The next morning, Li Mu woke up early.

Mine Fujiko, on the other hand, was already in a deep sleep because of her hangover and the long hours of hard work.


Suddenly, Fujiko Mine moved. Li Mu reacted and quickly lay down next to Fujiko Mine.

Now he must pretend to be drunk, otherwise Fujiko Mine will doubt him.

You must separate yourself from this matter.

After a while, Fujiko Mine woke up.

As soon as she woke up, Fujiko Mine felt exhausted physically and mentally, as if she had just undergone strenuous exercise, and her body felt disobedient.

"What is going on? Why do I feel so much pain? What happened last night?"

Fujiko Mine didn't realize what happened. She touched the back of her head, her brain in chaos.

Suddenly, Fujiko Mine's hand touched an arm.

Fujiko Mine calmed down and quickly turned her head to look aside.

She saw only her side. , there was actually a person lying there.

This man was familiar to him, it was Li Mu who went shopping with her yesterday.

Fujiko Mine looked at her body again, and then at Li Mu's body, but she still didn't know what happened.

Last night , his Li Mu unknowingly completed what a man and a woman should do.

She had retained her chastity for so many years, and was taken away by Li Mu.

Fujiko Mine recalled it in her mind, and then thought of yesterday What happened at night.

Although she drank a lot, she still vaguely remembered what happened before and after she got drunk.

Then, Fujiko Mine thought that she was drunk and accidentally ended up with Li Mu. Together, he accidentally gave his first time to Li Mu.

For a moment, Fujiko Mine didn't know what he should do, but he was extremely upset. If he had known better, he wouldn't have drank so much last night, but he accidentally... I did that kind of thing with Li Mu.

Li Mu waited for a while, and when he saw that the time was almost up, he slowly woke up and rubbed his sleepy eyes.

Of course, Li Mu actually woke up long ago.

But Mine Fujiko didn't know, She thought Li Mu was about to wake up, so she quickly picked up her clothes and prepared to leave.

Li Mu moved faster and pretended to put a hand on Fujiko Mine

"How is this going? Why am I here? What happened last night?"

At this moment, Li Mu transformed into an Oscar winner and showed off his acting skills directly in front of Fujiko Mine.

Then Li Mu reacted and looked at Fujiko Mine next to him in surprise.

"It's you, Fujiko, why are you here? Is it difficult for you and me?"Li Mu pretended to be surprised.

Fujiko Mine had a blush on her cheeks, and she didn't know how to explain it for a moment.

You can't say that I had sex with you after you drank too much last night. This is a bit too much.

But Fujiko Mine is not shameless either. It was too thin. After struggling for a while, he said directly:"As you thought, I drank too much last night, so you can do whatever you want."

The corners of Li Mu's mouth twitched. These words were too strong. Coming from Fujiko Mine's mouth, it sounded a little strange.

"Fujiko, I already know that we all drank too much last night, but don't worry, I'm not the kind of person who has a bad heart, and I will take responsibility for you."

Mine Fujiko picked up the clothes on one side very calmly.

"No need, just think that I was fucked by a pig, and I won't hold you responsible."

Although it was her first time, she was also very open and there was no need to continue to dwell on this matter.

Li Mu was speechless.

Fujiko Mine was so open, how could she continue talking.

No matter what, it was decided like this.

Li Mu muttered in his heart, and then He grabbed Mine Fujiko's arm and looked at Mine Fujiko affectionately.

"Fujiko, don't say that, I have already decided that I will pursue you and make you my real woman."

Mine Fujiko was also overjoyed in her heart and almost couldn't help but agree.

However, Mine Fujiko still restrained her inner impulse and suppressed her affection for Li Mu.

"No need, we are not children anymore. Since we drank too much, we have to pay the price for our actions, and we are all adults, so there is no need to be so entangled."

Li Mu suddenly grabbed Mine Fujiko who was getting dressed and stared lovingly into Mine Fujiko's eyes.

"Fujiko, I really like you, and I will never give up on you."

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