At night, Li Mu rested all day at Miyano Akemi's house. At night, Li Mu did not go to Xiaolan's house, but to Yumi's house.

Of course, this was also Yumi's call, otherwise Li Mu planned to go to Xiaolan's house.

Arriving at Yumi's house, Li Mu took out the key and called in.

But Yumei hadn't come back yet, so Li Mu lay on Yumei's sofa to rest.


I don’t know how long it took, but Yumi came back dragging her tired body.

Just after returning home, Yumei didn't notice Li Mu and sat directly next to Li Mu.

After 097 sat down, Yumei felt that there was someone behind her. She quickly stood up and looked behind her cautiously.

After seeing that it was Li Mu, Yumi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Li Mu, wake up, get up quickly."

Yumi shook Li Mu's arm in an attempt to shake Li Mu awake.

Li Mu opened his eyes and looked at Yumi in front of him.

"Yumi, you're back. It's so late today and I've been waiting for you here for a long time."

"Sorry, I met a speedster today and it took a while to deal with it. I'm really sorry."

Yumi touched the back of her head, looking apologetic.

"Li Mu, no, no, I'm tired today……" after a long time

"Li Mu, let me ask you something. Did Miwako say that she would find another woman for you?"

"What, Yumi, Miwako told you?"

Although he knew that Miwako was planning to find someone for him, there was no way that Miwako actually found Yumi. But think about it, her good friend is Yumi, and Li Mu is also a good friend of Yumi, so she would naturally choose Yumi.

Yumi was also stunned for a moment, She also went fishing with Miwako. Who would have thought that such a thing would actually happen?

"Li Mu, this can't be true. How can you do it?"

Yumi can't imagine what kind of ecstasy drug Li Mu gave Miwako (bgdf) to find a woman for Li Mu.

Li Mu raised the corners of his mouth and touched Yumi's chin.

"Of course it’s my charisma and personal abilities."

Yumi stopped talking. She just blushed and lowered her head, a little shy.

Similarly, Yumi was also a little excited. If possible, she would naturally want to be with Li Mu instead of being together secretly.

"Okay, no more thinking, let’s take a rest."

Li Mu saw that it was getting late, so he carried Yumi into her room and gradually fell asleep. It wasn't until the next morning that Yumi left the apartment and went to the Metropolitan Police Department.

Traffic Section.

Yumei arrived After leaving the office, I found a place to sit down. Not long after, Miwako also arrived.

"Yumi, come with me, I have something to tell you."

Miwako pulled Yumi and left the office.

Yumi naturally wanted Miwako to mention that incident, and she felt a little excited in her heart.

But Li Mu didn't know about it at the moment, so he walked alone on the street and came to the Maori Detective Agency.

Because they have only been back for two days and the long vacation is not over yet, Conan and Hattori Heiji are still looking for traces of Xiaolan and others after they came out of the local prison.

So even if it is broad daylight, they can come to Xiaolan's house today and have a happy time. life.

The Beloved Concubine Invincible Dragon Ball of the Great Voyage begins!

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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