Li Mu stared at Princess Mira for a moment, but did not do anything to Princess Mira.

"Okay, you go take a shower early, then go to bed early, and I'll take a rest."

Princess Mila breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Li Mu leaving.

She was really afraid of what Li Mu would do to her just now.

After Li Mu left Princess Mila, she lay on the sofa to rest.

As for Princess Mila, go back upstairs went up, and then came to the bathroom on the first floor.

As soon as Princess Mira entered, Li Mu saw the back of Princess Mira.

"It's Princess Mira."

The corners of Li Mu's mouth rose.

Of course, Li Mu was just talking and didn't do anything to Princess Mira.

Suddenly, a black cockroach landed not far from Princess Mira.

Princess Mira was stunned, and then opened her mouth He opened his mouth and shouted


When Li Mu heard Princess Mira's shout, he ran over quickly, opened the door, and rushed in.

"Mira, what's wrong with you? Is everything okay?"

When Princess Mira saw Li Mu, she seemed to have seen a savior. She immediately rushed towards Li Mu and then hid behind Li Mu.

"What's wrong, Princess Mila, 16 what's wrong with you, are you so scared, is something wrong?"

Li Mu looked around, a little curious in his heart.

There is no one here. What on earth did Princess Mila yell?

When he was downstairs, Li Mu had already sensed that there was no one in this room, but what on earth did Princess Mila yell? Why are you shouting so much?

"There are...there are cockroaches."

Princess Mila hid behind Li Mu, pointing to the ground fearfully, and her body was trembling slightly.

Li Mu's mouth twitched, and he was speechless.

He thought there was something important, but he didn't expect it to be. A cockroach.

Yes, a cockroach.

A girl of such age is actually afraid of cockroaches.

But think about it, she is a girl after all, so it is natural to be afraid of cockroaches.

"okay, I get it."

Although Li Mu was speechless, he still took a step forward and quickly trampled the cockroach to death.

"How's it going? Are you okay? Did you trample that cockroach to death?"

Princess Mila hid behind Li Mu, not daring to raise her head, and her body was still trembling.

"No, just wait, I will trample it to death in a moment, just hold on for a while."

The cockroach's reaction ability is still very fast, and Li Mu didn't take it seriously, so he didn't trample him to death at once.

"I...I get it, you...You hurry up."

Princess Mila didn't notice anything unusual about herself and still hid behind Li Mu.

"Don't worry, it will be soon."

Li Mu didn't take it seriously. He just stepped on the ground without stepping on anything.

Li Mu was not in a hurry anyway, so it didn't matter if he solved it later.

After a while, Princess Mira also calmed down.

"Li Mu, are you still not feeling well? That cockroach hasn't been solved yet?"

Li Mu thought it was almost done and put his feet on the cockroaches on the ground.

"Okay, Princess Mila, I've taken care of it, you can rest assured."

Princess Mila lowered her head secretly, glanced at the corpse of the cockroach on the ground, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Then Princess Mila reacted.


Princess Mira exclaimed, then immediately got off Li Mu and quickly distanced herself from Li Mu.

Although Li Mu was happy inside, he pretended to be shocked on the outside.

"Sorry, I wasn't careful, I'm sorry."

Princess Mila was not angry this time. Instead, she was a little shy. She was extremely shy.

"Li Mu, can you go out?"

"Okay, I'm going out first."

Li Mu walked out and leaned on the door of the bathroom.

After leaving, Li Mu came to the living room, turned on the TV, and watched the entertainment programs on the TV to pass the time.

In the bathroom, Princess Mila curled up, thinking in her mind After hearing what had just happened, he didn’t know what to say.

After a long time, Princess Mila pretended to be calm and left the bathroom.

Outside, Li Mu saw Princess Mila coming out, and smiled and said:"Princess Mila, I'm sorry, I just It wasn't intentional. By the way, I didn't see anything. I just became temporarily blind."

It's okay if Li Mu didn't say anything. As soon as Li Mu said it, Princess Mila became even more shy and embarrassed to face Li Mu.

"plum...Li Mu, please stop talking. Also, can you please stop talking about what just happened?"

At this moment, Princess Mila no longer had the arrogance she had just now, but was as cute as a little girl.

Li Mu pretended to be calm and said seriously:"I told you what you said. I didn't see anything, so don't worry. Bar"

"Li Mu, you..."

"Hahaha, just kidding, okay, it’s getting late, let’s rest"


Princess Mira didn't say anything, and took a sneak peek at Li Mu.

Somehow, Princess Mira felt that Li Mu seemed a bit handsome this time, and she suddenly felt a strange feeling in her heart.

Li Mu noticed Princess Mira's gaze and stretched out his hand. Touched his face

"What's wrong, Princess Mila, why are you looking at me? Is it possible that you already like me?"

"Whoever likes you, stop joking, this is 097 impossible."

Princess Mila blushed and shouted, and then ran away quickly.

Before leaving, Li Mu also saw a blush on Princess Mila's cheek.

Li Mu touched his cheek and murmured to himself:"This girl It's not because he is shy that he likes me.

No, it should be said that I am too handsome. Anyone who sees me will be attracted by my beauty.

I am indeed an extremely handsome man."

Of course, Li Mu just had sex in his mind for a moment, and then returned to his room.

Fortunately, Princess Mira did not hear Li Mu's words, otherwise she would have slapped Li Mu on the face.

There is still such a thing in this world. Shameless person.

Of course, Princess Mila didn't hear all this.

In another room, Princess Mila was lying on the bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep, with Li Mu's figure in her mind.

Princess Mila didn't know why, she was I can't forget Li Mu and always think of Li Mu in my heart.

Perhaps this is because of Li Mu's charm. Anyone who sees her will be attracted by his beauty.

This is the legendary Pan An.

With this At the same time, there are people in black from time to time on the streets of Tokyo, looking for Princess Mira.

Recommended new book - One Piece: A Fate with Dragons_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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