In the conference room, Officer Megure was having a meeting with a group of police officers

"Everyone, the content of this meeting is about the recent serial murders in Hokkaido.

It is said that the murderer has appeared here, so the police in our two places need to cooperate to arrest this heinous serial murderer."

A meeting lasted for more than an hour.

It didn't end until an hour later.

On the other side, Li Mu also ended his journey and let go of the exhausted Sanchi Miaozi.

"Okay, you guys go out first and see if the meeting is over. If not, I will follow you."

The three girls did not refuse and left the bathroom first.

After leaving the bathroom, Miwako and the other three were standing by the pool, wiping their faces.

After working for so long, they were already sweating profusely, so they naturally needed to clean their faces. Face

"Officer Sato, why are you here? Isn't this bathroom being repaired? What are you doing in there?"

As soon as Officer Megure came out, he saw Miwako and others washing their faces.

Miwako was startled. She never thought that she would meet Officer Megure.

Fortunately, Miwako reacted quickly and found it in her mind instantly. a reason

"Officer Megure, I also wanted to participate in this investigation, but I saw you were in a meeting, so I didn’t go in to disturb you. I just waited outside."

"Yeah? Then you can also investigate together. I will give you the case files later, and I hope you can solve the case."

Officer Megure had no doubts, nor would he have thought that there would be policemen doing that kind of thing in the Metropolitan Police Department.

Soon, all the policemen left the top floor.

Miwako was immediately relieved after seeing all the policemen leaving. He took a breath, feeling secretly happy in his heart.

Fortunately, he was not exposed just now.

Suddenly, a figure appeared behind Miwako.

Miwako's body warmed up, and she gently pushed Li Mu away.

"Okay, no need to do this, I have to investigate something, so I won’t accompany you. See you next time."

Li Mu did not stop Miwako and allowed her to leave.

There have been enough times today. Li Mu also needs a good rest, otherwise his body will not be able to bear it no matter how powerful it is.

"Well, Li Mu, we also have a mission and it's time to leave."

Yumi and Miike Naeko also said hello to Li Mu and left together. As soon as the two left, Li Mu just glanced at them, then followed them and left together. They left the top floor and were just about to walk out of the Metropolitan Police Department. , Li Mu happened to meet Officer Mu Mu.

Officer Mu Mu also saw Li Mu and was slightly stunned.

"Mr. Li, why are you here? Why don't you tell me? I will also treat you well."

In front, Sanchi Miaozi and the other two who had just taken two steps stopped and pricked up their ears.

They were also a little nervous, for fear that Li Mu would say the wrong thing.

Li Mu was very calm and smiling.

"Oh, wasn't there a robber yesterday? Didn't you find the stolen money? Miwako asked me to come over and help. I've already done it."

"Oh, it turns out you were the one who helped. Thank you so much. I didn’t expect you to help our police again."

Officer Memu was grateful.

He was also very troubled by yesterday's case.

Unexpectedly, he just came here today and received the good news that the case has been solved.

Although the police did not solve it themselves, at least it has been solved. The case was solved, and he was naturally very happy.

"Officer Megure is polite, this is what we good citizens should do."

If Conan were here, he would definitely despise Li Mu.

But Officer Mumu didn't think so, and instead praised him

"By the way, Mr. Li, I wonder if you are free recently? We have a case here and we hope to ask Mr. Li for help."

"Of course you can, it’s an honor."

Li Mu agreed without hesitation.

Although Li Mu still doesn't know who the murderer is, with his reasoning ability, he should still be able to give the police some important clues.

Never underestimate Li Mu's reasoning ability. If he doesn't use it, it doesn't mean that he No.

On the contrary, Li Mu is very good at reasoning, no worse than Conan.

"Well, thank you, Mr. Li, please come with me."


Li Mu did not refuse, and followed Officer Mu Mu to the office area of ​​the First Investigation Section.

Just after arriving at the office area, Meihe Zichao was slightly stunned when he saw Li Mu.

"Li Mu, why are you here too? Didn't you go back? Why are you still here?"

"Oh, Officer Sato, it’s like this. Today’s case is particularly difficult, so I asked Mr. Li to come over and help."Officer Megure opened his mouth to explain.

Miwako didn't ask any more questions, and she breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. She just thought that the matter between Li Mu and her had been discovered, but now it seems that she was overthinking and Li Mu followed Officer Megure. , walked up to Miwako, and when no one was paying attention, he reached out and patted her gently.

The new book"One Piece: A Fate with Dragons" begins!

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