Conan's cute expression is probably something most people can't bear.

But who is Li Mu? Is he the kind of person who can be fooled by appearance?

What's more, he's a man.

Of course, Li Mu didn’t even need to say anything, Hattori Heiji answered for Li Mu.

"Of course not, you'd better go with me."

Hattori Heiji pulled Conan without hesitation and pulled him out of the car. He couldn't even be in the car, so how could he let Conan stay.

At least he had to let Conan accompany him.

"No, I don’t want it, I want to sit with Sister Xiaolan."

Conan struggled desperately, but how could he get rid of Hattori Heiji.

And it was impossible for Li Mu to give him a chance.

"Driver, drive."

Li Mu didn't even have time to sit in the passenger seat, so he asked the driver to drive.

"The driver of"097" was hired by Li Mu and paid by Li Mu, so he naturally listened to Li Mu.


There was no need to leave in such a hurry, I just wanted to take a ride, not to rob.

Conan had already scolded Li Mu in his heart.

Hattori Heiji also began to complain in his heart.

It's a pity that what the two of them can do is to get out of the car and walk alone.

"Wait, Hattori, if we don't go back quickly, what if they run away again?"

Hattori Heiji was also stunned.

That's right!

With such a criminal record, maybe Li Mu will escape again with Kazuha.

"Come on, Kudo, let's find a car quickly."

On Li Mu's side, after arriving in the city center by car, Li Mu stopped the car.

"Okay, let's get off the car. Since you are going back, you should buy some gifts."

"Indeed, I want to buy gifts for my parents."

He Ye nodded and got out of the car immediately.

Xiaolan naturally would not refuse, and she also wanted to buy some gifts.

Chi Bo Jinghua also got off Li Mu and left the car.

No one noticed, Chi Bo There was a white stain on the stockings between Jinghua's legs.

After getting off the car, Li Mu scanned the shops along the street, and finally set his sights on the hat store not far away.

The store's There are various hats hanging at the door.

One of them is the most eye-catching

"Come on, He Ye, let’s go to that hat shop. I think this hat is pretty good."

"OK, your hat seems to be really good then."

He Ye also became interested, held Xiao Xiao's arm, and walked into the hat store together.

Li Mu also winked at Chi Bo Jinghua, and then walked directly in.

Chi Bo Jinghua's cheeks were slightly red, and he followed Li Mu shyly and slowly. behind. After entering the specialty store, He Yebian picked up a hat, put it on his head, and then looked at Li Mu

"Brother Li, what do you think of this hat? Not very good?"

Li Mu took a serious look at He Ye. She was wearing a white sunhat on her head, and with her youthful and beautiful face, she looked very cute.

This hat on her head added to her beauty.

"Okay, this hat is very good, just buy this one"


He Yeyi was overjoyed when he heard Li Mu's compliment. He happily walked to the mirror on the side and looked at himself happily in the mirror.

Xiaolan and Chibo Jinghua were also looking around.

Li Mu also He picked up the hat that most excited him and looked at it carefully.

This hat had just been hung outside the door. It was a green hat.

Of course, this hat was not worn by Li Mu himself, but was still a gift for others..For example, Conan, or Hattori Heiji

"Waiter, please give me more hats of this color."

"What, Li Mu, do you like green hats?"Chibo Jinghua asked curiously.

A hat of this color doesn't look very good.

"Of course, I just like this color hat, but it's not for myself, it's a gift for others."

Li Mu said meaningfully.

Chi Bo Jinghua didn't know the meaning of cuckold yet, so she just thought it was because Li Mu liked it.

Soon, the waiter took out four nice hats.

They were all green and had different styles.

"Okay, waiter, I want these four hats. Pack them for me."


After buying the hat, Li Mu and others strolled around, and then returned to the Maori Detective Agency........

As soon as they arrived at the Mori Detective Agency, Hattori Heiji and Conan came over dissatisfied.

"Heye, Mom, where were you just now?"

After saying that, Hattori Heiji still glanced at Li Mu, as if he thought Li Mu had done something.

Li Mu raised the corners of his mouth, took out the prepared gift, and handed it to Hattori Heiji

"Come on, everyone, I bought you a gift. Do you want to see it?"

"What? Gift?"

Moori Kogoro, who was reading the newspaper, suddenly lost his composure and ran over quickly, looking at Li Mu excitedly.

"Where are the gifts? Where? show me"

"This is your gift, Maori Detective."

Li Mu handed the prepared cuckold to Mouri Kogoro.


Moori Kogoro picked up the cuckold, took a serious look at it, and then lost interest.

"What? I thought it was a good thing? Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a hat, and it was also green."

"Don't be unhappy, Detective Maori. It's a gift after all. I'll put it on for you, in the name of a fan."

"Fan?"Mouri Kogoro's eyes lit up and he suddenly became proud.

"Well, since you are a fan of my famous detective Mouri Kogoro, how can you refuse your gift? Come and put it on for me."

Xiaolan covered her head 3.5, unable to bear to look at this embarrassing father anymore.

Li Mu didn't say anything, picked up the cuckold, and gently put it on for Maori Kogoro. The matter of cuckolding Maori Kogoro, Li Mu did it often.

However, this time it was fair and aboveboard.

Mouri Kogoro didn't know this. After Li Mu put on his hat, he immediately walked to the mirror.

"Sure enough, a famous detective will always be a famous detective. Even if I wear such an ugly hat, it cannot hide my handsomeness and handsome face."

Everyone was so ashamed.

They couldn't bear to attack such a narcissistic Mouri Kogoro.

"Come on, two detectives, you also have hats. I have prepared them for you personally. Put them on quickly, you will definitely look very handsome."

Li Mu picked up the cuckold with a smile on his face.

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