"Any words?"

Fujiko Mine paused for a moment, then picked up the lighter, lit it, and leaned against the door.

"Electronic lock code? 5201314?"

Fujiko Mine has black lines all over her head. Someone actually carved the password on the wall. Is there such a stupid person in the world?

Although she doubted it in her heart, Fujiko Mine still entered according to the password.

After all, the password on the iron door does not look like It was specially prepared, but it was left long ago.

Of course, the password was carved into this door by Li Mu today. A knife is enough.


Just after entering the password, the red light on the iron door turned on, and the door suddenly opened. A little bit.

The corner of Fujiko Mine's mouth twitched.

In this world, there are actually people who carve passwords on iron doors.

And she also met her. This is such good luck, it is rare throughout the ages.

Fujiko Mine didn't think much about it. The iron gate, and then looked at the iron gate inside

"That’s it for today."

Fujiko Mine did not continue. She did not have Li Mu's fingerprints and could not open the door.

In the distance, Li Mu saw Fujiko Mine wanting to leave, and pretended that she had just come out of the room.

"Fujiko, why are you here? What's matter? Fujiko

Mine was startled, but seeing that Li Mu seemed to be fine, he quickly said:"It's nothing, I have nothing to do.""

"Yeah? Li Mu did not expose it directly, but asked doubtfully:"Fuerko, what is that in your hand?" Are you ready to leave?"


Fujiko Mine was startled, then she realized what she was doing and said quickly:"Yes, I remembered that I have something else to do today, so I'm going to leave."

"No, Fujiko, you said you wanted to spend the night here, so you must stay."

Li Muyi looked at Fujiko Mine sternly and grabbed her catkin.

Fujiko Mine didn't struggle, she was grabbed by Li Mu and came outside the room.

"Okay, you are here tonight and you are not allowed to leave. I will send you away tomorrow."

"OK, I get it."

Mine Fujiko winked at Li Mu, and proudly straightened her figure, showing off her beautiful figure.

Li Mu looked at Mine Fujiko who kept tempting him, and suddenly put his arms around her slender waist and pulled her into arms

"What's the matter, Fujiko? You must have been deceived by my handsomeness and wealth. In this life, you will never marry anyone but me."

After saying that, Li Mu even blinked at Fujiko Mine.

Fujiko Mine's heart suddenly jumped. She covered her heart with both hands and stared at Li Mu with her beautiful eyes.

At this moment, Fujiko Mine suddenly felt a heartbeat.

It was like first love. The scene at that time.

Although her heart was moved, Fujiko Mine had very strong self-control. It only took a while for Fujiko Mine to recover.

"Li Mu, if you want me to be fascinated by you, you are still far behind."

After saying that, Fujiko Mine hurriedly pushed Li Mu away, bowed her waist coyly, swung her little pussy and walked away.

Li Mu watched Fujiko Mine leave with the corner of her mouth raised.

As long as it can make Fujiko Mine feel a different feeling in her heart, that's it..As for Fujiko Mine having a purpose now, Li Mu can handle it in the future.

He believes that Fujiko Mine will be impressed by his charm in the future.

After Fujiko Mine entered the room, Li Mu did not leave in a hurry, but hid aside. Next to the wall.

However, after Fujiko Mine confirmed that Li Mu was not there, he immediately picked up the phone and called Lupine III.

On the other side, Lupine III received Fujiko Mine's cell phone and suddenly became excited.

"Fujiko, you actually took the initiative to call me. Is there something wrong?"

Although Fujiko Mine has not seen Lupine III, she can be sure that Lupine III has a piggy expression.

If Lupine III wasn't very capable, she could take advantage of it.

Otherwise, Fujiko Mine would have left long ago.

Now Fujiko Mine has met another person with outstanding abilities, and he is much more handsome than Lupine III.

I just don’t know who is more outstanding between Li Mu and Lupine III.

"Hey, Fujiko, what's the matter? Don't you miss me? Fujiko

Mine reacted and said quickly:"Lupine, I have something to do with you. I have a good deal here. How about it? Do you want to participate?""

"Good deal? What is the deal?"

Although Lupine III was a little regretful, he immediately became interested when he thought of a good deal.

"He is a rich man. He has a treasure room at home. There are many gold jewelry and pearl jewelry in it. Do you want it?"

"a lot of? how many?"

As Kaitou Lupine, if the number is too small, Lupine III will look down on him.

"It's not particularly large. The gold is about one room, which is more than a hundred square meters. The rubies are only ten big boxes, about a hundred or so, each weighing tens of grams. The purity is very high, and they are all real."Fujiko Mine said calmly.

"Cough cough cough……"

Lupine the Third choked, almost not choking.

With so much gold and rubies, selling him for not much money is nothing.

But then Lupine III came to his senses and said excitedly:"Fuerko, tell me that guy's address quickly. I'll go and steal all the treasures from that family in a few days."

Outside, Li Mu's mouth twitched.

Is he just such a taken advantage of? He actually formed a group to come to his house to steal things. This guy is so bullying.

Li Mu decided that he must teach Fujiko Mine a lesson in a few days.

Of course, give Lupine the Third a lesson by the way.

Even if Lupine III had the help of Ishikawa Goemon, Li Mu would still beat Lupine III to death.

However, Lupine III is still very pitiful. He was instigated by Fujiko Mine, then betrayed, and finally fell into a trap.

In the distance, in a villa, Lupine III just hung up the phone and suddenly shuddered, having a very bad thought in his heart.

"What's wrong with me? Is there something wrong? Could it be...Fujiko is thinking of me, right? Hahaha..."

Next to him, Daisuke Jigen looked at Lupine III with contempt, always feeling a bad feeling in his heart.

He always felt that Lupine III was going to be tricked by Fujiko Mine this time.

In fact, this time, Lupine III was indeed tricked by Fujiko Mine, and it was still a big trick.

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