As soon as the bartender escaped, the guards surrounding him rushed over.

The bartender just glanced at the guards, then rushed towards Li Mu and reached out to grab Li Mu.

When Princess Mira saw that Li Mu was about to be arrested, she became anxious and suddenly worried about Li Mu.

The corner of Li Mu's mouth twitched. When did this guy become so confident that he dared to do something to him?

Could it be that he didn't do anything, which made these people think that he was weak? boom!

Before the bartender could get close, Li Mu kicked him down, sending the bartender flying more than ten meters.

Princess Mila breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that Li Mu was fine.

She was really worried just now that something had happened to Li Mu.

On the other side, Fujiko Mine's eyes lit up when he saw Li Mu's handsome movements.

He is handsome and has great analytical skills. Now it seems that his abilities are also very strong. He is only one step away from being her perfect lover.

"By the way, I still have something to do, so it’s time to leave. I’ll investigate you carefully later."

Mine Fujiko looked at Li Mu for a moment, then turned and walked away.

Muya noticed Fujiko Mine leaving, turned around and winked at Princess Mira, and then left with Fujiko Mine.

Princess Mira didn't see Fujiko Mine and thought something was wrong with Li Mu, so she didn't pay too much attention.

After leaving the banquet hall, Li Mu followed Fujiko Mine, and suddenly thought of the scene in the original work, his eyes lit up, and he immediately disappeared.

Fujiko Mine walked into the elevator. After entering, she found no one and immediately closed the elevator.

Li Mu also took advantage of this moment and followed directly in with a whoosh sound.


Mine Fujiko felt the passing wind and quickly looked around, but didn't find anyone.

"what the hell? I thought there was someone, but there was no one."

After saying that, Fujiko Mine opened her clothes, and then the clothes fell directly off.

This figure is so outstanding, even Fei Eri and others can't compare to Fujiko Mine.

In other words, among all anime, Fujiko Mine They are all very outstanding.

Li Mu took a peek, then recovered immediately and said in surprise:"You...what are you doing? Is it possible that you want to do something to me?"

Mine Fujiko was also startled by Li Mu, and the clothes in her hands fell to the ground.

Fortunately, Mine Fujiko reacted, quickly picked up the clothes, and quickly put them on.

Li Mu also looked at it seriously.

This tight-fitting suit , outlining Fujiko Mine's figure, making it even more attractive.

After putting on her clothes, Fujiko Mine noticed that it was Li Mu, with a blush on her cheeks.

Until now, her delicate body has not been seen by anyone else, not even Lu Neither did Bang III.

Now he is actually seen by Li Mu

"This handsome guy, when did you get here? Did you just see something? Li

Mu raised the corners of his mouth and said seriously:"Beauty, my name is Li Mu. Besides, I didn't see her just now.""

The corners of Fujiko Mine's mouth twitched.

Are you sure you didn't see anything? Why did she think Li Mu saw everything?

Fujiko Mine approached Li Mu, put a hand on Li Mu's shoulder, and looked at Li Mu with her beautiful eyes.

"Li Mu, you won’t tell anyone, right?"

Li Mu smelled the body fragrance emanating from the air and held down Fujiko Mine's hand to prevent her from doing anything.

Li Mu knew that Fujiko Mine would definitely do something to him, so she gave him a small lesson.

"Beauty, whatever I say must be supported by evidence. Also, I have told you my name, what about you? I don't know your name yet."

Fujiko Mine struggled slightly, and seeing that she couldn't get rid of Li Mu, she didn't continue to say anything.

But Fujiko Mine continued to look at Li Mu with her beautiful eyes.

"My name is Fujimineko, remember my name."

Li Mu raised the corner of his mouth.

If she didn't know Fujiko Mine, she would really believe her.

But Li Mu knew that her name was Fujiko Mine, not Fujiko Fujiko.

However, Li Mu didn't reveal it. He held Fujiko Mine tightly with his right hand and said to her blinked

"Then I will call you Fujiko. Fuji sounds a bit unpleasant. What do you think?"

Mine Fujiko's eyes flashed with a strange light, but he didn't show it.

"Okay, handsome guys have privileges. Since you want to, then I agree with you calling me Fujiko."

As he spoke, Mine Fujiko became wary.

After all, Li Mu called her name, maybe he knew about her.

Ding... the elevator suddenly stopped, and then the elevator door opened, and a woman stood outside.

The woman was just about to come in, Then I saw Li Mu and Mine Fujiko, sticking closely together.

"No...Sorry, you two, did I disturb you?"

Li Mu reacted first and quickly clicked on Mine Fujiko's seductive red lips.

"Dear Fujiko, wait for me tonight, I will definitely let you taste what it’s like to be a man."

The woman blushed after hearing what Li Mu said, and couldn't help but glance at Li Mu.

Fujiko Mine also realized that she was actually taken advantage of by Li Mu, and it was a big advantage.

Not only was she seen by Li Mu, but she was also kissed by Li Mu. , she made a big loss today

"No, it can't be like this, I must get the place back."

Fujiko Mine muttered, and then looked at Li Mu's back, with a strange light in his eyes.

Li Mu didn't know what Fujiko Mine was thinking. After he left the elevator, he got into another elevator and came to the top floor again..

On the top floor, Li Mu went directly to Princess Mila's room.

Princess Mila was overjoyed when she saw Li Mu, but she immediately retracted her smile and became serious again.

"You're here. Where did you go just now? Why haven't I seen you?"

Li Mu just went to pick up girls, but can Li Mu say such a thing?

What's more, Xiaolan is still there

"Princess Mila, do you know? You look very much like a kind of person now."

Princess Mila was stunned for a moment and asked in confusion:"What kind of person?"

"A husband who is anxiously waiting to leave at home, a lonely and empty wife, do you miss me?"

Princess Mila:"……"


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