"Okay, no more talking, let’s go!"

Li Mu did not continue to tease Chi Bo Jinghua and strode forward.

Chi Bo Jinghua breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, but she was also a little disappointed.

She also wanted to be with Li Mu more.

But now is not the right time. Once you go too far, it will be a bit embarrassing if you are accidentally discovered. When we came to the roller coaster, because there were more people on holidays, Li Mu and others had to queue up.

Fortunately, the speed was still very fast, and the work efficiency was also very high. High.

After about ten minutes, it was the turn of Li Mu and his group of four.

Xiaolan and He Ye took the lead on the roller coaster, followed closely by Li Mu and Chibo Jinghua, who boarded the roller coaster together.

Although the roller coaster was large, it was There were a lot of people sitting there.

If they were unlucky, Li Mu and others would probably be separated.

But fortunately, after Li Mu and others got on, the car was just full.

Xiaolan and He Ye sat in the second-to-last row of 097, and Li Mu He and Chibo Jinghua were sitting in the last row.

Boom, boom...

After Li Mu waited for a while, the roller coaster drove out slowly.

Then the speed became faster and faster, and disappeared in the blink of an eye, rushing into the distance.

"Great, the roller coaster is really great, isn’t it, Xiaolan?"

"Yes, I really want to come here more times."

He Ye and Xiaolan shouted happily.

Although there were noisy sounds around, Li Mu could still hear it clearly. Li Mu did not speak, but looked to Chi Bo Jinghua aside.

Chi Bo Jinghua did not Noticing Li Mu's gaze, she just looked ahead happily, feeling a little happy inside.

As a housewife, she hadn't been out to play for a long time.

The last time she came to the amusement park, she didn't know what it was.

In her impression , it seems that it was that time, how young it was, and the memory has been blurred.

Chi Bo Jinghua was thinking about it, thinking of Li Mu in his mind, and suddenly there was a trace of warmth in his heart.

At least, she is important now.

Thinking, Chi Bo Jinghua Hua looked at Li Mu and happened to see the light. He felt suddenly shy and blushed, with a touch of red on his cheeks.

After the roller coaster stopped, the others left slowly.

Chibo Jinghua had just gotten off the roller coaster, and his body accidentally He almost fell to the ground.

Fortunately, Li Mu was faster and quickly hugged Chi Bo Jinghua from behind, with a worried look on his face.

"Madam, are you okay? Have you not been on a roller coaster for a long time? So your legs are a little weak?"

He Ye and Xiaolan also saw Chibo Jinghua's abnormality, (bgdf) ran over quickly, and each grabbed an arm.

"Aunt, are you okay?"

"Are you tired? Do you want to take a break?"

"I'm fine, don't worry"

"Auntie, you look good. It seems that you are very happy today."

He Ye noticed Chibo Jinghua's rosy cheeks and couldn't help but said something.

Chibo Jinghua became even more shy after hearing this.

"Maybe it’s been a long time since I’ve been out to play, so I’m a little happy today"

"Yeah? Then let's come over and play often in the future, Auntie."

He Ye immediately came up with a small idea.

He could take Chibo Jinghua out to play. In this way, he might be able to distract Hattori Heiji, and he could also spend more time with Li Mu. It was simply killing two birds with one stone. As everyone knows

, He Ye's idea was also in line with Chi Bo Jing's idea. Hua's thoughts.

She also wanted to come here to play and spend more time with Li Mu.

"OK! We can play together then."

The two of them each had their own bad intentions and were very happy in their hearts.

Not to mention Li Mu, he was even happier.

With both of them here, Li Mu could do some shameful things.

"By the way, let's go do other things. It's not a good idea to stay here all the time."

"OK, let's go together!"

Xiaolan pulled He Ye and walked forward talking and laughing.

Li Muze and Chibo Jinghua stayed behind.

The new book"Pirates and Dragons Are Destined" has begun!_Feilu reminds you: Three Things to Do in Reading - Collection ,recommend

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