Afternoon, Ekoda High School.

Kuroba Kaito didn't go home after school, but made a phone call directly

"Hey, I won't go back tonight. Don't worry, I'll be fine."

After saying that, Kuroba Kaito didn't give Terauchi Huangnosuke a chance to speak, and hung up the phone directly.

Terauchi Huangnosuke looked at the phone and murmured to himself:"I was going to say that Madam is back, but forget it. Yes, but since the young master knows, there is no need for me to say more."

Kuroba Kaito didn't know that Kuroba Chikage had brought Li Mu back. He left Ekoda High School immediately after school.

After all, today was the day when he, Kaitou Kidd, would make his debut. He needed to prepare in advance, otherwise he would be late. It was too late.

After Kuroba Kaito left school, he came to a library near Suzuki's house.

Because of Suzuki Jirokichi's high-profile publicity, many fans of Kaito Kidd knew about Kaito Kidd and rushed over to replace him. Come on, Kaitou Kid.

At a corner of the street, Kaitou Kid looked at the crowds surging on the street, with the corners of his mouth raised and a look of pride on his face.

"I didn’t expect that there would be so many fans this time, I will definitely perform well."

After saying that, Kuroba Kaito started to take action.

On the other side, after Huangnosuke in the temple finished cooking dinner, he came outside Kuroba Chikage's room

"Madam, dinner is ready. When will you have your meal?"

In the room, Kuroba Qianying heard the words of Huang Nosuke in the temple and immediately sat upright.

"I'll come right away"

"Okay, Li Mu, it's getting late. Let's go have a meal."

"Okay, I'm hungry too."

Li Mu didn't refuse. He pulled Kuroyu Qianying and left the room together.

The dinner was quickly finished. After dinner, Li Mu did not leave in a hurry. Instead, he stayed in Kuroyu Qianying's room.

Time passed quietly. , I don’t know how long it took, but Kuroba Kaito was still working, and Li Mu could also live happily with Kuroba Chikage. It wasn’t until a long time later that Kuroba Kaito completed his mission and escaped from Conan.

After arriving home, Kuroba Kaito Dou looked at his home and felt a sigh of relief in his heart.

"Great, I'm finally home, that little devil is still so difficult to deal with."

Although Kuroba Kaito is very confident, he does not dare to be careless when facing Conan.

Otherwise, it will easily capsize in the gutter.

"Forget it, have a good meal and have a good rest tonight."

Kuroba Kaito opened the door and entered the home directly.

Huang Nosuke in the temple had been waiting for a long time. After seeing Kuroba Kaito come back safely, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Every time Kuroba Kaito went out, he was worried about Kuroba Kaito. Yu Kaito will never come back, or he will be caught by the police directly.

"Prepare me a dinner. I'm hungry. I need to eat."

"Yes, Master, I'll go right away."

Huang Zhisuke in the temple turned around and was about to leave. Then he suddenly thought of something and quickly turned his head.

"By the way, young master, my wife is back today and she brought a man with her. It seems that he is the person that my wife likes."

"What? Mom brought that guy over?"

Kuroba Kaito became angry and hurriedly ran to Kuroba Chikage's room.

As soon as he arrived at the room, Kuroba Kaito heard the faint sound of breathing in the room.

He could tell that this sound was him. The sound of his mother's voice.

Kuroba Kaito's mind quickly turned around, and then he immediately thought of something. His face instantly turned red, and his heart was filled with anger.

"Damn it, I will never let that guy go."

Huangnosuke in the temple also knew what was going on inside, and quickly reached out and grabbed Kuroba Kaito.

"Master, you can't do this. Madam will look ugly, and it's not convenient for you to go in and see her now."

Kuroba Kaito thinks about it. If he goes in at this time, Kuroba Chikage's face will be very ugly.

And he can't go in. If he sees something he shouldn't see, he won't be able to explain it at that time.

"Okay, I'll wait. When they get better, I will definitely teach him a lesson."

After saying that, Kuroba Kaito left angrily.

Although Terauchi Huangnosuke didn't understand why Kuroba Kaito disagreed, he didn't ask any more questions.

This is a household matter of the Kuroba family, and it would be better for him to take care of it.

"Li Mu, are you leaving?"

"yes! It's getting late. It's time for me to go back. You should have a good rest and don't go to bed too late. I will be back."

After saying that, Li Mu tapped Kuroba Qianying's forehead, then put on his coat, turned around and left.

The new book"One Piece: A Fate with the Dragon" begins!

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