Hattori Heiji and others stayed at the port for a while, but in the end they had no choice but to return to the beach.

After arriving on the beach, the two returned to their positions and lay down weakly.

Next to him, Chibo Jinghua saw the two of them, with a smile on his face.

"How about Heiji, have you two found Li Mu and the others?"

While speaking, Chi Bo Jinghua's tone was sour.

Li Mu took He Ye and the others away without him.

Although it was a bit cumbersome to take him with him, Chi Bo Jinghua still felt a little unhappy.

But if Chi Bo Jinghua is If Xiao is unhappy, Hattori Heiji and Conan will be very unhappy.

"Humph, didn’t you just leave? I don't care, I don't care at all, no matter where they go? None of my business"

"It's just that we can live a happy life without them, and there are so many people here, so we must be very happy today."Conan also spoke in agreement.

Although he said this, anyone with a discerning eye could see that there was a hint of jealousy in Hattori Heiji and Conan's eyes, and there was anger in their eyes.

The two of them were very angry in their hearts, but they pretended not to. He didn't care either.

Chi Bo Jinghua covered his mouth and snickered, while focusing on the sea in the distance.

He didn't know where Li Mu, Xiaolan and others were now, and whether they had begun their daily life today..

She was looking forward to it.

On the other side, Li Mu drove the yacht away from the beach and ran directly towards the endless sea.

The sea was so wide. Wandering on the sea, the possibility of encountering other ships was very slim.

In other words, , Li Mu, Xiaolan and others are in the sea, and it is difficult to be discovered by others.

This also means that Li Mu can let Xiaolan and Ye just relax a little without being discovered by others.

"Brother Li, is it okay? We have come out so far, it would not be good to go further."

Xiaolan looked around. There was an endless sea everywhere, and no one could be seen anymore.

"Yes, Brother Li, it’s almost done, let’s stop here."

He Ye also nodded, feeling that it's almost done here.

"Okay, then just stop here, there's no one around anyway."

Li Mu sensed the surroundings with his powerful sense of knowledge, and after confirming that there was no one there, he stopped the yacht.

After the yacht stopped, Li Mu turned to look at Xiao Lan and He Ye next to him.

Because he had just come directly from the sea, So He and Ye are still wearing swimsuits, and haven't had time to change.

Xiaolan is wearing light blue, and with her youthful and beautiful face, she is very cute, which adds to her beauty.

On one side, He Ye is wearing pink! Although it is a little conservative, it can still perfectly bring out He Ye's figure. And whether it is Xiaolan or He Ye, they not only have a good figure, but also have a good face, and even have a good temper. Okay.

She is an excellent girlfriend.

It's a pity that Hattori Heiji and Conan were so useless that they were poached by him.

Of course, Li Mu really wants to thank these two people.

Thanks to them. , Li Mu didn’t know how to thank them for giving him such two perfect girlfriends.

If Hattori Heiji and the two knew Li Mu’s thoughts, they would probably fight Li Mu desperately.

Xiaolan and Heye felt Li Mu’s Eyes, lowered head in embarrassment

"Brother Li, don’t look at us like that"

"Yes, I'm embarrassed."

Although the two of them said this, they still had some expectations in their hearts and wanted to rush towards Li Mu.

But they were still a little reserved.

Li Mu looked at the shy two people and put his hand on their arms.

"Xiaolan, Heye, what do you think we should do in broad daylight?"

Xiaolan and Heye became even more shy, recalling the classic lines in the TV series in their minds.

In broad daylight, they actually flirted! Playing a good family woman

"Brother Li, you are really bad."

"Yes, Brother Li, if you do this again, we will ignore you."

"Okay, okay, no more, I'm going to prepare the fishing gear and let's fish."

Fishing is naturally fake, but Li Mu has to find an excuse so that the two of them can relax.

Xiaolan and Heye breathed a sigh of relief after listening to Li Mu's words, but they still felt a little regretful in their hearts.

They didn't want to fish, they wanted to What they did was to stay with Li Mu and do some physical and mental exercises.

However, they were a little embarrassed now that Li Mu didn't bring it up.

"Okay, I've taken out the fishing gear. Let's fish together."

Xiao Lan and He Ye looked at each other, picked up the fishing gear that Li Mu had found, and got ready.

The three of them stood beside the yacht, each holding a fishing rod in their hands, fishing patiently.

But Li Mu was really patient. Fishing? This is naturally impossible.

Li Mu just waited for a while, then put down the fishing rod, walked behind Xiaolan, and grabbed the fishing rod for Xiaolan with one hand.

Pirates and Dragons Are Destined

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