The next morning.

Li Mu got up early and returned to his room.

Not long after Li Mu returned to the room, Xiaolan left the room and came to the living room.

Then Fei Yingli walked out of her room.

Xiaolan noticed Fei Yingli and remembered what she said yesterday evening, with a slight blush on her cheeks.

In fact, Xiaolan still regrets it.

Why did she say something like this yesterday? If she had known it earlier, she would have pretended that she knew nothing and let Fei Yingli help her to solve her loneliness.

Fei Yingli naturally noticed Xiaolan's expression and did not hit her, pretending that she had forgotten.

Seeing that Fei Yingli didn't dwell on this topic, Xiaolan breathed a sigh of relief, and then quickly walked to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

After breakfast, Xiaolan crossed her arms and looked at Li Mu

"Brother Li, it's getting late. It's time for me to go home. I have to go to school later."

Happy time is always very short.

Before Li Mu felt it, Xiaolan was going to school. It's a pity that Li Mu couldn't stop it.

But fortunately, Li Mu still had Mira or Fei Yingli to accompany him. , not too lonely

"Okay, Xiaolan, let me drive you so you can get there quickly."

"Well, thank you."Xiaolan nodded her little head.

But then, Xiaolan thought of something again and quickly looked at Li Mu

"By the way, Brother Li, didn’t you say you didn’t drive? How to send it to me?"

Li Mu:"……"

"Oh, Xiaolan, Lawyer Fei has a car, I will drive Lawyer Fei’s car to take you off"

"OK, let's go."

Xiaolan picked up her luggage, turned and walked towards the door.

Li Mu reached out and touched Fei Yingli's body, and left Fei Yingli's house under Fei Yingli's eyes.

Then, Li Mu drove the car in person and took Xiaolan to the door. Lan sent it to the Mouri Detective Agency.

As soon as she entered the office, Xiaolan saw the drunken Mouri Kogoro.

She felt a little dissatisfied.

But thinking that she still had something to do, Moori Kogoro was not awake yet, so Xiaolan had to ignore it. Mouri Kogoro.

Xiaolan picked up her backpack, quickly left the Moori Detective Agency, and walked towards the school.

In the afternoon, after Xiaolan came home from school, she saw Moori Kogoro watching the horse racing.

"Dad, you are watching the horse racing again, and are you drinking again? I saw you drunk this morning."

When Mouri Kogoro saw the angry Xiaolan, he was startled and even waved his hand.

"Hahaha, Xiaolan, I’m sorry, I don’t dare, and I won’t dare again."

Xiaolan was about to teach Maori Xiaowu a lesson when she suddenly thought of what Concubine Yingli said yesterday, and she felt a trace of apology in her heart.

"Dad, you have to drink less in the future, just for today, but next time, I won’t let you off easily."

Moori Kogoro was stunned.

Is this still her tough daughter? She always kept nagging for a long time in the past, why did she give up so quickly today?

Is it possible? This child has changed her gender.

Poor Maori Kogoro is not yet I know that in Xiaolan's eyes, he has become an incompetent person.

But Mouri Kogoro didn't think much about it. Since Xiaolan didn't teach him a lesson, he wouldn't stupidly ask for torture.

"Hahaha, Xiaolan, don’t worry! I will never do this again."

Xiaolan shook his head.

He didn't believe Kogoro Mori's oath. I just said it today and forgot it tomorrow.

"Forget it, make a good meal tonight, apologize to dad properly, and continue to discipline him severely in the future."

Xiaolan has already decided that if she gives up to Mouri Kogoro tonight, she will treat it as an apology to Mouri Kogoro. But after today, she will discipline her as she wants.

In the evening, during the meal,

Mouri Kogoro sat down At the dining table, I saw the big meal on the dining table and looked at Xiaolan again.

"Xiaolan, what day is it tonight? How do you make so much food."

Conan is also a little curious.

He knows that Xiaolan is usually a bit frugal. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to make so many delicious food.

But today, what the hell is this?

"It’s nothing, Dad, I just made a delicious meal for you. Thank you for your support over the years."

Xiaolan showed a sweet smile, just like an angel.

Unfortunately, Maori Xiaowulong didn't think it was an angel, but instead thought it was a devil wearing an angel's face.

Because Xiaolan has never been so good.

".Xiaolan, what's wrong with you? Could it be that you got angry at school? Take it out on us."

Conan was also startled. He also felt that Maori Xiaolang was right and felt a little uneasy.

"Dad, what are you talking about? I just feel that you take special care of me and cook a delicious meal for you."

Xiaolan still had a smile on her face.

But seeing that neither of them believed it, Xiaolan didn't say anything more. She picked up the food and started to taste it.

When Maori Kogoro saw that Xiaolan was starting to move, he also He didn't doubt Xiaolan's little tricks, and started to eat big.

While eating, Mouri Kogoro secretly watched Xiaolan from time to time, for fear that Xiaolan would do something to him.

It's a pity that Mouri Kogoro was too worried about (his promise) Zhao).

Xiaolan did nothing but eat. She was a good baby.

After dinner, Xiaolan cleared the dining table and then returned to her room.

Maori Kogoro watched TV for a while and confirmed There was no problem with Xiaolan and she returned to her room.

Until the next day

"Dad, why are you still sleeping? If you don't get up quickly and find some work, do you still want to hang around and wait to die?"

After Mouri Kogoro woke up from a deep sleep, he felt happy.

Sure enough, this is her daughter. Xiaolan should have been transferred yesterday.

The corner of Xiaolan's mouth twitched, and she didn't know why Moori Kogoro was so happy.

Is it possible that Mouri Kogoro is not only injured in that area, but also has some self-abuse mentality.

How pitiful.

The new book"One Piece: A Fate with Dragons" has begun!

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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