Chibo Jinghua was about to say some sweet words when she saw Conan and others getting off the car in the distance, so she had to hold back her inner impulse.

"Heiji, I'm going to buy groceries while you take the guests and take a break, okay?"

"Got it, mom."

Hattori nodded flatly, and then pulled Conan away.

However, it can be seen from Conan's expression how reluctant he was.

Li Mu glanced at the two of them, and then set his sights on Chibo Jinghua.

"Jinghua, they have left. Let me take you to buy groceries. It just so happens that I am in charge of cooking tonight."

"Okay, thank you, Li Mu."

Ikeba Jinghua didn't refuse, and she also wanted to be with Li Mu, how could she refuse.

In the distance, Conan saw Li Mu and Ikeba Jinghua getting into the car together, and reached out to pat Hattori Heiji

"Hey, Hattori, your mother left with that guy Li Mu."


Hattori Heiji hit Conan and said with a black face:"What you said sounds too unpleasant. They just went to buy groceries."

He was only happy when Li Mu left, so that he could be with He Ye.

Little did he know that Li Mu was also very happy, so that he could have fun with Chi Bo Jinghua.

In the car, Li Mu drove

"Jinghua, do you miss me after so many days? Chi

Bo Jinghua glanced at Li Mu's hand, blushed and said,"What do you think?""

"I said...You must miss me."

Arrived at a nearby hypermarket, Ikeba Jinghua first bought groceries, then left and returned to Hattori's house. The whole journey only took half an hour.

After arriving at Hattori Heiji's house, Ikeba Jinghua looked at the crowd and said,"Heiji, are you there? I'll stay with Conan here, and I'll cook first, that's it."

Li Mu glanced at everyone and said quickly:"Madam, why don't I go help? It shouldn't be easy for you alone."

"That's up to you."

Chibo Jinghua didn't refuse either.

"Aunt, how about I help?"

Xiaolan also stood up, very polite

"No need, don't worry, I can handle it by myself, Xiaolan, you and He Ye can rest together and wait for lunch."

Li Mu was the first to refuse.

With Xiaolan, Li Mu was not particularly troublesome.

When Xiaolan saw what Li Mu said, she didn't doubt anything and immediately agreed to Li Mu.

Li Mu raised the corners of his mouth and followed Chi Bo Jinghua to the kitchen.

An hour later Finally, after lunch was prepared, everyone had lunch together and then rested for a while.

At about one o'clock in the afternoon, Hattori Heiji looked at everyone and said:"Kazuha, Xiaolan, there is a football match this afternoon, do you want to go together?" look"

"OK, just enough to pass the time"

"Okay, let’s go together then. Neither he nor Ye Xiaolan refused.

Chi Bo Jinghua shook his head and said:"You go ahead, I need to tidy up the house. We will see the situation then." Li

Mu's eyes wandered around, and then he said seriously:"Then Madam, I will help you, Xiaolan, you go ahead, I will rush over when the time comes.""

"How about we help auntie and go to the football field early?"Xiao Lan said

"No need, you should go early and buy some good seats. You can’t be in the last row. My wife and I will go there after we are settled."

Li Mu pushed and Ye Xiaolan's arms.

It's impossible to let them stay today anyway, otherwise how could Li Mu do something happy with Chi Bo Jinghua?

"Well, let's go."

Xiaolan thought about it. If she bought the tickets early, they would all have good seats.

Hattori Heiji breathed a sigh of relief.

He was really afraid that Xiaolan and Ye would stay and be with Li Mu.

But since they are not together, there is no need for him. Advantage.

Soon, Xiaolan left with Hattori Heiji and others.

Li Mu watched Hattori Heiji and others leave, and then set his sights on Chibo Jinghua.

Chibo Jinghua looked at Li Mu like this, and lowered his head shyly, After being embarrassed, Li Mu looked directly at

"Jinghua, there are only two of us left, what do you think we should do?"

"Li Mu, we..."

Osaka Police Station.

Hattori Heizo stood by the window, looking at the scenery outside, always feeling very uneasy in his heart.

But he didn't think much about it, he just thought he was overthinking it.

Suddenly, the door to his office opened, and Ginshiro Toyama walked in from the outside.

"Heizang, this case has been solved. It was your precious son who solved it."

"Yeah? That kid is still young and doesn't know how high the sky is, and he will suffer a loss one day."

Although Hattori Heizo said this, he was still very happy in his heart.

After all, Hattori Heizo also wanted his son to succeed, so he was even more serious about Hattori Heiji.

Toyama Ginshiro also saw Hattori Heizo's thoughts, so He didn't say much, he just smiled happily.

But when he thought of his daughter, he became angry.

The Great Voyage: The Invincible Dragon Ball begins!

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