"Okay, let's go."

Li Mu put his arms around Xiaolan and Yuanzi and walked into a hotel on the side.

Xiaolan and Yuanzi didn't know what Li Mu meant yet, so she felt happy.

After entering the hotel, Li Mu opened a room directly


The next morning, Xiaolan woke up from her deep sleep in the hotel room.

Just after waking up, Xiaolan saw the sun outside and suddenly realized that she had forgotten to go home last night.

"Oops, Brother Li, I actually forgot to go home. Dad will definitely find out."

Yuanzi also woke up drowsily.

"Xiaolan, didn’t you say something yesterday? Did you come here secretly?"

Xiaolan blushed and glanced at Li Mu

"It’s not Li Mu who secretly invited me last night. I escaped secretly."

"Oh, I see, no wonder you are so anxious. Yuanzi smiled and joked

"Okay, let’s not talk anymore. Let’s go back. It’ll be better if we go back as soon as possible."

Li Mu patted the two of them, and then picked up the clothes on one side and started to tidy them up.

Xiaolan also quickly tidied up her clothes.

Half an hour later, the Maori Detective Agency.

As soon as Li Mu and Xiaolan entered, they felt a few... She focused her sharp eyes on him.

When she turned around, she saw Mouri Kogoro and Conan with serious faces.

"Xiaolan, where did you go last night? Did you go out to play, and it was late at night? What did you do?"

The serious gaze of Maori Kogoro made Li Mu tremble in his heart.

At this moment, Maori Kogoro was still very powerful, and there was actually some fear in his eyes.

Li Mu's mouth twitched, and then he said seriously:"Detective Maori , last night, Yuanzi invited us to go out and play. What's wrong? What happened?"

"Went with Sonoko?"

Mouri Kogoro glanced at Yuanzi, and he was not so entangled in his heart.

Since there is a garden, Li Mu will definitely not have anything happen to Xiaolan. When Li Mu looked at Yuanzi like this, he immediately reacted and said quickly:"Yes. Ah, I couldn't sleep last night, so I invited Xiaolan to play. What's wrong?"

Xiaolan breathed a sigh of relief, fearing that Yuanzi would leak it.

Conan was the same. He was really afraid that Li Mu and Xiaolan would do something, and he was always on tenterhooks all day long.

"Okay, no more talking, Detective Maori, how are you doing lately? Do you have any work?"

Li Mu immediately changed the topic.

Mouri Kogoro did not dwell on this matter, and said seriously:"That's right, you don't even know who I am. I recently took on a very big case. It's very difficult. A sort of"

"Help investigate extramarital affairs."

Conan gave Mouri Kogoro a dead eye and immediately betrayed him

"Asshole, that's hard too."

Moori Kogoro knocked Conan's little head hard, and then explained awkwardly.

Li Mu didn't say much. With his level, this kind of case is very suitable for him.

"Okay, I still have to investigate the case, so I'll leave now. Goodbye."

Mouri Kogoro was too embarrassed to stay, so he quickly picked up his coat and left.

Li Mu watched Mouri Kogoro leave, and then sat on the sofa on the side.

Xiaolan and Sonoko also sat down one after another.

Just as they sat down, Conan Then I saw Xiaolan's feet.

They were wrapped in a layer of black stockings, which were very attractive, but there were actually some white spots on them.

These spots looked a little strange.

"Sister Xiaolan, there is something dirty on your socks."

Xiaolan looked down and saw this familiar thing, and her face instantly turned red.

Conan may not know what it is, but how could he not know it.

Yuanzi also noticed this and couldn't help but snickered. Conan was very curious and itchy inside.

"It's nothing, maybe it was the milk tea I drank yesterday, or maybe something else."

Xiaolan explained forcefully, and then hurriedly walked to her room and quickly changed a pair of socks. After changing, Xiaolan took a look at the torn socks, secretly hid her, and prepared to wait until no more Throw it away when you are a human.

Conan is very curious outside, and itchy inside, wondering what happened and what it is.

But how could anyone tell Conan

"By the way, Xiaolan, aren't you going to school today? Also, do you have any plans recently?"

"go to school?"

Xiaolan looked at the clock hanging on the wall, and her expression suddenly changed.

"Garden, no, we forgot to go to school."

Yuanzi also reacted, picked up the backpack he had prepared, and immediately walked to Xiaolan's room.

"Xiaolan, change clothes quickly."

Because it was a date last night, the two of them wore cute clothes, so they naturally had to change into different clothes for school.

Conan also reacted, quickly picked up his backpack and ran away.

Within a few minutes, Xiaolan and Yuanzi ran away came out and left the Mori Detective Agency without looking back.

"Brother Li, we are going to school, you must be careful."

After that, the two people left.

Li Mu shook his head. Fortunately, this was not the kind of education Li Mu had in his previous life.

Otherwise, Xiaolan and Xiaolan would have been late instead of being about to be late.

"Wait, they are all gone, am I alone here?"

Li Mu suddenly realized that he was the only one in this large Maori Detective Agency.

What's the point of being alone here? Li Mu did not hesitate and left the Maori Detective Agency directly.

After all, there are many more in Tokyo. How could he pass this precious time alone in the Maori Detective Agency when a beautiful lady was waiting for him?

The Great Voyage of My Love in Dragon Ball begins!

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