"Xiaolan, how are you? Are you free today? Let’s go shopping."

On this day, Yuanzi came to the Maori Detective Agency and looked at Xiaolan with a smile.

Xiaolan had just finished eating and washing the dishes, and she was also very happy.

"Okay, Yuanzi, but is Brother Li here? Why didn't he come?"

After saying that, Xiaolan looked around curiously, but did not see Li Mu.

Conan was also a little nervous inside, and did not want Li Mu and Xiaolan to be together.

"Brother Li? He doesn't have time today and may not be able to come, so it's just the two of us."

While speaking, Yuanzi sounded a little unhappy.

Although Xiaolan was regretful, she didn't say anything.

"Okay, Brother Li isn't here, so let's go together. You wait - let me change my clothes."

After a while, Xiao Lan changed her clothes.

"Wait, sister Xiaolan, can you take me there?"

Conan immediately put down the newspaper and did not give up the opportunity to be alone with Xiaolan.

"No, Xiaolan and I are going to a hidden place. It's a girl's secret. How can you go?"

Yuanzi refused without hesitation.

Of course, there is another reason. Yuanzi can't let Conan follow him.

Conan's face darkened and gave Yuanzi a dead eye.

He actually refused to let him go, and also found such a reason, Yuanzi What secrets can there be with Xiaolan?

"Yuanzi, don’t be like this. Why can’t Conan go?"Xiaolan smiled.

Xiaolan, who is kind-hearted, naturally didn't want to hurt Conan.

Conan was immediately happy, and Xiaolan agreed. Maybe he could follow Xiaolan.

Unfortunately, he still thought too much.

"Xiaolan, how can you let him go? You have forgotten that he was secretly stalking the little girl the day before yesterday. Taking him there now is not to lead him astray. It is a woman's place."

The corner of Conan's mouth twitched.

He wanted to shout righteously that he was not following.

Oh no, it should be said that he was following Hui not for Hui but to protect Haiyuan Ai.

But he couldn't say it, he couldn't. Will anyone believe that there is an enemy in black with the codename Winery?

Helpless, Conan could not say anything and could only look at Xiaolan silently.

Xiaolan glanced at Conan, paused for a moment, and finally made up his mind.

"Conan, you'd better not go. What Yuanzi said is for girls, boys are not allowed in."

Conan's face darkened again. He didn't know where boys couldn't go.

There was only the women's bathroom.

But looking at Sonoko's dress, it didn't look like she was going to the women's bathroom. With her carefully dressed appearance, I'm afraid she was. Let's go shopping.

But now that Xiaolan has said it, what else can she do? She can only say with a grimace:"I know, sister Xiaolan, that's it."

Of course, there is another reason, that is, since Li Mu is gone, there is no need for him to go there.

"Okay, Conan, please stay at home and don't cause trouble."

Xiaolan breathed a sigh of relief, and then followed Yuanzi and left the Maori Detective Agency.

Conan leaned against the window and watched Xiaolan and the two leave. After confirming that Li Mu was not there, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Unfortunately, Conan did not notice. , the moment Xiaolan just turned around, a person suddenly hugged Xiaolan.

Xiaolan felt the sudden hug and was startled.

Then Xiaolan gave a sweet shout and hit Li Mu hard with her elbow.

Yuanzi was also startled.

Li Mu was already prepared and blocked Xiaolan's elbow. Then he turned around and turned Xiaolan over.

Xiaolan looked at Li Mu in front of her and was suddenly stunned.

"Xiaolan, do you need this excitement? I was almost beaten to death by you just now, it was very cruel."

Xiaolan reacted, her cheeks slightly red.

"Brother Li, I'm sorry. I didn't know it was you. I'm sorry. I'm sorry."


"Okay, Xiaolan, Yuanzi, let’s go."

Li Mu hugged someone with one arm and walked towards the street in the distance. Although Xiaolan was shy, she still followed Li Mu and headed to a nearby street. When they arrived at the street, Li Mu quickly glanced around. Finally, they set their sights on the entrance of a store.

Yuanzi and the other two noticed Li Mu's gaze and followed it. Then they saw the store and their cheeks turned red.

This clothing store does not sell other clothes, but only clothes. Some uniforms.

Yes, uniforms.

It’s that clothing store that specializes in sailor uniforms, stewardess uniforms, police uniforms, and nurse uniforms.

Especially the human sculpture wearing a white nurse uniform at the door, which is perfect.

At the same time, Neon Country At an airport, a plane slowly landed.

Then a tall figure slowly fell from the plane with the support of everyone.

If Li Mu were here, he would definitely find that this figure looks exactly like Xiaolan.

New Book Sea The Thief and the Dragon Are

Fate_Fei Lu reminds you: Three Things to Do in Reading - Collection and Recommendation

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