"Okay, now it's time for you to make dinner, because you are the only one here."

Hui Yuan Ai took Li Mu's arm and gave Li Mu a look.

Instead of watching the man he likes teasing other people, it would be better to interrupt him and let him go to work.

This way, there will be no chance to tease girls.

"Okay, okay, I'm going to make dinner."

Lin Fei rubbed Haihara Ai's little head and picked up the cooking tools.

The other members of the Junior Detective Team also gathered around and started chatting each other.

On the other side, a group of college students were also making curry rice. , discussing some topic from time to time.

But not long after, several college students started arguing, and then one person returned to the tent.

Li Mu glanced at the people leaving, and then at Conan next to him.

Conan noticed Li Mu's He quickly looked at Li Mu warily.

"Brother Li, what do you want?"

"It's nothing, I just saw those people arguing just now, and it is estimated that someone will die soon. After all, there is a person here who is favored by the god of death."

Of course, it was more because Li Mu felt the murderous intent in the air.

Apparently Li Mu was accidentally involved in a certain case.

Conan's face darkened again and gave Li Mu 097 a dead eye.

Li Mu actually She mocked him overtly and covertly.

On the other hand, Ayumi was very considerate of Conan and said dissatisfied:"That's not true? Conan is not a person favored by death, he is just a little unlucky."

Conan's face darkened again. Why did this sound even more strange? It was not as nice as what Li Mu said.

Li Mu smiled and patted Conan's shoulder.

"Conan, what do you think? Do you believe that a case will happen today?"

Conan glanced at the college students in the distance. Although they looked a little contradictory, there should be no deaths.

"I think they were afraid that nothing would happen."

Ayumi took the lead in answering for Conan.

Seeing that Ayumi believed in him, Conan naturally couldn't continue to be cowardly.

"That's right, it was all a coincidence before, and nothing will happen this time."

Li Mu smiled again, patted Hui Yuan Ai, and then patted Conan on the shoulder.

"Conan, what do you think, do you want to make a bet to see if one of those people will die?"

Conan suddenly hesitated in his heart.

Now he is not sure whether (bgdf) people will die.

Especially in the past, every time he went and died, he couldn't believe it.

Li Mu was scared when he saw Conan He shook his head and said:"Well, some people believe that they are the God of Death. It seems that he is really the God of Death."

Conan glanced at Li Mu. He was so easily carried away by the excitement.

But the other members of the Young Detective Team suddenly became excited.

"Humph, that’s not the case, Conan is."

"Yes, we believe him. Li

Mulu was happy, clapped his hands and said,"Okay, I'll bet with your young detective team."

If there is nothing, I will buy you the latest Masked Superman tour. If there is something, then I will leave the little things to you during this tour."

"OK, we agreed."

The Young Detective Team agreed without hesitation.

Conan's face suddenly became bitter.

He failed Li Mu's provocation, but the Young Detective Team actually agreed.

And it was in the name of the Young Detective Team.

It is conceivable that if Li Mu wins, He must also fulfill the bet, who made him a member of the Junior Detective Team.

Li Mu saw that everyone in the Junior Detective Team had fallen into the trap, and looked at Rumi Wakasa with a smile

"Mr. Wakasa, this time I ask you to be a witness to our bet."

"Okay, I will definitely bear witness for you."

As soon as he finished speaking, a raging fire suddenly broke out in the tent in the distance.

However, no one in the Junior Detective Corps noticed it.

Li Mu noticed this and immediately pursed his lips and said:"Conan, everyone in the Junior Detective Corps, it seems that you Lose, there's a fire."

After saying that, Li Mu immediately rushed towards the burning tent.

Others also reacted and quickly ran to the side of the tent.

Ten minutes later, Li Mu and the college students put out the flames of the tent.

Unfortunately, it was too late. The people in the tent He was burned alive.

Li Mu dropped the fire extinguisher and looked at Conan aside.

"Conan, how about it? It seems that I will definitely win this bet. Remember, this time, you are working as a young detective team.

Except for some particularly dangerous jobs, everything else belongs to your young detective team."

Conan's face turned bitter.

He would not make a bet with Li Mu. No matter how hard Li Mu tried to provoke the general, he would simply ignore it.

But the members of the Young Detective Team agreed, did he still have the right to refuse? He could only agree.

Youngster The other members of the detective team also had bitter expressions on their faces.

They didn't believe something would happen, but who knew it would actually happen.

Thinking of this, the three of them looked at Conan subconsciously.

Hey, hey, hey, why are you looking at me?

In Conan's heart Somewhat speechless.

They were obviously the ones who agreed to the bet, and now they actually spoiled him again. They were bullying him too much.

"Okay, let’s not discuss this matter for now. Let’s take a look at who did such a cruel thing in front of us."

Conan's face was sullen, with a cold light in his eyes.

This guy not only killed people in front of him, but also caused him to lose the bet. And he lost to this annoying guy Li Mu.

He swore that he would teach him a lesson. Let this murderer be brought to justice.

Li Mu looked at a tent on the other side and smiled:"You can ask that guy, maybe the people in that tent saw it."

While talking, the person in the tent opened the zipper of the tent and walked out.

The person who came out, Li Mu, also knew Conan. He was the new manager of the Metropolitan Police Investigation Section 1, Guards Kuroda. Inspector.

Li Mu often helped the Metropolitan Police Department solve cases, so Manager Kuroda knew him.

And Conan, naturally because of this, also knew Manager Kuroda.

After Manager Kuroda came out, he took off the ear earphone

"What's going on? There's so much chaos outside."

After saying that, Manager Kuroda saw the tent on one side that had been burned into ruins.

"Now it seems that I already know what happened, someone killed someone in front of me."

As he spoke, Manager Kuroda glanced at everyone.

The college students were even more frightened, with fear in their hearts.

The Great Voyage of Beloved Concubine Invincible Dragon Ball begins!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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