"Okay, Heye, I will go, and I will take Brother Li with me."

Maori Detective Agency, Xiaolan hung up the phone with a smile, and then looked at Li Mu

"Brother Li, there will be a face-do competition in Osaka this weekend. Hattori Heiji is said to be competing, and Ip asked if we want to go watch the competition."

"Go, of course, after all, it is Hattori Heiji's game, I have to go and cheer for him no matter what."

The cheering is actually a lie. Li Mu's real purpose is to get along with Ye and Chiha Shizuka.

Conan on the other side gave Li Mu a wink.

He didn't believe that Li Mu went to cheer for Hattori Heiji.

He could also believe that Li Mu was In the past, he mocked Hattori Heiji instead of helping Hattori Heiji.

Xiaolan was also overjoyed and said happily:"Okay, brother Li, let's go together then, just in time to cheer for Hattori. Conan

's pupils shrank and he said quickly:"Sister Xiaolan, I'm going too, and I'm also going to cheer for Hattori-san.""

"Okay, let's go together then."

Xiaolan didn't think too much. After all, Conan and Hattori Heiji have an unusual relationship, so they should go and cheer.

Li Mu didn't even care. Even if Conan passed by, he had the ability to make Conan disappear without disturbing him.

And Conan would trigger it every time. Case, when the time comes, Conan and Hattori Heiji will most likely solve the case. By then, Li Mu can do whatever he wants.

Time passed in the blink of an eye, and soon it was Saturday, the day when Hattori Heiji participated in the competition.

Osaka, Shinkansen Outside, Heye looked anxiously at the passing trams.

Suddenly, Heye saw three figures, and he was immediately happy and walked over quickly.

"Xiaolan, Brother Li, I’m here."

Xiaolan and Li Mu heard He Ye's voice, turned around and walked towards He Ye.

Conan followed Li Mu with a dark face.

He was He Ye's friend anyway, but He Ye actually ignored him.

Although Speechless, but Conan still has to follow Li Mu

"He Ye, I haven’t seen you for a while. You are more beautiful and younger."

Li Mu praised.

After hearing Li Mu's compliment, He Ye's face turned red and he lowered his head shyly.

"Brother Li laughed at me again. Seeing Li Mu teasing He Ye, Conan quickly said,"Isn't it a competition between Sister He Ye and Brother Hattori?" When does it start? Why don’t we go there now?"

Although Kazuha is not his lover, he is responsible for Hattori Heiji.

Of course, in fact, he just doesn't want Li Mu to be so proud, or at least mess up his life.

"By the way, Heiji's game seems to have started, let's go there now."

Kazuye also reacted, took Li Mu's arm directly, and walked to the taxi on the side.

Conan's eyes widened, looking at the deformation caused by Li Mu's arm, and he didn't know what to say.

He was sure that if Hattori Heiji saw If you do, you will definitely become jealous.


Conan hesitated for a moment, but finally decided not to get involved in this matter.

Anyway, it was not Xiaolan who was taken advantage of.

At the same time, he also felt sorry for Hattori Heiji. I'm afraid Hattori Heiji has not eaten Kazuha's tofu until now.

Wait, I don’t think so either.

On the other side, the stadium where the game is played.

Hattori Heiji leaned on the door of the lounge and looked at the walkway outside.

"Damn it, why hasn't that guy He Ye come yet? Isn't he going to pick up Xiaolan? How could it take so long."

In the past, Hattori Heiji didn't care about Kazuha, and sometimes even ignored Kazuye.

But since Li Mu came, he began to pay attention to Kazuye.

Unfortunately, at this time, Kazuye was already Li Mu's person, and he was already It was late.

At this moment, several figures came from the aisle.

It was Kazuha and his party.

Hattori Heiji was overjoyed when he saw Kazuha.

But when he saw Li Mu behind him, Hattori Heiji's happy expression disappeared.

He didn’t expect that Li Mu would come too.

"Damn it, this annoying guy is here too. Hattori

Heiji muttered, then smiled and said:"Xiaolan, work...Conan, you are here, please come and watch my game this time."

As for Li Mu, he ignored him magnificently.

Li Mu didn't care. Even if Hattori ignored him, it didn't matter. Anyway, he would definitely bully Kazuo today.

And in the evening, Li Mu would also bully him. Chi Bo Jinghua, recovered the interest from her

"Okay, Xiaolan and Heye, I'm going to compete, and you can take a look at my gorgeous figure."

Hattori Heiji proudly picked up the wooden sword in his hand, and then walked towards the competition ring.

Li Mu glanced at Hattori Heiji's back, raised the corners of his mouth, and said with a smile:"I guess Hattori Heiji will lose today, no, It should be said that he will not win."

"Brother Li, if you can't win, you will lose. By the way, why do you think Heiji will lose?"

Kazuye said in confusion.

Conan and Xiaolan also looked at Li Mu in confusion.

Li Mu smiled and did not explain.

Today Conan and Hattori Heiji are here, and there is a high probability that a murder will occur here.

By then, with With Hattori Heiji's character, he will definitely intervene in the case, and he will definitely lose when the time comes.

"Okay, let's go to the audience stand and see how Hattori Heiji lost today's game."

Li Mu put his hands into his pockets, and then walked slowly outside. He looked at each other with Ye Xiaolan, and then followed Li Mu. After leaving the backstage, Li Mu suddenly stopped at a corner, then looked at the wall, the corners of his mouth raised.

"Brother Li, what's wrong? Why did you stop?"

He and Ye Xiaolan were also curious, and then stopped.


"Sister Xiaolan, what’s wrong?"

When Conan saw Xiaolan and the two yelling, he immediately ran over and saw only a corpse lying on the wall.

"This is……"

Li Mu took a calm look at the body, then took out his cell phone and called the police.

As for the ambulance, there's no need for it. This guy can't die anymore after he's dead.

"Brother Li, what's going on? Why is someone dead again? Is this homicide?"

"Of course it was a homicide, it was obviously murder."

Li Mu looked solemn. He would not meddle in this case.

It is better to let Conan solve the case. As for him, he can happily do happy things with Ye Xiaolan.

Yes, that's it. Leave it to Conan.

Li Mu looked at Conan, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

The Great Voyage: Beloved Concubine Invincible Dragon Ball begins!

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