"Forget it, let's go find him and go out to have some fun. Mira put down the snacks in her hands, turned around and left.

On the other hand, after resting for a while, Li Mu tidied his clothes.

"Okay, Fujiko, you can go back if you want. You can drive the car I have here as you wish."

Mine Fujiko also got dressed, picked up a piece of tissue, and wiped her forehead.

Then Mine Fujiko picked up a cigarette and started smoking.

A beauty is a beauty, even if she smokes, she is so beautiful.

After smoking a cigarette, Fujiko Mine got out of the car and took a few glances at the nearby cars.

Finally, Fujiko Mine set her sights on an imported luxury sports car aside.

"Li Mu, this car belongs to me."

Li Mu said nothing and silently watched Fujiko Mine leave.

At this moment, Mira also came to the parking lot.

"Let me see, which car should I choose?"

Mira glanced at the cars around and muttered, completely forgetting that she was here and didn't have a driver's license.

"Mira? Why is she here?"

Li Mu looked at Mira and felt happy in his heart.

"Wait, is Mira going out?"

Li Mu's face changed suddenly. If Mira goes out, she must be another road killer.

And Mira doesn't seem to have a driver's license.

Once discovered, she will definitely be caught.

Li Mu quickly got out of the car and walked towards Mira quietly.

Mi La did not notice that an evil person was about to approach her, and was still carefully choosing which car he should drive away.

After Li Mu approached Mira, he suddenly stretched out a hand and hugged Mira hard. Pull her into his arms

"who? He actually attacked me. Mira shouted loudly, then raised her right arm, intending to hit Li Mu hard.

"Mira, it's me, what do you want to do? Could it be that you want to hit me?"

"Li Mu, is that you? Mira heard Li Mu's familiar voice and stopped immediately.

Then Mira noticed something, lowered her head quickly, and said shyly:"Brother Li, let me go quickly, don't do this.""

Li Mu raised the corners of his mouth, leaned on Mira, and blew a breath into Mira's ear.

"Mira, what do you mean you don’t want? Do you don’t want this, or do you want the next thing?"

"What's next?"

Mila suddenly had a very bad feeling in her heart.

"Yes, that's what happens next."

On the other side, after Fujiko Mine drove away, she just turned a corner and remembered that she seemed to have an agreement with Lupine III.

"I don’t know if he is still there, but forget it, I’ll go take a look."

Although Fujiko Mine didn't plan to go, considering that she had tricked Lupine III many times, she still went to see Lupine III.

When they arrived at the agreed place, Fujiko Mine found that Lupine III was still waiting for her.

Although Mine Fujiko was still very moved in her heart, but now that she was Li Mu's, she was naturally far away from Lupine III.

Lupine III also saw Mine Fujiko, his eyes lit up, and love suddenly emerged in his heart.

"Fujiko, you are here, and you are even more beautiful today."

That's right, Fujiko Mine who was eaten by Li Mu is not only beautiful, but also exudes the mature smell of a woman. She is very beautiful.

Especially for Lupine III, Fujiko Mine is very attractive.

Daisuke Jigen snorted, disdainfully. He said:"It probably belongs to another man, otherwise it would be impossible for him to be so mature."

He was also confused by Fujiko Mine's charm for a moment, and he quickly realized what he said.

And what he said was right, Fujiko Mine has been Li Mu's woman for a long time.

After Fujiko Mine's car stopped, he waved his hand quickly and said,"Lu Bang, This time, thank you very much. I have something else to do, so I will leave first."

After saying that, Mine Fujiko drove away directly.

Pirates and Dragons Are Fateful

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