That night, Li Mu did not torment Mira again.

After all, Mira looked a little tired, so there was no need to continue again.

The next day, Li Mu got up, said goodbye to Mira, and left home.

Not long after leaving home, Li Mu received a text message.

The text message was sent by Miwako, asking Li Mu to help her solve a case.

Since the beauty invites her, Li Mu will naturally not refuse.

More than ten minutes later, Li Mu arrived at the Metropolitan Police Department.

At this moment, Miwako was already waiting at the gate of the Metropolitan Police Department.

After seeing Li Mu's car, Miwako was immediately happy and quickly walked to the car

"Li Mu, you're here. I'm sorry to trouble you today."

Li Mu smiled, patted the car door, and motioned for Miwako to get in the car.

Miwako didn't hesitate and sat directly on the passenger seat.

"Miwako, I came here specifically to help you today. Is there anything you want to repay me with?"

While speaking, Li Mu blinked at Miwako, who saw that Miwako's face turned red.

She didn't know what Li Mu meant.

After a long time

"Okay, I promise you, tell me, what is the case? It only takes me five minutes to solve the case."Li Mu said proudly.

To solve a case, you only need to meet the criminal and listen to the sounds of all things.

Miwako breathed a sigh of relief, and then said:"The thing is like this, a company was robbed not long ago. Yes, a total of 50 million yen.

Although the suspect was caught, no stolen money was found.

If the stolen money cannot be found for a long time, our police will not be able to convict the criminal, so we want to ask for your help."

"I understand, leave it to me."

Li Mu patted the murderer's chest and was very confident.

Now that the suspects have been found, he only needed to go to the murderer and listen to the sounds of all things.

After a while, Miwako saw that Li Mu was silent, so she had to ask:"Li Mu , where are we going now? Should we go to the crime scene or go to the Metropolitan Police Department to read the murderer's transcript?"

"No, go directly to the murderer."

As long as he sees the murderer, Li Mu will know where the stolen money is. It's so troublesome next door.

"Since you are going to the Metropolitan Police Department, why are you continuing to drive? Just go and ask."

Li Mu:"……"

Yes, the steering wheel was in his hands, and he actually continued to drive.

Really a little speechless.

Li Mu didn't say much, turned the steering wheel and headed to the Metropolitan Police Department.

After arriving at the Metropolitan Police Department, Miwako got off the bus first.

"Li Mu, I will take you to see the suspect."

Li Mu followed Miwako, enjoying the 'welcome' of a group of male police officers.

After walking for a while, Miwako stood outside a conference room and pointed at a man inside

"That guy is the suspect, but he refuses to admit it, and there is nothing we can do. See if you can find out anything."

"Okay, you're out there."

After Li Mu went in, he took whatever he had, said a few words, and then came out directly.

He already knew where the stolen money was hidden, so there was no need to stay and waste time.

"How about it, Li Mu, do you already know the whereabouts of the stolen money?"

Miwako saw Li Mu coming out and asked quickly

"I already have a general understanding. By the way, Miwako, where did you catch him?"

"It seems to be near Tanbingji Temple. I remember that Officer Takagi and the others arrested the person near here."

Li Mu raised the corners of his mouth, and then pretended to mutter to himself:"I remember that Mouri Kogoro had a commission, and Tanbing Temple was threatened and was not allowed to continue construction.

Why is this? Could it be that something is buried in Tanbing Temple? Once the construction is done, it will be discovered.

Miwako's eyes lit up and she quickly said:"Li Mu, you mean that the murderer hid the money in Tanbing Temple, so he doesn't want Tanbing Temple to be constructed for fear that the money will be discovered?"

But that’s not right. I remember that the suspect was arrested that night and never made a phone call. How could he be there?"

"Yes, the murderer is impossible, but that doesn't mean it's impossible for others. For example, someone accidentally discovered it but didn't have time to withdraw the money."Li Mu said with a smile.

Mihezi's eyes lit up and she was overjoyed.

"Li Mu, you are right. Maybe the money is really hidden there. I will search it right now."

After saying that, Miwako turned around and wanted to leave.

"Miwako, are you leaving like this? Are you free later? I'll be waiting for you at the Metropolitan Police Department, won't you not come?"

Miwako's face turned red instantly. She didn't know what Li Mu meant.

Although she was a little shy, she was even more looking forward to it.

"I know, I'll be right back."

The new book"One Piece: A Fate with Dragons" begins!

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