair was covered with black lines, gritted his teeth and stared at Conan.

It was obvious that they were two people together, but because Conan was young, nothing happened at all..

And he actually still has to live in jail, waiting for his family to come and bail him out.

This is because he is a minor, and the matter is not particularly serious, otherwise he will probably be finished.

Think about his Hattori Heiji's fierce father's fist hit him, and Hattori Heiji's face turned pale.

If God could give him a chance, he would never be so impulsive again.

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage, Invincible Dragon Ball begins with!_Read the novel without underline Please download Fei Lu's novel

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