"I'm tired tonight, that's all."

Mine Fujiko couldn't bear Li Mu's gaze anymore and ran away as fast as he could.

Li Mu shook his head and said nothing more.

He believed that one day, Mine Fujiko would definitely fall into his arms.

The latest is Li Mu had some expectations for the day when Mine Fujiko attacked his family's treasure room.

That night, Li Mu spent a peaceful night.

Until the next day, Li Mu left the hotel and came to the palace.

Who let this day happen? It was the day when Princess Mira ascended the throne, so Li Mu naturally had to attend.

And there was a big event today, and Li Mu needed to protect Mira well.

Only in this way could he win the heart of the goddess.

When they arrived at the palace, Li Mu, led by the maid, arrived In Princess Mila's bedroom. When

Princess Mila saw Li Mu's arrival, she was not so nervous. Instead, she felt a little bit lucky.

"Okay, Mira, get ready. Isn’t it going to be your enthronement ceremony later? Don't make a fool of yourself"

"No way."

Princess Mila said with a blushing face.

On the other hand, Keith saw that the situation was almost the same, so he quickly stepped forward and said:"Princess Mila, the Duke is here, didn't you know you wanted to go there?"

"Uncle? I know, I'll get over it."

Princess Mila nodded, without any idea of ​​the cruelty that followed.

Li Mu didn't remind her, anyway, it was a matter of a moment, and it would be easily solved by then.

Keith also knew something, but he also didn't say it. He didn't have enough evidence.

After Princess Mira left, Li Mu said,"Earl Keith, are you ready for what I asked you to prepare?"

"Get ready, the shotgun the Duke used was right outside."

Although Keith didn't know what Li Mu meant, he still did it for Li Mu.

Li Mu raised the corners of his mouth and followed Princess Mira without explaining. After walking for a while, Li Mu and others came to a garden.

At this moment, there was a person standing in the garden.

This person was none other than Princess Mila's uncle and the younger brother of the previous queen.

However, he was also the culprit behind the death of the queen and the prince.

The Duke waited until Princess Mila arrived and took another look at Li Mu. , but then ignored it.

An ordinary person, he could easily solve it

"Uncle, what do you want from me?"

Li Mu suddenly took a step forward, stopped Princess Mila, and then looked at the Duke seriously.

"Mr. Duke, we can have a good discussion about your killing of the Queen and the Prince."

The Duke's pupils shrank, but he quickly recovered.

"Sir, I don’t know what you are talking about? Do you mean I killed my sister?

Princess Mila also reacted and said quickly:"Li Mu, how is this possible? How could my uncle kill my sister?""

Keith didn't say a word and watched silently.

Li Mu smiled and picked up the shotgun on his side.

"do you know? The queen actually didn't like hunting, so they replaced all the bullets in the prince's shotgun with blank bullets.

So I'm afraid you don't know that the prince can't kill anyone at all.

Secondly, the prince was actually left-handed, but he actually had a gun in his hand. It was obvious that someone deliberately killed him and then framed the blame on him, saying that he committed suicide.

And the only one who can do all this is you, Mr. Duke, who was the first to rush to the scene, right? Mr. Duke."

Princess Mila's expression also darkened.

"Uncle, is Li Mu right? The

Duke was solemn in his heart, but smiled on the outside and said:"It's a good reasoning, but do you have any evidence?""

Li Mu raised the corner of his mouth, picked up the shotgun, and pulled the trigger on the Duke.


There was a loud noise, and the bullet flew out and directly hit the Duke's body.

However, the Duke just fell to the ground, but nothing happened.

The Duke was stunned. He was stunned and said in surprise:"Empty...blank ammunition"

"Yes, this is a blank bullet. If my guess is correct, this should be the prince's gun. Did you change it?"Li Mu continued to speak.

"Uncle, is this true? The

Duke was about to say something else, so Li Mu said,"Does it matter if it's true or not?" Mr. Duke should plan to get rid of all the people who get in the way, including us."

Keith was stunned and quickly took a step forward.

The Duke didn't want to hide anything and said directly:"Yes, I have indeed made this decision. It doesn't matter whether it is true or false."

Princess Mila trembled

"Uncle, why, mother is your sister, how could you do this?"

"Like this, how about this, it's all her fault, I let her mine the ore, and she actually blames me, it's all her fault, it's all her fault."

The Duke shouted angrily.

Li Mu didn't care and walked towards the Duke.

"Don't come over here, or I'll blow up the bomb here."

The Duke looked at Li Mu walking towards him and quickly took out a remote control.

Keith's face changed slightly, and he quickly put his hand in front of Mira and blocked Mira with his body.

Li Mu smiled and said disdainfully:"Isn't it the one in the pillar? bomb? It has been demolished a long time ago. You can bribe others, and so can we. I have much more money than you."

The Duke was shocked.

He knew where the bomb was installed, but how could Li Mu know it.

For a moment, the Duke even began to wonder if the bomb had been defused.

Just when the Duke was confused, Li Mu suddenly rushed out , and snatched the bomb's remote control from the Duke's hand in an instant.

The Duke reacted instantly and realized that he had been fooled.

Knowing that he had been fooled, the Duke became angry and shouted to the soldiers behind him:"Come on, give him to him." I grabbed it."

Li Mu quickly picked up the shotgun and quickly changed a few bullets.

""Hey, don't move, my shotgun has real bullets, if I'm not careful~" As soon as he finished speaking, several guards who had been bribed by the Duke stopped immediately.

If this gun hits the body, it will kill someone.

They I won't give up my life for the Duke's money. That's an idiotic act.

"Damn it, come on, don't be afraid, those shotgun bullets are fake."

It's a pity that no matter how angry the Duke was, the soldiers ignored the Duke and never dared to come forward.

Seeing this, Keith nodded to the guards on the side.

Then the two of them rushed out together, knocking down the Duke in just an instant. Now.

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