After a strong gangster was kicked away by Li Mu, he hit the speedboat and fainted.

That's right, he just fainted.

The other gangster looked at his companion, completely stunned.

Who is this person? He is so fierce. Is there any reason for this?

And just with a kick, this person flew dozens of meters backwards. Is this still a human?

Soon, the gangster reacted, wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and smiled awkwardly

"Hahaha, sir, I was joking just now, don’t mind, by the way, it’s getting late, so I won’t disturb your vacation."

After saying that, the gangster turned around and wanted to leave.

"Wait, is there any need to be in such a hurry? Why don't you let me play with you?"

Li Mu took a step forward, grabbed the gangster, then turned around slightly and punched him in the abdomen.


The gangster retched and then fell to the ground.

Behind him, Miwako hurriedly walked up , handcuffed the two gangsters.

After taking down the two gangsters, Miwako quickly walked towards Li Mu and looked at the nearby tent.

"Li Mu, why is it you? What are you doing here?"

"Officer Sato, is that you?"

In the tent, Xiaolan saw Miwako and walked out quickly.

Then Yuanzi and others also walked out one after another.

Miwako looked at the beautiful women in beautiful clothes, and then looked at Li Mu, and she suddenly felt a little jealous. Not only Miwako, but also Yumi and Miike Naeko are a little jealous.

Their boyfriend/crush is actually with other people, and they are also several beautiful women.

"Are you here for vacation?"Miwako said with jealousy.

Why couldn't Li Mu see it and said quickly:"Yes, if it weren't for Miwako and the three of you being police officers all year round, I would definitely invite you too."

Xiaolan didn't think that much. She just didn't want to expose her relationship with Li Mu and others, so she had to cooperate with Li Mu.

"Yes, we have a holiday this time. It’s yours, but I’m afraid you don’t have time."

"There's nothing we can do about it, since we are the police. Miwako also felt a little regretful.

Of course, she did not doubt the relationship between Li Mu and Xiao Xiao. After all, Suzuki Tomoko was still there, and she did not believe that Li Mu would do that to Suzuki Tomoko.

"By the way, He Ye, you go, the police will probably come soon."


After listening to Li Mu's words, everyone did not hesitate and returned to their respective tents.

Miwako did not interrupt either.

But after a while, Miwako suddenly noticed Kazuye who was walking a little strangely, and she felt a little curious.

"Heye, what's wrong with you? There's something wrong with your walking."

He Ye was startled and his face turned red.

"It's nothing, I just took a look and accidentally fell and hit my butt. Now I'm much better."

"Really, then be careful."

Miwako had no doubts and just thought that Kazuye was accidentally injured.

After a while, several speedboats stopped not far from the island where Li Mu was.

Officer Megure just came down and saw Li Mu and said quickly:"Li Mu, I didn’t expect you to be here too, what a coincidence."

Miwako also walked over quickly and said,"Officer Megure, I really want to thank Li Mu this time. If it weren't for him, we might not have been able to catch the gangster."

"Yes, Li Mu, thank you."Officer Mu Mu also said gratefully.

Then, Officer Mu Mu walked to the side of the gangster and looked at the gangster who had fainted and had black lines on his head.

Such a cruel method was probably done by Li Mu. Others were not so cruel.

"Li Mu, you are serious and you are so ruthless, can't you think about our police?"

"Hahaha, I'm sorry, the two of them looked fierce, and I was a little scared, so I accidentally used too much force."

Li Mu smiled awkwardly.

Of course, the reason why Li Mu worked so hard was because these two bastards disturbed him.

Originally, Li Mu's happy life was disturbed by these two guys. This is not seeking death. 097?

Not long after, Officer Memu left, and Li Mu and others had to follow him to take notes.

But Li Mu had no choice but to give up this vacation and return to Tokyo.

This made Li Mu hate those two people even more, Such a good life has just begun, but it was interrupted by those two bastards.

I made a note, and naturally they went back to their respective homes.

Of course, the three of them, Ye Xiaolan Yuanzi, did not go back, but were taken home by Li Mu.


At night, Li Mu once again had a fight with Xiao Lan and the three of them, and then kept bullying the three of them.

Until late at night, when the moon was three poles high, Li Mu put Xiaolan and Ye down.

Li Mu leaned on the bed, looked at the moon outside, then looked at Xiaolan and others beside him, and hesitated a little in his heart.

He then thought about whether he should confess to Xiaolan and the others about Miwako.

But in the end, Li Mu still didn't say it.

The Great Voyage of Beloved Concubine Invincible Dragon Ball begins! _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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