Chibo Jinghua did not hesitate and answered the phone directly

"Hey, Heizang, what's the matter?"

"Nothing, just checking to see if you slept? Is it okay there?"


Suddenly, a slightly sharp voice came from Chibo Jinghua, and it was transmitted to the side through the mobile phone.

Hattori Heizo was also anxious when he heard this exclamation.

"How are you? Are you OK?"

"I'm fine, I almost fell down just now."

Chi Bo Jinghua blushed and glared at Li Mu, feeling very unhappy.

"Oh, then you have to be careful and don't be so careless."

Hattori Heizo didn't have any doubts, he was just concerned.

After about ten minutes, 16 Ikeha Jinghua couldn't bear it anymore.

"Okay, Heizang, that's it, I'm going to rest."

"Well, I won't disturb you anymore, you go to bed early."

Hattori Heizo didn't think too much. He just thought that Shizuka Ikeha was tired, so he didn't want to continue chatting.

After all, it was already past nine o'clock, and he should rest normally.

Maybe Shizuka Ikeha was tired from playing during the day and wanted to miss it in the evening. Go to bed early. It would be inconvenient for him to disturb Chi Bo Jinghua.

After hanging up the phone, Chi Bo Jinghua turned his head and gave Li Mu a dissatisfied look.

"Li Mu, you are so awesome, you almost scared me to death just now."

Li Mu raised the corner of his mouth slightly but didn't say anything.

Half an hour later, the two of them ended. However, Li Mu did not leave in a hurry. Instead, he lay aside and rested peacefully for a long time.

In this way, Li Mu rested for a while. Picked up

Chi Bo Jinghua also opened her eyes.

"What's wrong? Are you going to the two girls' rooms now?"

"Yes what's the matter? Don't you want me to go?"

Li Mu also knew that Chibo Jinghua knew about his affairs with Xiaolan and Ye, so he did not hide it.

"How can it be? You can go if you want, I won't stop you."

Chi Bo Jinghua's face turned slightly red.

But because it was too dark, Li Mu didn't notice

"I'm leaving, goodbye."

Li Mu tapped Chi Bo Jinghua's cheek, then turned and left.

Chi Bo Jinghua looked at Li Mu's disappearing figure, and suddenly missed Li Mu again.

But Li Mu was gone, and it was not convenient for her to say anything.

Leave After entering Chibo Jinghua's room, Li Mu did not go back, but went directly to Xiaolan's room.

Because Xiaolan was equipped with a key, Li Mu did not need to knock on the door and could directly open the door.

The door just opened, Xiaolan He and Ye noticed 097 Li Mu.

However, the two did not panic. Instead, they stared at Li Mu closely to confirm that Li Mu was not someone else.

The two of them breathed a sigh of relief at first, and then felt a little expectant in their hearts.

Xiaolan got up first, Then he walked next to Li Mu, stood on tiptoes, and stretched out his arms to hug Li Mu.

"Brother Li, you are here, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Li Mu directly hugged the princess, picked up Xiaolan, and walked towards He Ye.

Seeing Li Mu coming, He Ye quickly stood up, grabbed Li Mu's arm with both hands, and leaned on Li Mu affectionately.

The new book of Pirates and Dragons has begun!_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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