"Forget it, it's nothing serious anyway, I'd better leave first so as not to be discovered later."

Li Mu smelled the antidote for Hattori Heizo, and then left secretly. Just after

Hattori Heizo smelled the antidote, his body shook for a moment, and then he slowly opened his eyes.

"What's wrong with me? Why does my head hurt?"

Hattori Heizo touched the back of his head in a daze and slowly looked around.

Then Hattori Heizo saw himself lying on the ground.

"I see, did you accidentally drop it on the ground? No wonder the body is a little tired."

Hattori Heizo did not suspect that someone pushed him down, he just thought that he accidentally fell.

After getting up, Hattori Heizang glanced at Ikeha Shizuka next to him, and did not wake up the sleeping Ikeha Shizuka and put on his clothes alone. Clothes.

Hattori Heizang didn't know that Chiba Shizuka was not sleeping soundly, but was knocked unconscious by Li Muchan.

Not long after Hattori Heizang left, Chiba Shizuka slowly woke up.

Just after waking up, Chiba Shizuka Hua immediately looked around.

After seeing that Li Mu was gone, Chiba Jinghua breathed a sigh of relief.

She was really afraid that Li Mu was still here just now.

Seeing that Li Mu was gone and Hattori Heizo had gone out, she was not so worried. At the same time, Chi Bo Jinghua's cheeks turned red when she thought of what just happened.

She didn't expect that Li Mu was so powerful and knocked her unconscious directly.

This ability is not available to ordinary people.

Chi Bo Jinghua stretched out his hand and felt a trace of Abnormal, he quickly sorted it out to avoid being seen.

After everything was done, Chiba Jinghua got dressed, finished breakfast, and went to Ye's house with Hattori Heiji.

After Li Mu left Chiba Jinghua's house, he After walking around outside, he went directly to Heye's house.

Just after breakfast at Heye's house, Shizuka Chiha and Heiji Hattori rushed over. As soon as Heiji Hattori came over, he set his sights on Li Mu, fearing that Li Mu He took Kazuo and left secretly.

He had already decided that he must keep an eye on Li Mu tonight and never let the two of them leave.

Li Mu ignored Heiji Hattori and looked at Xiaolan and Kazuo with a smile.

"Let's go shopping today. You can check out the nearby stores. Maybe they have some good clothes."

"OK, let's go now."

Kazuye excitedly picked up a bag, hugged Xiaolan, and left home together.

Hattori Heiji and Conan quickly followed, not daring to stop for fear of being thrown away.

Li Mu shook his head, and then looked Xiang Chibo Jinghua

"Madam, let's go together"

"OK, let's go together."

Chi Bo Jinghua naturally would not refuse Li Mu.

Li Mu and Chi Bo Jinghua were on the left and right, behind Ye. After walking for a while, Li Mu opened the distance between him and Ye and others, and quietly glanced at Chi Bo Jinghua.

"Madam, are you okay? Are you still tired now?"

Chi Bo Jinghua listened to Li Mu's words and subconsciously thought of what happened this morning, and suddenly felt shy.

This kind of thing is really embarrassing.

Li Mu noticed Chi Bo Jinghua's expression, raised the corners of his mouth, and secretly leaned on Chi Bo Jing magnificent

"What's wrong? Do you feel sorry for my fighting ability? Want to do it next year?"

"who...Who wants to do it next time? You bad guy."

Chi Bo Jinghua shouted sweetly, rolled his eyes, and then strode forward.

Li Mu shook his head and did not continue.

In the morning, Li Mu and others went shopping with Chi Bo Jinghua and bought some small things.

At noon, Li Mu took He Ye and his party to a restaurant, ordered dishes in the restaurant, and waited patiently.

Unfortunately, God did not follow people's wishes.

If Li Mu wants to eat in peace of mind, he probably won't be able to do it.

Because the restaurant A murder actually occurred.

Li Mu glanced at the dead person and had no intention of interfering at all.

However, Li Mu did not intervene, which did not mean that others did not intervene.

For example, Conan and Hattori Heiji, when the murder case first began, they had already Taking this as his task, he started investigating seriously.

Of course, Li Mu would not interfere, and he would wait until the food in the restaurant was served before continuing to eat.

"Brother Li, don’t you go and take a look?"

He Ye looked at Li Mu who was indifferent and still eating, and couldn't help but feel a little curious.

"No, let’s leave such small things to others and let’s have a good lunch."

Kazuye nodded, picked up the chopsticks, and started eating seriously.

Li Mu and others had just finished their dinner, and Hattori Heiji and Conan solved the case together.

"Damn it, you actually ate well, how could you do this?"

Hattori Heiji complained dissatisfiedly.

It was really annoying to think that he had just worked so hard to solve the case, but Li Mu and others were enjoying their lunch in peace.

"You can eat it. Your food has been served anyway, so you can still eat it while it's hot."

Li Mu smiled broadly, not caring at all about Hattori Heiji's ugly face.

Hattori Heiji glanced at Li Mu, his eyes wandered around, and then he seemed to think of something.

"No, the police just asked us to take notes. You can go too. These foods can be packed and taken over."

Conan opened his mouth to speak, and then thought about something.

If they eat here now, Li Mu and Xiaolan might leave.

But when they get to the police station, they won't be able to leave.

They can also take advantage of this opportunity to have lunch. , taking notes, there is no need to worry about being thrown away by Li Mu.

Li Mu naturally saw the purpose of the two people, and did not tell them.

"Well, since it is the request of the police, we good citizens can help so well, and we agreed."

When Xiaolanhe and Ye saw that Li Mu had agreed, it was naturally impossible for them to refuse.

Moreover, they were also good citizens. Generally speaking, they would not refuse the police's reasonable requests.

Making a record happened to be a reasonable request.

Afterwards, Li Mu and his party, They got into police cars and headed to the police headquarters.

Logically speaking, Li Mu and others did not need to take notes. However

, these police officers also knew Ikeha Shizuka, Hattori Heiji and Kazuha, so naturally they would not say anything more. At most It was just a waste of time.

Half an hour later, around one o'clock in the afternoon, Li Mu and others came to the police headquarters.

The new book of"Pirates and Dragons" begins!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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