"Brother Li, what are you thinking, why are you so happy?"

While Li Mu was thinking, Conan interrupted Li Mu's YY.

Li Mu reacted, looked at Conan who was extremely curious, and immediately coughed.

"Ahem, Conan, this is an adult matter, you kid, don’t think too much about it."


Although he didn't know what Li Mu was thinking, he was sure that it was not a good thing.

Li Mu ignored Conan's curiosity and walked directly towards the Maori Detective Agency.

Conan also quickly followed Li Mu, watching Li Mu warily and determined not to let Li Mu and Xiaolan be alone together.

When we got upstairs, Xiaolan was still cleaning the room.

Because it was a holiday and there was no need to go to school, Xiaolan certainly wouldn't waste such a good time.

Xiaolan was working. When she saw Li Mu, she was immediately happy and quickly put down the vacuum cleaner.

"Brother Li, you are here, you... are good."

Xiaolan was about to throw herself into Li Mu's arms when she saw Conan behind her and quickly suppressed her impulse.

"Sister Xiaolan."

Conan didn't notice Xiaolan's expression and still said hello with a smile.

"Hello Conan."

Xiao Lan smiled and did not throw herself into Li Mu's arms. Instead, she picked up the vacuum cleaner on the side and continued working.

"Brother Li, please watch TV first and go out for a walk later."

"Okay, then I'll stay for now."

Li Mu turned on the TV, then sat on the sofa and watched the TV seriously.

Conan originally planned to leave, but when he heard that Xiaolan and Li Mu were going shopping, he stopped immediately.

He would never let Xiaolan and Li Mu Alone together.

Li Mu didn't care that Conan was next to him, leaning on the sofa to watch TV.

Because of his reliance, Li Mu's body tilted a little, and something fell out.

Conan picked it up curiously and looked at it. glance

"Brother Li, this is lubricant. What’s the use of it?"


When Xiaolan heard this, she understood the idea at the moment, and her face turned red instantly.

Li Mu raised the corner of his mouth, glanced at Xiaolan, and said seriously:"Because I have a luxury car that needs maintenance, and this has a lot of benefits."It has a big effect, so I"

Conan also noticed Li Mu's gaze and quickly looked towards it.

Unfortunately, Xiaolan had already turned away because she was shy. Conan did not notice Xiaolan's shy expression.

After not seeing Xiaolan, Conan He looked at Li Mu again, his head full of black lines.

This rich man actually planned to repair the car himself. Shouldn't he find someone else to repair it?

And even if he wanted to repair the car, what the hell was the point of just buying a lubricant?

"Okay, Conan, give it to me. I need this to repair the car tonight."

Li Mu grabbed the lubricant and glanced at Xiaolan again, watching Xiaolan's trembling with his own eyes.

Conan didn't think much about it. Of course he didn't know what the purpose of this was.

If he knew, haha.

It passed like this for a long time. , Conan suddenly covered his loneliness and walked into the bathroom on the side.

Seeing that the person in the way had left, Li Mu quickly walked to Xiaolan's side and held Xiaolan tightly.

"Xiaolan, let’s leave secretly while Conan is not here."

Xiaolan was about to refuse, but she didn't want to be followed by Conan, so she nodded and said:"Okay, let's go together before Conan comes."

After that, Xiaolan quickly took off her apron, left words on the blackboard, and left.

Not long after the two left, Conan covered his stomach and walked out of the bathroom.

".It hurts so much. Did you eat bad food today? Why does it hurt so much?"

Conan complained for a while, then realized that there was no one in the living room.

Xiaolan and Li Mu were not there, and the TV was turned off.

"Damn it, didn't he leave with Sister Xiaolan?"

Conan turned his head to look, and then saw the words on the blackboard, and his face suddenly darkened.

"Conan, Sister Xiaolan is gone. You and your father can handle today's lunch by yourself."

"Damn it, Sister Xiaolan actually left, it must be that guy’s idea."

Conan guessed it instantly.

Li Mu just wanted to get rid of Conan and left alone with Xiaolan.

"No, we can't let Sister Xiaolan follow that guy Li Mu, we must find him."

Conan walked to the gate, suddenly stopped and covered his stomach.

"Damn it, I shouldn’t have eaten so much at Dr. Ali’s house, my stomach was so full. Helpless ,

Conan had to give up the idea of ​​​​looking for Xiaolan and quickly ran to the bathroom.

On the toilet, Conan covered his stomach and said angrily:"Damn it, Li Mu, I will definitely find you, don't do it." Trying to escape."

Unfortunately, at this moment, Li Mu was holding Xiaolan in his arms, walking on the street with endless traffic. The two hugged each other, very intimate.

But Conan could only sit on the toilet in pain, resisting the discomfort of diarrhea, and felt even more I feel a little unhappy.

The Great Voyage of Beloved Concubine Invincible Dragon Ball begins!

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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