"Okay, since you three want to bully me, then come on, I won't be afraid."

Li Mu looked at the three girls with a smile.

The three girls looked a little embarrassed by Li Mu.

After all, the three of them did intend to work together to bully Li Mu.

But since they have made a decision, it is naturally impossible for the three of them to go back on their words.

"So let’s get started, first of all how to decide who the king is?"

Yumi sat in front of Li Mu, staring at Li Mu, looking forward to what would happen next.

Miwako and Miike Naoko sat on both sides of Li Mu, looking at Li Mu.

In their hearts, the three girls were already thinking about what to do next. How to teach Li Mu a lesson?

"The rules of the game are simple, just draw a card, and the one with the highest number is the king."

Li Mu naturally wants to find a method that suits him. For example, drawing cards is very suitable for him.

As for other methods, Li Mu can't think of a method that suits him for a while.

"Okay, I'm going to get a deck of playing cards."

Miike Naeko walked aside and took out a deck of playing cards from a drawer.

"You shuffle the cards first, each person shuffles once, so as to ensure fairness and justice."

Li Mu looked at everyone with a smile, as if I was not afraid at all.

There was a trace of doubt in the eyes of Sanchi Miaozi and the three others.

They thought Li Mu had some solution, and they retreated in their hearts.

"What's wrong? Are you afraid? You can surrender, I won't mind"

"Just kidding, we would be scared, how is this possible? I agreed."

As soon as Yumi heard Li Mu's provocation, she immediately took the playing cards from Miike Naoko and took the lead in washing them.

Then Miike Naoko and Miwako also washed them.

After they had finished washing, it was Li Mu's turn to wash them. There were playing cards.

Li Mu took a look at the playing cards, then quickly shuffled them, and took the opportunity to secretly hide an Ace of Spades. When the three of them saw Li Mu's actions, they looked like the God of Gamblers in the movie, and felt a little uneasy.

They were really scared. , Li Mu will be able to draw the cards he wants just like on TV.

But at this point, it is impossible to go back on his word. The three of them just hope that Li Mu is just superficially powerful.

"Okay, I've finished shuffling the cards, who of you will draw first."

Miwako and the other three glanced at Li Mu, then stretched out their hands and each chose a playing card.

Li Mu was not in a hurry, but looked at the three of them.

"I'll show my cards first."

Yumi took the lead in flipping the cards, and saw a mistress appearing on the table.

Looking at her mistress, Yumi felt cold in her heart. With such a small card, it is impossible to become the king, so Zi can only place her hope on Mi and Zi.

"Let me do it."

Miwako also turned over her own card, which was a five.

Although the number was a little larger than Yumi's, it was still very small among the counter cards, and the possibility of victory was very small.

Li Mu smiled.

With these two cards, even if he doesn't He is very sure of winning if he cheats.

Especially when he just shuffled the cards, he remembered a few big cards and could completely suppress Miwako.

Yumi naturally also noticed Li Mu's smile and felt a little dissatisfied.

"Humph, there’s no need to be proud, even if I lose, there’s still Miaozi, she can definitely win."

"That's right, you will lose anyway, and we will definitely win."

Miwako held her hands in her hands and looked at Miike Naeko nervously.

Although she said that she would definitely win, she was still very worried in her heart.

Miike Naeko was also worried and slowly opened her playing cards.

A King of Hearts appeared. On the table.

The King of Hearts, only bigger than the Ace, is definitely bigger in poker.

As long as the luck is not too bad, Miike Miaozi can win.

""Yeah, yeah..."

Yumi and Miwako were stunned for a moment, and then jumped up and down excitedly.

Miike Naeko's cards are very big.

They are confident enough to win.

"Li Mu, how are you? We will win this time"

······Asking for flowers·······

"That's right, just wait for the king's order"

"Yeah? It’s not certain who will lose and who will win."

Li Mu looked at the two proud people. Originally, he had no intention of cheating.

But now that he has reached this point, Li Mu can only cheat.

"Okay, stop pretending and smoke quickly, the king is waiting for you."

Li Mu didn't say anything, pretending to put his hand on the playing card, and then quickly waved to put the hidden playing card in his hand.

In this way, the playing card Li Mu had just hidden was regarded as the playing card he had just drawn.

"Quick, open it quickly."

Miwako and the other three looked at Li Mu nervously.


Although the King of Hearts was already huge, it was inevitable that Li Mu would draw a bigger one, so the three of them were particularly nervous.

Li Mu slowly turned over the cards.

I saw an Ace of Spades appear in my hand.

The expressions of Miwako and the other three people suddenly froze. They never expected that Li Mu would actually draw the biggest card.

"Hee hee hee……"

Li Mu smiled proudly and glanced at Miwako and the other three, making the three of them tremble.

"Sorry, my biggest, now I am the king, you all have to listen to me, got it?"

"Got it, tell me, what are your orders?"

Yumi is the most generous and has the most open personality.

Since we have lost, we have to carry out the order."

"I understand, tell me, what is your order? We will all execute."

Miwako saw that the matter had come to this, so she had no choice but to agree.

Not only Miwako, but Miike Miaozi also set his sights on Li Mu, waiting for Li Mu's order.

"What about this? Let me think about it carefully, what is the first command?"

Li Mu touched it, and kept looking at Miwako and the three girls. The three girls were a little embarrassed to be looked at by Li Mu like this, and they bowed their heads shyly.

After waiting for a while, Li Mu came out and thought of something.

Pirates and Dragons There is a destiny_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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