In the kitchen, Miyano Akemi just came out after washing the dishes. She happened to see Li Mu and was immediately happy.

"Li Mu, it’s you, why are you here?"

"I just came here, Mingmei. I haven’t seen you for two days, but you are still beautiful and charming."

Li Mu praised her, then pulled Miyano Akemi into his arms and gave her a kiss on the face.

Not only Miyano Akemi was shy, but even Haibara Ai also lowered her head shyly.

Miyano Akemi was shy. After a while, he said:"Li Mu, what did you tell Xiao Ai just now to make her so happy."

Hui Yuan Ai choked, she was so resentful, how could she be happy.

But when she thought of Li Mu's 'arrogance', Hui Yuan Ai quickly said:"Sister, he said you don't dare to bully him, and even he said, you I dare not say anything. I also said that you often beg for mercy. Is that true?"

"Okay, let’s not talk anymore, let’s watch TV."

Seeing that the joke was over, Li Mu quickly turned on the TV, then put his left hand around Miyano Akemi, and held Haiyuan Ai with his right hand, letting her sit on him.

Haiyuan Ai felt the warmth that Li Mu brought to her, although she was shy, But she didn't refuse, and her heart was still warm.

Miyano Akemi didn't care that Li Mu was holding Haibara Ai, but relied on Li Mu's arm with a happy expression on her face.

Because of Miyano Akemi's special identity, she didn't go out much , just at home.

After staying like this for a day, Li Mu and Miyano Akemi were watching TV at home.

At night, Li Mu did not leave, but had a dinner here.

After dinner, Miyano Akemi picked up He picked up the dishes and returned to the kitchen.

Li Mu ran to the bathroom on the side.

In the bathroom, Li Mu lay in the hot bath, and then enjoyed the warmth with peace of mind.

Suddenly, the door to the bathroom opened, and Haihara Ai came from He walked in from outside and came directly to Li Mu.


An hour later, I left the bathroom.

As soon as she walked out of the bathroom, Miyano Akemi stood in front of Haihara Ai and looked at her seriously.

"Xiao Ai, I know everything."

Haibara Ai:"……"

It’s over. My sister found out about it. This ethics is over.

"Xiao Ai, I understand. You were with Li Mu just now, right?

You are also true, even if you need someone to rub your back, my sister can do it, and she will not refuse. You are still young and cannot be with adults."

The corner of Haiyuan Ai's mouth twitched.

Did Miyano Akemi have it the other way around? Shouldn't she be able to be with Li Mu when she grows up, but only when she is a child?

"Sister, I am nineteen years old this year and am no longer a child."

"Oh, that’s right, Xiao Ai, you’re grown up, but even if you grow up, you can’t be with Li Mu. What should you do if he does something to you?"

Hui Yuan Ai was speechless again.

What does it mean to do something? She and Li Mu have already done everything they should do and what they shouldn't do.

What else should they not do?

"Sister, but my current body shape is still that of a child, what can I do."

Miyano Akemi was also speechless by what Haihara Ai said, and she didn't know how to refute.

Moreover, Haihara Ai was right, not many people were interested in Haihara Ai's body.

In the bathroom, Li Mu also After taking a shower, he came out.

As soon as he came out, Li Mu saw Miyano Akemi and Haibara Ai standing outside.

"Mingmei, Xiaoai, what's wrong with you? Is there something wrong?"

"Nothing, nothing happened."

Miyano Akemi quickly shook her head.

Haihara Ai didn't say anything.

"Well, let's go and have a rest. It's getting late, so we'd better go to bed early."

Li Mu didn't ask any more questions, stretched out his hand to hold Miyano Akemi's arm, and then walked into the room on the side.

The Great Voyage: The Invincible Dragon Ball Begins!

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