After lunch, Li Mu and others stayed at He Ye's house and did not go out to play.

In this way, Li Mu stayed until night.

At night, Li Mu had just prepared dinner when Ginshiro Toyama walked in from outside.

"I'm back. What did you do tonight? Is the dinner so delicious?"

As soon as Toyama Ginshiro entered the room, he smelled the faint fragrance in the air.

This fragrance was definitely not made by his wife.

Because he knew his wife's cooking skills very well, and they were not that good at all.

"Why are you here?"

Toyama Ginshiro looked at Xiaolan and others on the sofa, and was a little stunned.

"Hello, uncle, we are here today, it is really troublesome for you."

Xiaolan saw Toyama Ginshiro, stood up very politely, and said hello respectfully.

Conan also said hello.

"It doesn't matter, it's up to you, you can play whatever you want, you don't need to be restricted in my house."

When Toyama Ginshiro saw that Li Mu was not there, he was immediately happy, with a bright smile on his face.

Every time he saw Li Mu, he was very unhappy and wanted to drive Li Mu away.

Especially when he thought of raising such a child The eldest daughter seemed to be impressed by Li Mu, and she felt even happier.

You know, he liked Hattori Heiji more.

"Uncle, thank you for your hospitality. I didn’t expect you to welcome me so much. I don’t even know what to say."

Behind, Li Mu was also smiling.

He knew that Toyama Ginshiro was not optimistic about him, but he didn't care.

As long as he got rid of Kazuya, and then got rid of Kazuye's mother.

As for Toyama Ginshiro, he His opinion is not important.

Toyama Ginshiro stiffened, turned around mechanically, looked at Li Mu's bright smile, and felt very angry.

Why is he a brat again?

"Why are you here? What are you doing here?"

"Oh, you are talking about me! I specially sent He Ye back today and had lunch and dinner here by the way."

"Do you eat here too?"

Toyama Ginjiro was so angry that he gritted his teeth.

He thought Li Mu was gone, but he was happy in vain.

Hattori Heiji noticed Toyama Ginjiro's expression and suddenly became extremely happy.

Since Toyama Ginjiro doesn't like Li Mu, he has A chance.

Unfortunately, he didn't know that Li Mu had already taken care of Kazuya and her mother, so he didn't need to care about Toyama Ginshiro's opinion.

"Dad, what do you mean? Do you have any objections to Brother Li? Today's dinner is made by Brother Li. If you have any objections, you don't have to eat it."

He Ye put his hands on his hips, looking dissatisfied.

"Really, I think Li Mu is very good. He is young, handsome, rich, has a very good temper, and is good at cooking. He is a rare good man. How do you meet him?"

He Ye's mother is also a little dissatisfied.

She likes Li Mu very much and is very happy that Li Mu can be with He Ye.

But Toyama Ginshiro is very dissatisfied and makes her unhappy.

"Yes, Li Mu is indeed a good man, much better than our Heiji. What do you think of him?"

Ikeba Jinghua also has a good sense for Li Mu, not to mention that Li Mu is still his man.

Naturally, she wants to speak for Li Mu.

Hattori Heiji has black lines on his head and doesn't know what to say.

He is Ikeba Jinghua's son. , but Chibo Jinghua actually spoke for Li Mu and belittled him.

Toyama Ginjiro's face also froze.

"I know, I didn’t say anything, I was just joking, hahahaha……"

Li Mu glanced at Ginjiro Toyama, who had a stiff smile, and walked to the dining table with the plate in his hand.

"Okay, everyone, it’s time for dinner."

As soon as everyone heard about the dinner, they hurriedly walked to Li Mu.

Not to mention anything else, Li Mu's cooking skills were absolutely unparalleled, so they naturally couldn't miss it.

Perhaps it was because Li Mu's dinner was so delicious, so this dinner was very good. Harmony, without any quarrels.

After dinner, Toyama Ginshiro looked at Li Mu

"Where will you sleep tonight? There's no place to sleep in our house"

"Dad, doesn’t my house have so many rooms? Why is there no place to sleep?"

"I can share a room with Xiaolan, a room with Conan, and a room with Brother Li. Is it enough?"

He Ye was a little unhappy. She thought her father was deliberately causing trouble.

"I sleep here too."

When Hattori Heiji heard that Li Mu was sleeping here, he immediately became anxious and quickly made a request.

"No, you and I go home."

Chibo Jinghua refused without hesitation.

She knew the relationship between Li Muhe and Ye, so she naturally didn't want her son to do unnecessary things.

"No, I have something else to do today, so I’ll leave first."

Li Mu rejected everyone.

Anyway, he could come here secretly in the evening, and he didn't particularly care.

Even if others knew about it, so what.

Hattori Heiji heard that Li Mu would not stay here, and he no longer insisted.

However, Hattori Heiji He did not leave, but was preparing to wait until Li Mu left before he left.

He wanted to make sure that Li Mu was not with the Ye family

"All right! However, Brother Li, you have to be careful, it is very dangerous at night."

Toyama Ginshiro's head is full of black lines.

Didn't Kazuye just say that the public security here is not good, and secretly mock him as a policeman?

But he can't say anything yet

"Okay, that's it, then I'll leave first and you should go to bed early."

While speaking, Li Mu stretched out his foot and touched He Ye and Xiaolan gently.

He Ye Xiaolan immediately understood that Li Mu would probably come over in the evening, and he was overjoyed.

"Brother Li, you should also go to bed early. We will definitely go to bed early tonight."

"Yes, Brother Li, bye."

Toyama Ginshiro and Ye looked happy and didn't understand why the two of them were so happy.

He didn't know that Li Mu would come back in the evening.

"Okay, I'm leaving. Goodbye."

Li Mu said hello, turned and left.

Just after Li Mu left, Chiha Shizuka also left with Hattori Heiji. Hattori Heiji stared at Li Mu, and it was not until Li Mu left that he went home with peace of mind.

Poor Hattori Heiji did not I don’t know, Li Mu will come back secretly in the evening, and he will bully He Ye. After He

Ye and Xiaolan watched Li Mu leave, they quickly washed up and then returned to their room.

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