The next day, when Li Mu got up, he glanced at the three sleeping policewomen, picked up his clothes and put them on.

There were a lot of scraps of fabric around his clothes, all of which were from the police uniform that Li Mu tore into pieces yesterday.

Li Mu glanced at it, and then nodded on the faces of Miwako and the others.

"Okay, Miwako, I'm going back. You guys can take a rest."


Miwako and the other three waved their hands, and then continued to fall into sleep, with no intention of getting up.

Li Mu also stayed soon, left the hotel, and came to the Maori Detective Agency. When they arrived at the agency, Li Mu saw that his face was a little ugly, and he was full of emotions. Mouri Kogoro looked impatient.

Standing next to him was the very embarrassed Conan, with a flattering smile on his face, as if he was trying to flatter him.

This expression made Li Mu have the urge to kick him down.

When, Conan To be so mean.

Li Mu raised the corners of his mouth, stepped forward and teased:"Detective Maori, what's wrong with Conan? When did you become so groveling? What did you do to him?"

Conan's face darkened. What does it mean to be groveling? He is flattering, no, he is filial to his elders. When

Mouri Kogoro saw Li Mu, he suddenly became happy, with a gloomy smile on his face.

This smile looked very scary.

"Detective Mori, what are you planning on doing? It's not something you want to do."

Moori Kogoro sneered, then walked to Li Mu and put an arm on Li Mu's shoulder.

"Li Mu, feel your conscience and say, how do I treat you? Li

Mu put his right hand on his heart and said seriously:"To be honest, you are really not good to me.""

Ahem, cough, cough...

Mouri Kogoro choked, and quickly said seriously:"Li Mu, don't do this? How good I am to you, that's……"

"That's not good at all."Li Mu interrupted without hesitation.

Although I didn't know what Maori Kogoro wanted to say, I can be sure that Maori Kogoro definitely didn't have any good ideas. Maori

Kogoro's face darkened, and Li Mu was too disrespectful.

But for the sake of With his freedom today, Maori Kogoro could only continue to flatter him:"Li Mu, I'm so good to you, but you can't do this. I want to ask you for help today, how about it, can you."

Li Mu glanced at Mouri Kogoro, and then at Conan next to him.

"Detective Mori, is this kid in trouble? I don't have time."

Mouri Kogoro was also a little dissatisfied and glared at Conan.

"Yes, this kid has some kind of parent-teacher meeting, but his parents are not here, so I can only attend it for him."

"Yes, today's parents are so irresponsible that they actually leave their sons here and ignore them."Li Mu also agreed.

Conan smiled awkwardly and did not dare to talk back.

"That's right, I don't know when this kid's parents will come over, and they didn't pick him up, but just left him at my house."

Mouri Kogoro stared at Conan, feeling very unhappy.

Li Mu wanted to reject Moori Kogoro, but then he thought of something, and the corners of his mouth rose.

"Detective Mori, isn't he meant to be Conan's father? Although I was so young, handsome, handsome and majestic and very different from him, I reluctantly agreed."

Conan's face darkened again, and he no longer felt grateful.

At first, Li Mu agreed, and he was still very touched.

But Li Mu's words were not looking down on him.

He asked himself that he was still handsome, and his appearance was still in the upper class in the whole school. Yes, he is so bad when he comes to Li Mu.

But to be honest, Li Mu is indeed handsome, and he is still a little jealous of him.

Mouri Kogoro doesn't care what Li Mu says, as long as Li Mu agrees, he can abandon his dignity a little.

What's more, Li Mu is still talking about Conan

"That's right, Li Mu, although Conan is a bit ugly, he's still okay. Just accept him reluctantly and attend his parent-teacher meetings."


He swore that if it weren't for special reasons, he wouldn't want Li Mu and Mouri Kogoro to attend his parent-teacher meeting.

If possible, he hoped that Li Mu would participate.

While thinking, Conan had a yy smile on his face.


Li Mu patted Conan's head and then pulled Conan's bow tie.

"Okay, little brat, don’t be Let's go, daddy, go to your parent-teacher meeting."

Conan gave Li Mu a dead eye and felt even more unhappy.

Instead of letting Li Mu come to the parent-teacher meeting, it would be better to let Mouri Kogoro come.

Even if Moori Kogoro is a sloppy uncle.

Unfortunately, he didn't refuse at all. Qualifications.

After Li Mu pulled Conan into his car, he drove to Didan Elementary School.

When he arrived at the elementary school, Li Mu just got out of the car and saw the young detectives, including Haibara Ai.

Of course, their family members themselves, A Li Dr.

A Li was startled after entering.

"Li Mu, why are you here? Aren't you a Maori detective?"

"Oh, you mean Maori detective?"

Li Mu raised the corners of his mouth and picked up Conan.

"Dr. Ali, today I am Conan's father. Do you think we look alike?"

Hui Yuan Ai glanced at Li Mu and said without hesitation:"It's not similar at all."

Li Mu also put down Conan and said seriously:"Yes, Conan and I are nothing like each other. I am a heartthrob, loved by everyone, and flowers bloom. How could I have such a son with dead fish eyes? That's me. A lifetime of shame."

Wait a minute, it seems that Conan is really Li Mu's son.

After all, Yukiko is already Li Mu's son. In terms of seniority, Conan seems to be Conan's son.


He really wanted to recover quickly now, otherwise he would have the urge to collapse.

Fortunately, Conan suppressed his impulse considering the gap between himself and Li Mu.

Dr. A Li:"…………"

Li Mu teased Conan like this, but he couldn't say anything.

But one thing is for sure, Li Mu is indeed much more handsome than Conan. This is an obvious gap.

And not only his appearance, Conan's temperament is not as good as Li Mu's.

Next to them, everyone in the Young Detective Team and their families couldn't help but snicker after hearing Li Mu's words.

Conan was so shy right now that he just wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it. It was so embarrassing.

The Great Voyage of Beloved Concubine Invincible Dragon Ball begins!

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