In the afternoon, Li Mu spent the day with Mira at home. In the evening, he left the house and came outside Fei Yingli's house.

As soon as he arrived at Fei Yingli's house, Li Mu saw Fei Yingli and Xiaolan at the door.

Similarly, Xiaolan and Fei Yingli also saw Li Mu

"Brother Li, why are you here?"

"Oh, I just came over to see Xiaoxue. After all, I missed her a little bit after not seeing her for many days."

Anyway, she is also his daughter. Of course Li Mu misses her very much.

"Yeah? So welcome."

Fei Yingli hurriedly opened the door.

She went to Li Mu this time, hoping that Li Mu could stay with her for the night.

Now that Li Mu is here, how could she refuse.

Xiaolan stopped talking. She thought Li Mu was coming to reward her. , a little shy inside

"Thank you."

Li Mu smiled and focused on Xiaoxue in Xiaolan's hand.

Children are so sleepy.

Xiaoxue is sleeping now and ignores Li Mu at all.

Li Mu just glanced at it, then took Xiaoxue and hugged him Xiaolan looked at Xiaoxue in Li Mu's hand and looked at it carefully.

Somehow, she felt that this child looked very similar to Li Mu, they were carved from the same mold.

"Brother Li, this child is so cute like you."

Fei Yingli listened to Xiaolan's words, and the corner of her mouth twitched.

Could this child not be like herself?

After all, this is her and Fei Yingli's daughter, and she is her biological child.

Fei Yingli's cheeks were also slightly red, but she didn't say anything, pretending to be herself I haven’t heard anything.

This is her daughter’s matter, and she hasn’t told Xiaolan yet.

"Yeah? Is he as handsome as me? It looks like he will be a beautiful woman in the future."

Li Mu was shamelessly narcissistic.

After entering Fei Yingli's house, Xiao prepared the ingredients and walked to the kitchen on the side.

"Mom, I'll prepare dinner for tonight. You guys go and have a rest."

"Xiaolan, let me help you. After all, I promised to repay you today."

Li Mu also walked to the kitchen, put an arm around Xiaolan, and pulled Xiaolan into his arms.

Xiaolan's body trembled.

She had never forgotten Li Mu's words. As for the repayment Li Mu said, she was very much looking forward to it.

But she hopes the time for repayment is in the evening, not now, and not in the kitchen.

"Brother Li, why don't you go and have a rest? Leave this kind of matter to me."

Li Mu directly ignored Xiaolan's request.

Here, it doesn't matter even if he is discovered. Anyway, Fei Yingli has already known about him and Xiaolan, so there is no need to worry about being discovered.

Even if he is discovered, Fei Yingli will probably pretend to be something else. None of them were seen.

Outside the kitchen, Fei Yingli was about to come over and say something.

As soon as she arrived at the door, she saw Li Mu and Xiaolan, and also saw Xiaolan.

Fei Yingli reacted immediately, backed away quickly, and hid beside the door. cover yourself with wall

"Damn it, this guy behaves like this in my house! Playing tricks on my daughter puts me in too much regard."

As she spoke, Fei Yingli's tone was laced with jealousy.

In the kitchen, Xiaolan was also startled, and quickly grabbed Li Mu's hand while carefully looking outside.

"Brother Li, what are you doing? What if you are discovered? Mom is still outside."

Silly boy, your mother has discovered it a long time ago.

Li Mu had long sensed Fei Yingli outside and complained in his heart.

But Li Mu did not say it out loud. Instead, he pulled Xiaolan's arm away and gently pulled her down. shorts

"Don't worry, your mother won't find out. Besides, don't you miss me?"

After a long time

"Brother Li, you really know that, so much so that I forgot to prepare dinner. What do you think I should do?"

Xiaolan put her hands on her hips and looked fierce, but in Li Mu's eyes,

Xiaolan looked even cuter like this.

"Okay, I understand. Let me help you make dinner tonight. It will be done soon."

Li Mu tapped Xiaolan's face, and then picked up the ingredients. One Piece:

A Fate with Dragons_Fei

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