Li Mu was walking on the street, holding Heiyu Qianying in his right hand. The two looked like a couple.

Although the clothes are a little inappropriate.

After all, Kuroba Chikage's outfit and youthful appearance made me think she was from Ekoda High School.

Fortunately, Li Mu also looks very young. Others may think that they are a high school couple, not a teacher and a student.

Black Feather Qianying was very shy, but still relied on Li Mu, with a blush on her cheeks, reaching to her ears.

Under normal circumstances, Kuroba Chikage would not be shy, but in the school uniform she was wearing, Kuroba Chikage was a little shy.

"Qianying, today, I am your teacher and you are my student, do you understand?"

Black Feather Qianying rolled her eyes. She didn't know Li Mu's fun.

Teacher and student.

I don't know how Li Mu remembered it.

But to be honest, Black Feather Qianying still had some small expectations in her heart.

This strange feeling, she has already long time no


Heiyu Qianying leaned on Li Mu's arm, looking like a little bird clinging to someone. He was very cute.

Others nearby who heard Heiyu Qianying's words couldn't help but give Li Mu a look of contempt.

But they didn't There is also some slight jealousy.

After all, Kuroba Chikage is very good in both appearance and figure, and can be regarded as a peerless beauty.

If something indescribable can happen to such a beautiful, cute, and hot-bodied student, they will definitely not Refuse.

Li Mu raised the corner of his mouth and stretched out his hand to scratch Heiyu Qianying's face.

"Qianying, please be obedient and the teacher will definitely love you."

Heiyu Qianying's face turned red again, and he reached out and pinched Li Mu's waist.

Although Li Mu didn't feel it at all, he still pretended to be in pain, hugged Heiyu Qianying tightly, and placed his small hand on Heiyu Qianying's breasts.

"Teacher, let's go! Better not here."

Kuroba Chikage took a sneak peek around, feeling a little shy in her heart.

Although she had already risked her life, but feeling so many eyes, Kuroba Chikage was still a little shy.

"OK, let's go!"

Li Mu pulled Kuroba Qianying to his car, opened the door, and walked in.

Kuroba Qianying opened the passenger door of the car, then lifted up his long legs and put it in the car Move.

The slender legs and dark stockings are so tempting.

Li Mu couldn't help but look at it a little more, and then put his hand on it.

Black Feather Qianying glanced at Li Mu, but didn't say anything, and sat down directly

"Honey, where do you think we are going now? Should I just find a place without anyone, or go to your home?"

Black Feather Qianying's mind quickly stormed, thinking about where she should go. When she goes to the wild, although there is no one, there is no guarantee that someone will appear out of nowhere.

But when she goes to his house, she might be killed by her son. Discovered, so she didn’t know where to go.

Seeing that Heiyu Qianying didn’t speak, Li Mu raised the corner of his mouth and drove away directly

"Li Mu, where are you going? Aren't you going to my house? There are people in my house."

Huang Nosuke is now at home in the temple. If he goes to her house, he will definitely be discovered.

If he is discovered, he will be discovered, but if he is discovered dressed like this, he will not know what to say.

"Do not worry! I won't go to your house."

Black Feather Qianying breathed a sigh of relief. As long as he didn't go to his house, it didn't matter if he went to other places.

But thinking that he was about to go to the wild, Zhao Liying blushed again. Her heart beat with anticipation and nervousness, and she had an indescribable feeling.

In the wild, I was looking forward to it.

However, Li Mu had no intention of going to the wild.

Half an hour later, Li Mu stopped the car and looked at a school not far away.

"Chikage, let’s go there!"

Kuroba Qianying followed Li Mu's gaze and blushed for a moment. She didn't know what to say.

Because the place Li Mu was going to was not somewhere else. This was Ekoda High School, the school where the uniform she was wearing now belonged to. That's also true. The school where her son Kuroba Kaito attends

"Li Mu, don't go here, I think you'd better go to my house!"

Kuroba Chikage would rather go to her house at the moment than go to Ekota High School.

Li Mu stretched out his arm to hold Kuroba Chikage, pulled Kuroba Chikage hard into his arms, and let go of Kuroba Chikage's body.

"Qianying, do you want me to carry you? Either you go with me in person, or we are here, you choose."

Black Feather Qianying immediately hesitated.

It's definitely impossible here. This is a school, and people come and go. If you do that kind of thing, you will be discovered.

So it's definitely impossible here.

Then go to school with Li Mu.Being carried away by Li Mu, or she took the initiative to follow Li Mu, these were the two choices.

Black Feather Qianying just hesitated for a moment, and finally decided to follow Li Mu. Otherwise, if Li Mu carried her over, everyone in the school would pay attention. Put it on the two of them.

She planned to enter the village quietly, and she didn't want to shoot anyone.

"Li Mu, let's go in."

Li Mu raised the corner of his mouth and got out of the car first.

Then Black Feather Qianying followed Li Mu and took Li Mu's arm.

After the two entered the school, they did not attract the attention of the surrounding students.

After all, the two of them were wearing the same clothes as others. The students are similar, and both Li Mu and Kuroba Qiankage are very young, and there is no abnormality. The good looks of Li Mu and Kuroba Qiankage have attracted the attention of countless people.

One is an absolutely handsome guy, and the other She is a beautiful girl with charming charm and hot figure, so she is naturally very attractive.

Li Mu ignored everyone, hugged Heiyu Qianying, and walked on the country road of the school.

Not long after, the class bell rang, and all the students hurriedly walked in In the classroom, the entire school is extremely empty outside.

The new book"Pirates and Dragons Are Fate" has begun!

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